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Im being the number 1 Gluttony enjoyer was the plot twist I wasn't expecting lmao


The episode was outsourced to the studio that also did Teraoka's #37, and they're not in the regular rotation; these two being their only two episodes for this show. This could be why Ed seems smaller all of a sudden. Reason could be pretty much anything. Supervisor might not be familiar enough with the designs, accidentally using old sheets of the character, maybe they never received the updated sheets for Ed due to some hiccup, etc. Akira Senju's work on FMAB is great, but I do personally prefer Michiru Ooshima score for the '03 series. Ooshima also did Tatami Galaxy and its sequels and anyone who's seen those knows how good she is. They've got some of the best tracks I've heard in anything.


I love Hohenheim and I was always on his side (even if I saw the 03 version in which is more complicated ig) But I also can totally see where Ed is coming from, he for his whole like thought he abandoned them, he thought he didn't care that Trisha died and then him and Al were alone and went through so much and yes they had granny and Winry and later Izumi, but still, plus as you once said it was clear baby Ed really admired his father. So now he knows he cares, he knows all that his father had to go through too and that he cared for them but he had a good reason to leave. And though mature from everything he has gone through he is still a teenager, him being conflicted is the least he realistically could be lol Even with all that's happening to me this episode still feels like the calm before the storm


I've watched this anime countless times and constantly notice new details. I always thought it was a bit convenient that the Moon and stars weren't out coincidently on the day they need to fight Pride. I just realized today that the Moon isn't out because it's the day before a Solar eclipse, which only happen during the new moon phase. Maybe this was something other people caught first watch, but I didn't and its a really smart detail by Arakawa.


As I see it - I don't have to give Ed a pass for anything. He's a child who lost his father, right when he needed him the most. He has every right to be angry. I love Hohenheim too and of course he had to leave. But I can look at this from a different perspective than Ed because he's not my dad. If he was I would react the same way, (probably worse tbh) doesn't matter if he had his reasons to leave.


me: :I Im: thank you for your time, because time is precious me: :)

killezio3 killezio3

Bro that first scene reminds me. Even though you are not watching the dub, you gotta see "FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Bloopers" which was made by the dub team and is so damn funny. 7 minutes of them messing with the dialogue in different parts of the show