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Sorry folks, it was a bit late. Was also dealing with a lot of re-edits for the YouTube version of Episode 3 (which is still blocked by Netflix)


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Viktor's blood entering the hexcore is such a beautiful sequence backed up by equally great soundtrack and then followed by the jinx and silco scene. So many great moments this episode


still not over how beautiful Mel is, I mean good lord 😂 her character writing itself is great too, but man, I fall in love every time I see her lmao. Honestly the majority of the characters in this show are attractive just in different ways, it’s great


copyright BS always when you start to get momentum back smh Keep grinding! Youre doin great!


I know I'm shedding more light on this by replying, but Im has already read your comment so.. Just be mindful of the words you use to describe things, there are worse things to spoil but try to see things through his perspective and the episode he is on. :)


What did I spoil, not being defensive or anything just can't figure it out. (Edit): I see now. I should've thought about it a bit more, but it really isn't that big of a deal at least.


Im going to stand up for my boy Jayce, my favourite character of the show. (The good thing about this show is that i know so much people who has seen it and each one has different favourites characters).


Indeed, and such a variety of facial features, too - tooth gaps, roman noses, differently shaped cheekbones and chins. These people GET character design.


yeah the fandom is kind of split on whether or not they like him but I personally do, he’s not my favorite but I appreciate the writing


I don't dislike Jayce but I think he's still my least favorite character. I think he's a bit too boring and formulaic for my taste. I also don't love the voice acting. Even though I like Kevin Alejandro (he's pretty good on Lucifer).


This episode is one of my favorites of the entire show!✨️ There's so much going on and it's so much fun to watch! Btw, love the thumbnail! Haha Sevika is the name of the second in command after Silco. Her fight with Vi is so incredibly well done. I can't get over how amazing Arcane's animation is. My girl Vi is back in the game!! The dynamic between Vi and Cait is what I love most about this episode. It has so much potential in so many ways. And it was so nice to see a bit more of Grayson. Her words to Cait 👌🏼✨️ Now..Viktor. Man, the visuals in Jayce and Mel's sequence are so stunning, but while watching I just kept thinking "For God's sake, Viktor is out there dying!" Hahha 😆 I like him so much. I was a little less sad when I saw that Jayce went to stay by his side. He really cares.


Jayce isn't my "favorite" character, but in a lot of ways I think he's the most fascinating and unique figure in the story. We've seen characters in other stories who resemble and go through arcs similar to those of many of the characters in this show. But I'm not sure I've ever seen a character whose arc is quite like Jayce's - a well meaning figure whose flaws come from how he vacillates constantly between extremes and thereby has trouble committing to *anything.* To some degree, I think he's there to show us the weaknesses of Enlightened Centrism. Consider his relationships to Heimerdinger and Viktor. Compared to Heimer's conservatism, Jayce represents impetuousness and the push for change (for better or worse). On the flip side, Jayce is far more cautious than Viktor when it comes to their research. But Jayce is also callous and naive compared to Viktor in truly understanding the plight of the Undercity. I don't think it's a coincidence that Jayce sounds most like Heimerdinger in his reliance on platitudes whenever he starts talking about how his work will make things "better for the people." Whereas Viktor speaks from personal experience, it's all still fundamentally academic to Jayce. And again, it's not that he doesn't mean well - Jayce genuinely wants to help people, and his decision to dip into political muckraking in this episode (IMO) seems clearly motivated by that desire to help, not any personal ambition on his own behalf. But wanting to help (or even doing things intended to help) and actually making things better are two very different things. That's a theme that runs underneath most of the major character arcs in the show, and I think Jayce is where it is explored most explicitly. I've seen this sort of character played as a villain in the past, or (as Marcus is here), at best a sort of hapless tool caught in the cogs of greater forces that he is either incapable of or unwilling to confront. I'm not sure I've ever seen it done in a protagonist - at least to the degree of nuance that Arcane's writers give Jayce here.


Ah yes, the popular hextech vs sextech dilemma 😂


More scattered thoughts written as I listen to your analysis... I appreciate how you picked up on how Vi's time has changed her. There's a tendency to see her character as one curiously unaltered by the time skip. Admittedly she still largely has the same personality (angry, fists-first, sarcastic, etc) as her younger self. And narratively this allows her to act as an audience surrogate as we're reintroduced into the Undercity.  But in more subtle ways, the episode shows that Vi *has* changed deeply, as a result of That Day combined with her years in prison. Whereas Young Vi was an idealist and burgeoning revolutionary, grown-up Vi no longer appears concerned about fighting for the Undercity's freedom anymore, but is instead solely focused on finding her sister. We see in episode 5 that she has grown disillusioned with the idea of revolution, and while she still hates topside and the Enforcers, she doesn't much care for the Undercity anymore, either (tasty tentacle slop aside). After all, it's Silco's Undercity now - what could it possibly offer her beyond more pain? As far as Vi is concerned, there are only two things left for her in this life - finding and saving Powder, and exacting as much revenge as she can along the way. Cue Sevika fight. I'm also so glad that you recognize Jinx's genius. The writers of Arcane have stated that, in their view, Jinx/Powder is the single most intelligent engineer on the show - smarter than Jayce, smarter than Viktor, even smarter than Heimerdinger. She figures out in a matter of hours or days what took the Science Bros *years.* And that's without access to their resources and training and relative mental well-being. Imagine what Powder might have accomplished had she been given a spot at the Academy! (Ah, but there our underlying drumbeat of socioeconomic inequality raises its thematic head once again...) Regarding the show's use of transitions - it's been great at this all throughout, but episode 5 in particular is where Arcane really goes nuts with the match cuts. Another reactor I enjoy noted that episode 5 is the most visually "splashy" episode to this point. Not that the earlier episodes weren't beautiful, but they were intentionally more "grounded" in their visuals to introduce us to the world and people. Then we get to episode 5. Match cuts galore, Jinx vs the boxing machine, the opera sequence, Jinx's baptism, the Imagine Dragons montage, and of course, the Hextech vs Sextech scene. They went balls to the wall on visual storytelling here, and it's stunning stuff - advancing plot, developing character, and reinforcing theme all at the same time, and largely without dialogue. It's the perfect time for it, too - we've had four episodes to set up the character dynamics, build the world, and introduce the core themes; we've even had a full episode just to catch up with the time skip. It's like the writers thought, "now that the audience knows what's up, it's time to REALLY ratchet up the parallels," and set Fortiche loose to run completely wild with the visuals. Lastly, welcome to the CaitVi club lol! We have snacks. (They're cupcakes, natch.)

Владислав Черниенко

Such an amazing episode! I love how this episode just flows between the cast seamlessly, everything is just so perfect about this one. Sevika is great yeah, I was speculating back then that she could be added as in-game playable character, her design is so sick and she indeed does have the presence. Viktor & Jayce juxtaposition scene was so weird to me, but in a good way. Such an interesting way to show us the very juxtaposition of their story, how they ended up there starting together, ended up in totally polar situations. Death & Rebirth being showcased throughout the show is something I didn't point out myself, an interesting angle for sure and it does make sense. And ofcourse gamers has something for them too. The whole cupcake thing was such a treat, because we knew Caitlyn has a thing with cupcakes. Death and Magician cards were cool, although not really that much of a reference to the game. We also see some of the Ionian attributes in that brothel and I believe that musician giving concert was meant to be Ionian. And we see pure genious of Jinx, we never knew she was that smart.