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I like that in this episode you can see how all this days travelling together mei, scar and marcoh have formed a strong bond, idk if i'd say marcoh and scar can call each other friends but there is something, like scar telling him that they won against envy, I feel is more than just we won this battle. about olivier, In the manga she say she doesn't consider him a brother because he's a coward "who ran from the Ishbalan front with his tail between his legs." She doesn't say its because Alex abandoned his country. I think her reasoning for holding some resentment towards Alex is the same reason why Alex is disgusted in himself for leaving. If he truly believed what the military was doing in Ishbal was bad, he should've stayed there and done something about it instead of running away. so I think that what she really doesn't like about Alex is that he left the battlefield without fighting to defend his ideals. He knew that what was going on in Ishval was totally wrong and did nothing to stop it. But also I think she turns up her presentation of disgust about him in order to protect him, as well as herself, because she knows Wrath's cronies won't hesitate to use a person's family as collateral. (there is that small glance at him as she leaves too) My poor Riza being watched at all times, if its not Wrath it may be Pride lol Envy is like his father atm isn't he, an homonculus inside a glass receptacle. anway, excited for friday


Key Animation – Hironori Tanaka (神) https://i.imgur.com/B52jAC6.jpg The detail, the multitone shading, the weight, the posing, the cloth, the foreshortening, the animation… Then just repeat all of that for long enough that your work amounts to a sixth of the episode’s runtime. The man’s understanding of three-dimensionality is so good that he makes the actual 3D look depthless. An exceptional artist. An animator I follow on twitter (don’t recall who it was) once said that he is: “good enough to make me want to quit and move to a remote island and live alone with the crabs.” lol


The drachma plot never felt cheap or rushed to me. I think they didn’t need to humanize the drachmian people and show the conflict cause the outcome was very clear. I feel like if they would have made the sequence longer it would hurt the pacing. The themes of war and its consequences is so apparent in the show that I didn't need another similar conflict as we're approaching the finale. Would feel weird to me. That’s my take on it. What do you think of Envy’s new form? If we would humanize Envy as a feeling I would say its one of the most disgustful feelings one could have. Cause if we are envious of someone we can do many shitty things and our surrounding people would feel disgusted of us. So I feel like it really works well that his weakest form is a worm, a disgustful little creature. There are many kind of these nods in the show that you will not get watching it the first time. That’s why we’re here. :D And another thing about Scar, I don’t think he knows that Envy was the original one that shot the girl. He knows he is a part of that group but he doesn’t know he is the one who did it. Edward never told him that, otherwise I feel like he would act very different.


Ed did tell Scar that Envy is the one who started the war. Rewatch ep 28 when Scar and May arrive at Father's lair.


Rewatched that one, you're right. Never got that he actually told Scar that Envy was the one who shot the girl, I always thought he said, THEY did it. Maybe it's also due to the fact that I watched the show most of the times in my own language and not the japanese dub. But interesting, during that chaos he also didn't went after Envy he just went against father, so maybe most of his hatred goes towards father. Never thought about it, cause Scar itself is most of the time very reserved about his feelings and cause of the character arc that he wents through

Will Watches

"This could be top 20" well there's 20 episodes left at are probably all in the top 20


So I guess Zampano is a tremendous actor after all 😊


poor Yoki 😯😥😥😥

Jafeth Díaz

can't wait for the next episode!