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Winning with 38% of the votes, Neon Genesis Evangelion will be coming to Patreon in February. Excited to experience this seminal work of anime.

The Source will be the Blu-ray and I will be watching the subbed version.

Thank you for taking part, and the next Poll will be the FMAB replacement poll in March, this is where some of the Longer Anime will come into play again.

Monster, Hunter × Hunter and Hajime no Ippo are three of the locked options as of now.

Thank you.



I’ve never seen Evangelion but I’ve definitely heard of it so this will be interesting lol. Hopefully the less popular animes will get their chance to shine on this channel in the future as well And yeah HxH is almost a guaranteed win for next time (tho I would personally prefer to see something like Monster since there’s been so much discussion around HxH already)


Never watched NGE, but I will watch it with you. I know a lot of it already so there will be no big surprises for me but I'm still looking forward to this watchthrough. Two questions, what will you do about the movies and will you watch it weekly or bi-weekly? I'm also really interested in the poll after FMAB. Not sure, what I will vote for cause HxH and Monster are both one of my very few 10/10 anime. As for Hajime no Ippo, it’s good but I think Haikyuu is the best anime to start with sports anime and also a better sport anime in general, not my fav though


Evangelion is my favorite anime, so im so excited for this!!

Jonathan baez

Lm and im reacting to hxh 🤔 not a bad timeline


Thank God


Incredibly excited for this. There are surprisingly few EVA reactions and even fewer good EVA reactions.

Leaky Peach

So will this be including the movie, End of Eva, as well? I personally like the original ending, but would feel like an experience would be missed if you didn't watch the movie to have a contrast.

Kara the gamer girl from Mars

God damn the poll for FMAB replacement is going to be impossible to vote for. HxH and Ippo are two of my personal favorites and I would love to see either of them win. Also Monster is one that I’ve had on my top of to watch list for a while so even if that one wins I am good 👩‍💻


Can‘t wait for you to experience Evangelion. It definitely is one of the medium-defining series. Also I’d recommend the „sephirotic“ release, as that one has all the director‘s cut episodes and good English subs.


He has the "Standard Edition" by GKIDS, which has the director's cut versions of the episodes and End of Evangelion if he chooses to watch it. It should have the updated Netflix subs, which are more than fine - differences were always exaggerated. It's missing the "Fly Me to the Moon" endings, which is a slight bummer - but he can listen to them elsewhere. Fully spoilerless, good quality, tells which version appeared in which episode: https://animethemes.moe/anime/neon_genesis_evangelion


Seems good. Missing the endings is a bit sad, but him watching the DC episodes is the important part. Can't say anything about the subs, as I usually watch with JP subs nowadays, but I'm sure they're going to be fine. Thanks for letting me know though!


Very excited about this. And also curious on your plans for the movie. If it hasn't been explained to you yet, it was a huge event and definitely mandatory viewing -- it's not some run-of-the-mill spinoff/filler anime movie! I know you don't do movie reactions though, so you may pass, but at least a review would be nice.


Do you plan to react to End of Evangelion as well? Would love it if you did!


Oh god, watching you try to pick apart and figure out the deep lore for NGE is gonna be hilarious