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Yeah the sub/dub debate has always been largely subjective no matter how some people try to make it seem. It’s like, I’m always going to prefer the Pokémon dub over the sub because I grew up with that version and those are the voices I’ve attached to the characters I love, but that doesn’t mean the sub is worse. I just don’t like it as much. The same goes for FMAB (tho it’s not a show from my childhood, I just really liked the English voices). I’ll always prefer the dub, but I don’t think the sub is bad at all. It has great moments as well. Some people also prefer to watch shows in a language they understand because they find it easier to get emotionally invested, which also is fine. At the end of the day you should just do what you want to do, and don’t bother listening to people that try to tell you you’re enjoying something wrong.


Storyboard – Minoru Oohara Direction – Ikurou Satou https://i.imgur.com/Ibg1E9f.png Oohara definitely outdid his work on the show so far with the flashback. I think his boards consistently peak really high, be it episodes 18 and 29 in this show, or the 24th episode of Death Note - which has the classic shot of Ryuuk towering over Light and Misa that’s been living rent free in my head for years. Three more of his boards to go! Oohara pretty much never directs, so the realization of the storyboard can be quite a dice roll, but this one was super solid by Satou. He is one of Bones’ regular safe picks that goes all the way back to when they hadn’t gone independent from studio Sunrise yet and were just their “Studio 2,” that was behind many ‘90s classics including Escaflowne and Bebop. Chiyomi Tsukamoto’s drawing supervision for the A-half was good as well. Would’ve pinched baby Ed and Al’s cheeks through the screen if I could’ve. Her razor-sharp Hohenheim almost made me call him daddy, which should amount to a passing grade..?


Most anime and game dubs from 2010 onward have their merits. The original performances will 9 times out of 10 be the more "refined" and well put together expression of the text, though there are often individual dub performances I consider superior to their Japanese counterparts. Of course, everyone's free to enjoy what they like, but I've personally never found the sub vs dub debate very substantive at all. Actors gonna act - enjoy all you can.


so many things happened in this episode that you forgot to mention that creepy thing in the tunnel. Always scares the shit out of me 😂😨😨


Lmao oh Yehh!! Completely forgot to bring that up. First impression was that it’s Pride, and then Raven’s comments to Sloth made it a bit more concrete.


Finally I got around to watching the discussion and you can definitely share your takes for the dub but I don’t think it’s always intelligent to go into that discussion. Not that your opinion is annoying just that the toxicity around that debate is so big, that you don’t want to have that constantly on your channel. I don’t know which dub do I like more. At this point I watched the german, english and with you now the japanese dub. Every language has naturally a different tone to it, that’s why it’s impossible to get always a similar one like in the original. I see good and bad things in every one of these dubs so like constantly thinking about what’s better doesn't really help. And now I immediately going to watch the next reaction/discussion!