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Will Watches

Was waiting eagerly for this!


Ok this is going to be a big one so I'll try to keep it neat this episode is so special to me Night of the Doctor- -I absolutely love this minisode sooo much. -That was the 8th doctor who only appeared in a tv movie between classic and newWho played by Paul McGann. I have never seen the movie but with just these 6ish minutes he is one of my favorites and is what pushed me into listening to BigFinish audiobooks, everything he does just feels like the Doctor -The names he lists off before he regenerates I'm not positive but am pretty sure those are all his companions from his Big Finish stuff -As you see at the end of this he regenerates into a young John Hurt which places the War Doctor between 8 and 9 so technically makes the ninth Doctor the 10th incarnation and so on and you also have 10 regenerating into 10 again so the number get messy but we just call them what the show does Day of the Doctor -I love this episode so so much, there are some plot holes you could find (paradox or something) in this but I love it so much non the less I even gotta see it in theaters -The scene of all the Doctors saving Gallifrey I think is my favorite scene in the show "I've been doing this all my lives" (also you had 13 doctors there 1-8 war 9-12) -Previous incarnations of the Doctor have met before not a lot but there have been a few times it has happened in Classic -For the memory thing it is mentioned but I'll say it anyways its basically that if multiple of the same person meets only the oldest version of them will remember the rest is foggy and forgotten so 11 remembers but 10 and war will not, -Since the War doctor was made under special circumstances now that the War is over his Regeneration is kicking in and will go turn into 9 -The Curator is played by the same actor who played the 4th Doctor(Tom Baker) whose popularity was on par with David Tennant's popularity and is the Face of classic who essentially -Originally the war doctor was going to be 9 but Eccleston declined -The scarf that Osgood wares is the scarf worn by the 4th doctor (also one of the 4th doctors companions was Sara Jane Smith just a side note)


Tom Baker is probably the most beloved of the classic Doctors, and it's easy to see why when he can still radiate such charisma in a short cameo decades later!


The Night of the Doctor may be Moffat’s masterpiece- in just 6 minutes he convincingly shows how the 8th Doctor chooses to sacrifice his own nature and identity to stand against his entire species. At the same time he rights the injustice of the 8th Doctor only having one screen appearance and pays homage to the 8th Doctor’s audio adventures. Character, plot and fans all served.


I think the reason this episode works so well and just completely knocks the celebration out of the park is that... well, at its core, its a character study. A character study on our protagonist for the past 50 years and what it MEANS to be the Doctor, shown in a way that only Doctor Who could. The best moments of the episodes are the quiet reflections on the Doctor as a person. The "Did you ever count?" scene, seeing their subtle differences in regards to the genocide and their guilt, and of course Ten and Eleven going to share the burden with War in the end. Surprisingly, while I do remember a lot of people thought this episode was spectacular, there were some that really didn't like the retcon/change to have the Doctor save Gallifrey in the end, mostly because they felt it lessened the character arcs of Nine and Ten. I can see that, but 1) The Doctor thought he used the weapon, so in his mind he still committed genocide, and 2) Even if he hadn't committed genocide, he still participated in the war, he "had more blood on his hands than any other" So yes, saving Gallifrey was a controversial decision at the time (well... for a minority) but I see it as being part of the core message of the show; there is ALWAYS another way. Also why Clara is such a key character in this special, because she challenges the Doctor, tells him to be a Doctor, REMINDS HIM of why he is called Doctor. Honestly so much more I could say on this episode, but discussing every little moment could take a whole 2 hour podcast LOL. Glad you liked it, REALLY glad you like the chemistry between a post Name of the Doctor Eleven and Clara, and sad we're so close to the end of Matt Smith (but hyped for a certain pair of eyebrows)


I was pretty young when this episode aired, because it was 10 years ago now but i remember watching it live and i was just mainly excited about david tennant, it was really special to me As for Jodie's seasons, good idea to just commit to the first series and see how you feel - maybe watch her last episode too, it would be nice if you continued after her run based on if you think the 60th is up to standard or not since there (should be) a consistent run of 1 series a year and maybe a Christmas special after the 60th. It's a shame you can't avoid spoilers in this day and age, but who doesn't love more David Tennant!


I agree. I really like Clara's role here. Her "Impossible Girl" arc is out of the way so in this episode she's just a person, that human companion the Doctor needs as a lens to view the world through. It's timed really well, because for a grand episode like this that needs to stand the test of time it makes sense to have the companion be someone that could almost be anyone in a way. It allows the episode to focus on who the character of the Doctor is by not having the episode be tied up in a bunch of stuff from seasonal arcs And yep, despite my feelings about Clara and Eleven lacking chemistry for the most part, there is certainly an understanding between them. I feel like it isn't emotionally justified (It doesn't feel like it's been earned to me), but it definitely is logically justified -- she was in his time stream so she understands him a lot, who he is, who he's been, who he's meant to be and who he wants to be. And after this she's also experienced quite a pivotal event in the Doctor's life. One hell of a point in time to exist as a companion


I love that you commented on the alien nature of Tom Baker's Doctor, feeling it even in "The Curator" version of him. You're 100% on the money. The 4th and 11th Doctors are in my opinion the most alien feeling. Contrast that with someone like 10(nant) who is probably one of the most human feeling


I could be wrong, but I believe we had no idea about Capaldi being in this episode. Why would we? It's a perfect twist considering it's right before the regeneration episode, so of course they would've filmed it around the same time so it was easy to hide but no one would expect it. What an amazing moment.


Him not watching all of Jodie's run kind of came out of the blue for me. Has he talked about what inspired this decision? And your comment seems to suggest he might not even watch the stuff after her run which is even more surprising to me if true, though I haven't heard anything about it. I suppose he may want to free up more slots on his channel though as Doctor Who is a very long running series with no end in sight (That's its whole charm!). Would love to hear him elaborate on this more


This episode might just be my favorite episode of doctor who(classic and new), it accomplishes so many things and as you said there's a lot of setup that's so important to the overall doctor universe! :) For me this episode felt like the start of a new era in doctor who.


I was looking forward for this episode / special and your thoughts on it. Can´t wait for the upcoming ones, keep up your great work!