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Will Watches

I was so excited for you to get here when I saw how much you loved Greed before


Such a great reaction and review <3 Love that even though you're keeping up with so many revelations that there are still exciting things happening that are taking you by surprise!


I don’t think it would be a fmab reaction series without missing at least one post credit scene 😄 I’ve been waiting since episode 14 for this reaction. I knew how disappointed you were for thinking we would have no more of Greed and I just adore how he is brought back. Arakawa certainly knows how to surprise us. Good catch on focusing on the fact the Father has seemed to have decided to purposely keep Greed’s memories away from him. Greed definitely gives that vibe of the problem child of the family. Can we just give it up for Miyano Mamoru as Ling and the wonderful return of Nakamura Yuuichi as Greed. 👏 Such a good VA pairing. Honestly this storyline development remains one of my favourites to this day. I’ll say no more for obvious reasons but soo much excitement ahead. We did warn you the train just never stops! I have to say that whenever I rewatch fmab I’m always reminded of how batshit insane it can go in certain episodes. And this is without a doubt one of them. This episode has absolutely no chill.


May is actually a child, she's the youngest in the cast I believe. I recall in the manga it was mentioned she's 13 during the time the story takes place.


GREED!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍