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Haven't watched it yet but I personally love this episode story is so so but I love the tardis and just the premise makes ne love it seeing the other room even if I wish we saw more and stuff


I have seen the reaction now and seeing all the different rooms and things the tardis can do, like not just a room but having outside while in the tardis, is just soo cool one of my favorite aspects of this shows is how you can always imagine your own version of it because it always changing and customizable so to say. The brothers are what brings this episode down for me as well I do not enjoy their inclusion. The in-episode reason is how they did that much damage to the tardis is the doctor put the tardis on "basic" mode for Clara to fly so the shields were down. When you hear all the voices, one of the more prominent ones that I remember hearing is the 9th doctor I don't remember the line though. Also, the observatory is a very very similar to the one in the werewolf episode with ten and rose also, you can watch the minisode "Clara and the tardis" if you want. It's not that important but it's fun https://youtu.be/-8I9z6Y4mBY


Matt looks amazing in this vest. His outfit change this half of the season is great. Makes me wish they'd done it sooner.


Lol I also thought for a while the Doctor slapped her ass at the end there. I was like "Moffat's horniness got way out of control" -- and to a degree it does. Some of Eleven's lines about Clara... But yeah it seems it was just unfortunate framing given her lack of a reaction, and there was a rail or something of the TARDIS that he hit


With how much you're loving the relationship between the Eleventh Doctor and Clara I'm so curious how you will feel about future developments. Rot13 Cipher message. Spoilers for S8: V jbaqre vs ur zvtug yvxr Pynen yrff naq npghnyyl svaq ure hayvxrnoyr va gur arkg frevrf. Fur pregnvayl trgf fbzr ybat-arrqrq punenpgre synjf, ohg gung va nqqvgvba jvgu ure nep naq ure nyernql orvat irel oevtug naq snfg-cnprq va n Qbpgbel jnl frrzrq gb cvff n ybg bs crbcyr bss. V'z xvaq bs jrveq naq V ybir ure SBE ure synjf. Yvxr jura Pynen naq Gjryir nethr V guvax vg'f fb snfpvangvat naq ernyvfgvp. Gurer cebonoyl jba'g or nabgure pbzcnavba nxva gb Pynen sbe n ybat, ybat gvzr. Ohg V jbhyqa'g or fhecevfrq vs Vz vf n yvggyr hafher nobhg Pynen ng svefg. Vg pbhyq or rnfl gb svaq ure naablvat va gur arkg frevrf, rfcrpvnyyl jvgu ubj va ybir ur vf jvgu ure va F7.


The brothers and the fake android subplot sticks out like a sore thumb in this episode. Especially on a rewatch. It feels like it makes no sense both in-universe and as a writing decision


V guvax ur jvyy yvxr ure va gur arkg frevrf onfrq ba ubj ur yvxrf bgure punenpgref va gur fubj univat n pbzcnavba trg gung glcr bs qlanzvp vf irel avpr gb frr fb ubcrshyyl ur jvyy rawbl gelvat gb Pynen tebj gb gur qbpgbef yriry nf jryy