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Regarding Envy's gender: often times in Japanese, gender neutral pronouns are used when referring to others in conversation. The subtitles simply take the liberty of referring to Envy as "he/him". But yeah, I tend to go with they/them.


I really love this section of episodes so good. And don't expect people to get everything you get. There are many reactors and people that got many mindfucks through these revelations in these last few episodes. XD Another thing, I don’t know if anyone mentioned it and you maybe already know it, but in the last episode when Ed got sucked into Gluttony, we saw a bit of what’s in there. And there was a skeleton with a robe and that’s basically a callback to Cornello that got eaten by Gluttony in episode 3


The fandom really loves the homunculi and there’s always a debate of everyone’s favourite sin and their order of the 7. It’s definitely going to be fascinating to see which one will end up being your favourite by the end. It’s stiff competition. Good catch on none of Mustang’s team being reassigned to the East! Since Mustang made his career there he definitely would have allies and friends there. So he is pretty much in the dark now with them going North, South, West, one discharged and his closest being in direct proximity to his enemy … it’s such great pay off from last episodes blunder. The manga goes into much much more detail on the Ishvalan war. Lil rusty on some of the particular details (I’m planning a reread of the manga very soon) but I do remember that what Ed talked about with his hometown gets explored more. Their hometown, Resembool, is in the east and is near Ishval for example and the epidemic would definitely be a factor to all the warfare that was happening. Remember from episode 5 that the fighting lasted 7 years after that girl was shot. The Ishvalans also brought their anger to the civilians of Amestris and Resembool is close enough to be caught in the cross fire. The manga I feel does a better job to depict the travesties on both sides… of course the one sideness got introduced when the State Alchemists joined the fight seven years later. Studio Bones’ team did an amazing job with the adaptation but inevitably with all adaptations there are a few things that get left out from the original material. I do hope when you finish the series at some point when you want to re-experience the story you give the manga a go. There’s quite a few really cool things that the anime doesn’t cover. Ling and Ed’s relationship has always been a favourite of mine. Both being the same age they have put a lot of responsibility on their shoulders and their camaraderie just feels soo natural. FMA’s great cast and great character combinations strikes again. Also Al poking Gluttony’s stomach is soo oddly cute and will always make me chuckle 😄 Great reaction and discussion again and I’m ready for the double drop next week! Thanks for all your hard work with the new changes to the schedule!