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This episode i think is like peak doctor who. New companion awsome looking setting pretty chill plot for the most part with an awsome beautiful speech from Matt Smith at the end. Probably in my top 5 of this show idk Also in the beginning he mentioned his granddaughter that is from classic who. The first doctors first companion was his granddaughter

I have no name

The date on Clara’s mum’s grave is March 2005 and The first episode of Modern Doctor Who took place during March 2005 so she was likely killed by an Auton(Plastic Shop dummy)

I have no name

That little girl was in an Oscar winning movie last year.

Will Watches

Even though he is the youngest doctor, I think this episode especially really shows how well Matt can portray the doctor's age


She also played Shireen Baratheon in GOT!


I'm glad you enjoyed the episode. I actually ended up skipping out on the full reaction because this episode isn't that exciting to me -- I was hoping it would grab me more on a rewatch but it didn't for some reason. The onslaught of backstory and exposition as well as the overuse of brash, non-diegetic music was a little offputting. I understand the rationale for such a non-subtle approach. They clearly want to establish Clara's character ASAP after already having three previous Clara introduction episodes. But it still feels rough. It's funny because the Eleventh Doctor and (Modern) Clara never quite clicked for me, and it took until this episode for me to be reminded of how that felt. I actually doubted it after the past two episodes, specifically The Snowmen where there's great chemistry on display. I suppose it's a testament to how well Jenna Coleman can play two different characters, because if all I had was this episode I would probably just make a blanket statement and say Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman don't have any on-screen chemistry -- but because of the other episodes I know that's not true! Something about Modern day Clara just doesn't work for me, I guess. That being said, positives: The imagery is great in this episode, and there's some genuinely beautiful VFX in a few shots. I like the friction at the end of the episode where Clara asserts herself as being herself and not a ghost. And it's a good twist that the Doctor's lifespan isn't enough to save the day this time. But a somewhat weaker repetition of The Beast Below and the hangup I seem to have about Clara and Eleven's chemistry makes me not enjoy this episode that much. Keep in mind Clara is one of, potentially the best companion/s for me. Just... not at this point, haha. But again I'm really glad you're enjoying it and I hope you continue to do so. I won't comment unless I have something new to say, so I don't enjoy the upcoming episodes for similar reasons you'll find me with my mouth zipped silently enjoying the discussions

Carys Barnes

I love this episode. The speech is a truly iconic Who moment and I like the bit of Clara story we get. Don’t want to influence you watching of the rest of series 7 but this is as good as it gets in my opinion. You’ll have to wait for series 8 to get proper Clara development.


That's not the same actor, but Kerry Ingram (Shireen) did appear as a Queen of Years in "Doctor Who at the Proms".