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Just a reminder folks, there was an issue with the SD card for external recorder, so the camera audio had to be used for the Reaction portion. I tried to rescue it as much as I could, but the camera audio is never pretty, especially since it picks up the Fan from the external monitor right above it.

I hope it's still somewhat enjoyable, unfortunately these tech issues happen from time to time. 


(No title)



There has been a steady progression in the companions' independence. Rose was just there as a stand-in for the audience. Martha was very smart, studying to become a doctor. Donna would take no lip from him. She was in charge of their relationship. Amy was fully independent-thinking, like Donna, but she was infatuated with him since she was a child. Eventually she and Rory had careers and lives separate from him. Clara actually leads a life outside of her adventures with the Doctor.


In terms of introductions, I agree and would rank them Victorian Clara > Oswin> Clara from this episode


Clara's dynamic with the Doctor will come to be my favorite of all the companions. I also agree that it's a very different approach and I can't wait to re-experience its development


Rewatching this episode and a certain scene in particular made me want to give some retrospective thoughts. The non-spoiler version is that I'm really excited for what's coming up and the seeds planted are even more intentional than I realized. But for alluding to future stuff, I've put the text through a ROT13 cipher, so if you're going to reply to it make sure to do the same: Zna, gung zhfvp ng gur fgneg bs gur svany fprar jurer gurl'er va gur GNEQVF tnir zr gevttrevat synfuonpxf, yby. Vg'f gur fnzr nf Pynen naq Gjryir'f nethzrag ng gur raq bs Xvyy gur Zbba, V oryvrir, nyfb va gur GNEQVF ng gur raq bs gur rcvfbqr -- vg unf gb or vagragvbany. Vg'f fb vagrerfgvat ubj gur fnzr zhfvp vf hfrq sbe fprarf jurer gur punenpgref' eryngvbafuvc pbhyq abg or zber qvssrerag. Gung znxrf zr nccerpvngr gung fprar naq gur qrirybczrag bs gur gjb punenpgref rira zber. Yvxr jbj jr ernyyl tb sebz guvf ubcrshy, bcgvzvfgvp eryngvbafuvc shyy bs jbaqre naq cbgragvny gb gurfr gjb crbcyr jrnevat rnpu bgure bhg hagvy gurl'ir orpbzr vapernfvatyl zber plavpny naq nyzbfg furyyf bs gurve sbezre fryirf ohg ner fgvyy hanoyr gb fgnl ncneg sebz rnpu bgure, bayl orpbzvat zber naq zber pb-qrcraqrag.


Man I meant to post this comment earlier but a week flew by without me realizing. In any case, I completely agree with you that the Doctor and Clara's characters and dynamics are what make this episode. It's such a fresh take on the companion & doctor relationship! In the discussion you mentioned the Doctor's line of him being over a thousand years old and that it would indicate a long time has passed. Just a lil correction, in s6e1 the Doctor says he's 1200, give or take, before he was shot. So while it could have been a while between the Snowmen and this episode, he was already over 1000 since the start of s7.


man this is a really cool way of posting a comment without spoiling, props to you lol


The symbols at the top of the tardis that you mentioned are actually written gallifreyan! It's written with these cool concentric circles/lines for each word. I'm not sure if the writing has any specific meaning or if it's just set dressing though.