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Great episode. Somehow I still get watery eyes towards the end there. Such a great score too I love this track. You right literally everyone is protective towards Ed there, but I like how your take is quite different. Also I'm watching sub for the first time, I have to say Hohenheim's voice in this episode is a lot more menacing in japanese xd. I like his dub tho.


You are quite right that most people get defensive for Edward and don’t trust Hoheheim in the slightest. Most people I’ve seen act like Edward in the beginning of this episode. Go instantly to anger and don’t see the subtleties that Arakawa is putting into his character. Which for Edward is fair enough as that is the father who abandoned him, Al and his mother so of course he can’t be rational in this case. He is a child. I will say the manga has a different approach and has more scenes to show more of Hohenheim’s personality at this point. He’s surprisingly jovial. Although I don’t blame most people reacting this way. Abandoning your children (even if there is a reason) isn’t something you can brush off easily. But like you say Hohenheim is clearly no fool and perfectly understands the effect that he has caused. That scene of him going to Ed’s bedroom really effects me quite a bit. And the gift he gave Ed, and through a chain reaction to Al and Izumi, is honestly such a beautiful turning point. You know I watched this series over a decade ago now and every time I rewatch it or reread it I’m just reminded of how bloody amazing it is! The rewatch ability of this story is crazy. Some people may call it overhyped or that it doesn’t deserve to be a number one spot at this point in time but a story like this is timeless and it has held up for this long for a reason. The constantly moving plot, mysteries, finding yourself crying from sadness to happiness sometimes in just one episode, and most importantly, it’s incredible cast. Honestly how does she make me fall in love with everyone?? Let’s just say I’m soo happy you are enjoying yourself and the craziness hasn’t even begun. Also wanted to add that I’m genuinely happy you are watching sub! Even though personally I may enjoy dub just a tiny bit more it’s crazy to me how people can get a lil weird if you react in sub. They are both incredible for goodness sake!


I just won't post comments then if you're just gonna say everything I'm thinking! >:{


I am pretty sure Im would appreciate any comment that you have even if it’s a lil similar to others don’t worry