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Hey everyone ✌🏼

Wanted to provide bit of an update for the next few days. Chainsaw Man 1x3 is still going up on Wednesday, but unfortunately Doctor Who will have to be postponed to early Friday.

Woke up on Tuesday with what appears to be symptoms of COVID. Splitting headache through out the day, backache, chills but sweaty at the same time 😵 it’s done a number on me. Though it could be a nasty case of the flu, haven’t had a chance to run a test.

I managed to get the Chainsaw Man vid recorded, though I may appear a bit sweaty and a tad bit woozy 😆 at times. I think I still managed to deliver the same standard ✌🏼

Thank you, and I apologize for any inconvenience.



Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Looking forward to the video, but please make sure to get enough rest.


Best wishes for recovery. Take your time :)


Wishing you a speedy recovery. Rest and take all the time you need.


I actually had a very similar thing just a couple of weeks ago, it put me down with a fever of about 40 for about five days straight. Hope you get off easier than that, so yeah, get well soon.


rest well, take as much time as need be! wish you the best 🙏


Are we getting FMAB?


Take a longer rest if you need it! Reactions and your wonderful commentary can wait untill you feel better


Pray you make a speedy recovery, Im. Take all the time you need.

Sarah S

Rest up dude! COVID wiped me out bad this year.


get well soon!


ouch, hope you feel better soon! take your time and rest up !!