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Aiden Soave Live

I think there’s a huge issue with chibnals view of doctor who especially in this episode. It is a one and done episode like you said but in my opinion it’s just mindless nonsense. The pacing is a bit all over the shot. The dinosaurs were barely a part of the plot and everything’s so forgettable. I’m someone who’s watched doctor who my entire life and seen episodes 1000s of times. And I can safely say dinosaurs on a space ship has been one that I’ve never rewatched. Chibnal has a weird sense of story and pacing and it will become more apparent in future with his further writing credits But His vision of doctor who is a very dulled down boring version that doesn’t have room for any sort of real character or emotion building he also regularly gets the doctors morals wrong. For example in the episode with the Silurians to begin with he morally doesn’t want to kill that girl. Who was the kids mum cause she caused a war that killed almost all the Silurians to begin with under the surface. But this guy does it and the doctors like ah I like killing people now Like. Sure most of this is my opinion but some of chibnals doctor who techniques rub me the wrong way when it comes to even the bare minimum of writing a compelling story Like character building in this episode vs family of blood where the doctor was human. So many more characters are clear in that episode and the pacing is perfect. Here. It doesn’t even hold a rock to that episode


Well this will be the first episode since Night Terrors that I’m just gonna watch the cut down reaction instead of the full one, haha. This episode has always been a bit of a miss for me, S7 has some clunkers

Will Watches

I thought I recognised one of the robots voices, it’s David Mitchell The beach is Southerndown beach in Wales, as you pointed out it’s been in the show before in , Doomsday, Journeys end and Time of the Angels


i agree man. Chris Chybnall's episodes just don't seem to cut it for me. 'Power of Three' is alright but the rest are forgettable at best imo


There is a minisode later in the series that's a retcon for what happened between series 6 and 7. It's called The Inforarium https://youtu.be/1_UU_qWLvm4 and you should watch it before episode 5, because the event gets a mention, though not the place itself.

Carys Barnes

Thanks for the reaction. This is a very meh episode which through chibb’s weak writing somehow makes genocide have little impact. The robots are voiced by the comedy duo Mitchell and Webb which you might know from their masterpieces Peep Show and Back. Also Southerndown is beautiful as is lots of the Welsh coast and definitely worth a visit if you’re in South Wales.


David Bradley and Mark Williams 🙌