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Let's go man! Huge episode, I'm not ready for the show to end 😭


I stay up late on Wednesdays for this. (East coast Canada time) (Okay late-ish, it's like 12:00 lol)


Wow, that's a great point, you can literally stop watching this episode right before the montage hits and just rewatch the whole series again, continuing the endless loop. Such a fantastic episode, it fits everything together so well. I can't wait till next week, so thrilled (and curious) to hear your thoughts on the resolution of all of this.


My head hurts... lol. I don't know how much the pandemic affected the production schedule because they made sure that season 3 came out on the day of the apocalypse (June 27 2020) lol. But I wish there were 1 or 2 more episodes.


One more to go!! Been a wild ride!


The music montages this episode has brought me to tears many times :’)


The fact alone that we had this full circle moment unravel so beautifully


What a journey this will be. Well, it already is😂. And now we're almost at the finish line.


First time watching this episode I didn't really understand its significance. To me it seemed like it didn't advance the plot, especially after the kind of closure that we've got in 3x6. But rewatching it, I begin to see that it is mostly these "insignificant", "difficult" episodes that are essential to the understanding of the show as a whole.

Be Happy

What an emotional wonderful episode and reaction ! Your discussions man !! *chef’s kiss* This series is a masterpiece but the last four episodes are without a doubt ones the most back to back outstanding episodes I ve seen in any media!! I will be sad when this will come to an end! But I am grateful that to have enjoyed this journey with you of my favorite live series. Thank you Im!!


by far my favorite episode in the series


I can’t forget how I felt after watching this episode for the first time. What a masterpiece, definitely one of the best episodes of Dark if not actually the best one. I can spend hours talking about how great this episode was but I think I will stop here and talk about a different topic. I think it’s now safe to talk about it since we know Adam’s real plan and the extent of his knowledge. I find it a bit hard to believe that he really thought there was only one pregnant Martha and was so sure about it. He knows that there is always a version of him that is sent to Eva’s world to sleep with Martha and make her pregnant with the unknown, so he is aware of the possibility of different realities. He knows that in his timeline Martha didn’t come before the apocalypse and send him to Eva’s world, and he knows that Martha always come to them in 1888 and give them the god particle. Therefore, the thought of the existence of another Martha going on another path should at least crossed his mind. Especially that he had years to think about it and digest all the givens. I think it’s really out of character that Adam was so sure about his plan even though most of it was based on speculations and assumptions. I might’ve missed something. I would be glad if someone can prove me wrong and give me a good explanation.


I do like to think that the montage where we were catching up on all these missing pieces and how they fit into what we've previously seen was in fact the loop repeating itself again enumerable times. A sort of irony to Adam telling Noah for what was the Nth time, that *this* was the last cycle, and we then subsequently see it happen again in what feels like the blink of an eye. Poetic really.


Such a unique structure for a series, a single episode dedicated to filling in all the missing pieces and ending up where the story began. The Tannhaus scenes really stick out but you'd be surprised on how it flew over the heads of many reviewers. It's almost like a delayed reaction where the strangeness and apparent inconsistencies hit you after mulling it over.