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lol ignore the coffee mug.


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Damn, this was so much more moving than watching it when I was young. Such a good episode.

Frank J

One of my favourite episodes. And the "older Amy make up" really looks so realistic.


The bombastic nature of Murray Gold's music, especially the placement of it, can definitely create a clashing feeling. Balance is really needed for it, both in terms of the sound mixing and when and where certain tracks are played.


I really like all the plot shenanigans of this episode. It has a lot of factors at play but they all work with each other -- The plague, the Doctor needing to stay on the TARDIS because of it, how it explains Amy getting trapped in a different timestream in a believable way, etc. It's good sci-fi writing, and of course at its core is about character and heart


Amy creating her own sonic screwdriver (probe) is another thing that isn't really believable. Though if she had help from the interface as well as decades of time to work on it, then it makes sense. Still without any fundamental engineering knowledge it's a bit of a stretch


I personally don't see the button premise of this episode being silly. I like when small things lead to big consequences. The silly part would be that Rory didn't think to clarify which button they pressed, and that Amy didn't think to ask which one. Still, it's not impossible, just improbable


"lol ignore the coffee mug" Ah, well at least you can say at the very worst your set design is on the level of Game of Thrones 😂 Not a bad standard to meet