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Your mentioning of Amy and Rory's lack of "recent plot developments" may have been that I believe this episode was originally supposed to air as the 3rd episode to season 6, but was swapped with the black spot episode because i think moffat thought there were too many creepy episodes together. So yeah this was probably written intended to take place before even the flesh episodes did.


I do think that there's this conflict in Doctor Who between the episodic and the serialised, and when it's not balanced effectively it sort of shows the issues therein. Series 6 is one that definitely feels like "Oh man, we're coming back to this, after all of that?". Moffat's bold era-defining fairytale-esque tone is something that exacerbates these issues a little too, because it means the series can't be as malleable jumping from different stories with different levels of emphasis. It's great when it all comes together, but then you get duds like this one and it's almost deflating. I think this balance issue does eventually improve, especially in the Capaldi era which I can't wait for you to get to. I also think there's a chance we'll get a fully serialised storyline for Doctor Who eventually, with it becoming more and more likely to follow ongoing TV trends, so I'm excited to see how the show tries its hand at that. That being said I think standalone episodes can often be great -- Blink, Midnight, etc -- and there's some good ones coming up. It's just an important matter of striking the balance