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Владислав Черниенко

You pointed out great thing about show not dragging Al's conflict for too long. I think this is just the gratest thing. I said in a last episode's comment that I've always found that plot point to be silly, but it immediately stops being silly because they just talk it out in one episode. "I'm pretty sure it's impossible to miss" dude literally noone notices their teacher there before rewatch. That's filmbuff for you. You are going to love next couple of episodes, well about next 55 actually xd. Also the first 'milestone' would be around 16-18 episode, you will notice the opening change. I think it was aired as a seasons with breaks

Guillem Parés Binué

Mmm I'm not sure which one is the correct translation, but both in the manga and in the sub that I've seen, after Ed and Al rooftop scene Winry says: "Hughes, there are some things that have to be talked out loud, don't you think?" or something like that. Which Hughes agrees with a smile. In your subs the meaning was completely the opposite. Both meanings fit the scene, so I'm not sure which one is the correct one.

A Toilet Duck

I'm a big fan of the resolution of this rift between Ed and Al in this episode, it's handled very well in my opinion. Had this plot point been stretched out over 3 or 5 episodes, it would have gotten quite frustrating, but the resolution this episode really does a good job in building the relationship between Ed, Al, and Winry in the minds of the viewer. As much as Al's concerns don't really stand up under scrutiny as being all that sensible, I like how both that and the way that those concerns are resolved remind us as viewers that these characters are still children, and I like how, as mature as they are, they do still act like children at times. It's all too common in anime to have characters who are supposed to be, say, 13 or 14 years old, yet you'd never know that from how they act. It's a strength of FMA:B that it doesn't forget the fact that these characters are indeed children, in my opinion.

A Toilet Duck

Also, Winry getting good screen time this episode has to be chalked up as a win. Such a great character, and her voice actor knocked it out the park this episode.


I can speak Japanese (although not fully fluent), and you are right. On the rooftop scene Winry says "There really are some things that can't come across unless you say them out loud". She is basically confirming what she told Hughes (at 7:22 in this video) I am pretty sure the subtitles in the rooftop scene are wrong


Including this episode, I love every single episode that follows. Such a good show


Ya'll got some more of that fullmetal?