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Hello everyone ✌🏼

Since there is about a week left in February, thought I would share my plans for March.

As I mentioned in one of my previous updates, I wanted to transition to a smaller line-up in the near future, As I've just been trying to do too much content on the channel. I gave it a shot, but the current six series line-up is not sustainable. so that smaller four series line up  will be going into effect on March 1st, which means two series will be put on hold for now, and will come back into the fold as space clears up for it. This will also allow me to focus a bit more on Shingeki as well, as it's airing at the moment and one of the long term flagship series on the channel.

Death Note and FMAB are the two series going on hold for now. 

  • I know Death Note is in it's final stretch, but I couldn't put both FMAB and Vinland on hold at the same time. That just wouldn't be a smart move for the channel, nor did I want to put both on hold. FMAB was picked because it's still early days in quite a long series. 

The new line-up starting March 1st

  • Dark
  • Vinland Saga
  • Doctor Who 
  • Attack on Titan

Once Attack on Titan wraps up, Death Note will take its place immediately. When Death Note concludes, FMAB will come right back in.

I understand that a smaller line-up might not be as exciting as the six series line-up, and it will cost me Subscribers and Patrons, but I have to move forward with this, as I believe it to be the right move for the channel in the long run. This smaller line-up is much more suited to my content style, and it will allow me to get through stuff a bit faster and provide a bit more value for the Patreon tiers as well, in the near future.

Thank you to anyone who was a Patron just for one of those series going on hold, I appreciate the support and the interest you've shown in my content, perhaps I'll see you again in the near future, as those series come back into the fold :) 

Updates for this week

Attack on Titan will be the next video on the channel.

I apologize, but unfortunately I must delay the schedule by a day this week. 

  • Wednesday - FMAB
  • Thursday - Doctor Who
  • Friday - Death Note 
  • Saturday - Dark
  • Sunday - Vinland

Thank you.


Ben C

No problem bud. For as good of content as you put out I actually like the smaller lineup better. It seems more focused and doable in many regards. All the best!


I think we all would rather the channel continue regardless of how much content is posted. As someone who only watched anime reaction of course I would like four days of reactions, but I would MUCH MUCH rather you do even just ONE series a week than none at all. Your content scratches an itch that very few if any other reactors I've ever watched can achieve, and I am willing to stay no matter what. You have your own life too and stuff you need to do, and we will support that.


I'm sure that a lot of this can be quite a burden sometimes, I just hope that it isn't taking away from your enjoyment of any of these shows or detracting you too much from your own personal time. Take your time! We'll be here.


Hey man, if it means you can constantly deliver good content I'm all for it.

Sarah S

... the three shows that I watch on the channel made the cut, so I’m thrilled! 😂 Dying to see the new shingeki video once its ready. Omg


It makes a lot of sense to have a smaller line up. Unfortunately for me, I am here for FMAB, but hey, it's better to have a delayed start if that means you can enjoy the series more! See you then

A Toilet Duck

Reckon that's a wise decision, personally, I can't even watch 6 series concurrently without struggling to stay engaged, let alone trying upload reaction to the depth that you do! Is a shame FMA:B is for the chop for now, but ultimately whichever shows went on hold, they would have been some people's favourite non-Shingeki reactions so some Ls were going to have to be taken somewhere! On balance though, glad you've made this decision, and I think it's the right one long term.

石原 悟

It's better to cut than to juggle too much, so I'm good with the decision.


I reckon is better like this, to (potentially) not trim down your reactions and your detailed analysis overall just to meet a certain number of episodes of multiple series. I see this as a win long-term, quality wise. Edit: also snk 4x19 can't come soon enough :)) 😂


Yes that was the basic line up after all. You gave a shot at least. I was thinking about the long shows with multiple seasons like doctor. Maybe you could do a break at some time to breathe a little and do a reaction to a small show like Arcane. Just suggesting the idea.


Thank God Vinland Saga is staying in the line up. It's been an absolute treat to rewatch that show along with Im.

Mati D.

I prefer less but with a schedule =D. May i ask when is the ETA for the next SNK episode?

Josh Ashford

This is fine for me, here for doctor who and shingeki lol


hahaha "I have to move forward cause I belive it's the right thing" I see what u did there


as long as dark and shingeki are here, not a chance I'm leaving lol


Well I'm sad to wait for FMAB but I'll get over it


Hey bro thats perfectly fine! Take your time, the most important is that you dont get burnt out and enjoy what you are doing!

Pepe Toño Viveros

I can wait with SNK and Dark, will miss FMAB but its only for a short time, both series are going to end soon (SNK and Death Note) No problem, Want to see the new SNK Video!!!


As long as content remains consistent and you don`t get stressed about it, shortening to 4 its fine.


Good descicion! Hope you don't mind me asking, about your fulltime goal? I remember it was a topic in the beginning of your patreon campaign. Hope you manage to achieve more independece!

Hmm hmu

>it will cost me Subscribers and Patrons, but I have to move forward with this. Well well well look at mister Im Jaeger over here


Hey, we're glad you tried! And any content is better than none at all


I’d much rather have fewer videos with more in-Depth content and discussion 👍. Great move


When will aot video drop??

Jonathan baez

This is nothing ive stuck around this long


I love your content, take your time ✨

Muhd Zulhilmi

Lmao the YT comments begging for SnK 4x19


Take your time man, we will always support you