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Unfortunately, I must make quite a disappointing update. I have to delay the return to February 1st, and the Patreon campaign will remain paused for January.

Honestly speaking, the last few days I started to have some doubts about the January 1st return. What it mainly comes down to is this reoccurring thought that with Shingeki being added as well on the 9th, I might catch up to my prerecorded content at some point. As you know, the Shingeki videos are usually very lengthy, perhaps even more so than usual since it’s in the final stages of the series starting in January. I have concern that the lengthy upload and processing times for these new super large 4K files might catch up to me.

Ultimately, I decided that delaying it to February 1st and recording a few more videos for each series is in the best interest of the channel and addressing this lingering concern I can’t seem to shake over the last few days.

Everything will be the same, new episodes of Shingeki will still go straight to YouTube, and Full Length/ full opacity will be here on Patreon. I will be recording the Shingeki videos throughout January, and then I’ll think of a way to space them out over the span of a week or two when I’m back in February, so I can get caught up to the most recent episode on YouTube.

I know this is disappointing, as so many of you were looking forward to January 1st, and It stings that I won’t be able to kick it off on January 1st. I also know that many of you want to see the content and channel excel to new heights, and I believe that in the grand scheme of things, a one-month delay now (before being back) is in the best interest of the channel in the long run. I have to get this right before I return.

Thank you.



Take all the time you need, looking forward to your return! c:

Business Goose

Hey man, take your time on the return, and you are right on thinking more long term than short term. To quote a man we all know and love “ I am the kind of guy who saves his favorite part of the meal for last”. Stay safe 😁

Mark Yugov

Waiting for one month is not that big of a deal, especially if you release the pre-recorded episodes twice a week in February. So take your time ;-)


no worries Im, better to make your return confident you can keep on top of it than be worried right from the start!


That's perfectly okay, but if I may ask, what's the reasoning for not posting Shingeki reactions live? You could start posting everything else in February, but upload reactions to new episodes as they air - I feel like that accomplishes the same thing as you're aiming for with this delay, and you can finally post reactions alongside everyone else.


Your list is huge and it will get even bigger. Some shows probably need to be watched on your own eventually because there is no time to get to everything, especially shows that are more easy going and just for the feels. I know a lot of people want to see your reaction to a lot of series and movies but is it really important to go through all of it. Some remarks about certain shows on twitter would suffice. Not every show is multi layered like AoT.


Darnit! I was so looking forward to this... Can we at least get the 2 week early access in February?

Sarah S

I hope you will still be able to watch the shingeki episodes live as they air while you’re working on the backlog - just for the sake of your own fan experience! Can’t wait for the channel to go live again!


That sucks, was hoping to celebrate the New Year with some Im content, but take your time ✌


is your weekly upload time still aimed at 11am est?


Can’t do two weeks of early access while Shingeki is airing as well, going to explore that possibility after it ends.


Yep, still aiming for 11am est for scheduled weekly uploads. RDR2 and Shingeki are the floaters, no specific times or days.


Oh I’m definitely not going to be able to do everything on the list, it’s an extensive list of things I’m interested in. Hoping to cover as much as I can over the next few years, but certainly never expected to reach everything I have listed.


Can't wait


Hopefully it's okay to say this here. There's a channel that's newly started watching Shingeki called AutoSave. They're on S1E10, currently watching just 1 ep per week, but the last few vids had some good discussions. Worth checking out to see if it interests you

Chris Jarrett

Take time. Your health, sanity, and well-being is more important. Be well!


I just watched Arcane and yes you should react to it 😁. 7 days left I'm so hyped. Will you drop all the Aot reactions the same day or later ?