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Hello everyone ✌🏼

Wanted to provide an end of June update. Unfortunately I am still waiting for my appointment with the specialist I need to see, it’s in the second week of July. So I have yet to get on the treatment I require, and that will not be till Mid July (depending on how the visit goes)

So the Patreon campaign will continue to be on hold through out July as well. As frustrating as it is to have this road block out of no where, I am not well, and being in front of a camera just isn’t possible until I get this taken care of.

While I certainly hope for an August 1st return, For now it’s best that I don’t set any concrete return dates, because I just don’t know for sure. Things should be a bit more clear once I see the specialist and he provides road map and time frame for treatment I require (biologics, self administered injections in my case)

This certainly wasn’t part of the plans 😁 but that’s life, throws curveballs at you every now and then. I will certainly come back, and will pick up right where I left off.

Thank you ✌🏼


Thomas Gilbert

Get well soon lad! Take the time you need! 👌🏻


You gon power through this and we’ll be here waiting!


Take your time king! Health always comes first.


Hey brother, if you don't mind me asking, what is the condition you have? I suffer from something quite debilitating myself and need to self-treat with various injections too. If you care to share, please let me know - michael.j.curtone@gmail.com Curious about you and wish you the best.


No problem take your time 🙏


Also in case you haven't found out yet! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJaSTSyl37U&ab_channel=Kiranime The S4 AoT OST is out! I know you'll enjoy it.


No prob. Hope you're doing well!!


You're in our thoughts, Im. Always funny reading your tweets. Take care


Wish you the best!


Glad to be getting an update, as I said in the previous one take as long as you need! Health comes first and I'm sure everyone is aware of that. This will just make your return to YT that much better. Take care.

Thomas Midena

Looking forward to watching with you, no matter when that ends up being! :)


Thats alright, take all the time you need!


Even if there is a big gap this summer it would still have been the best year for this channel. Use this setback to rest as much as you can.


We aren't going anywhere :) Take your time buddy.


much love Im, hope you manage to get everything sorted. Take care.


Of course lad! We all completely understand, you need to make sure you’re 100% right before returning and no real fan would have a problem with you taking this needed break. Take your time and we will be here when you get back whenever that may be! Get well soon and I hope your appointment goes well and everything is sorted soon!

Mark Yugov

Get better, man. Looking forward to your return.


As much as I want to see you upload more reactions, health comes first. I hope you take all the time you need. We will be here waiting for you. Don't worry about us and take care of yourself ;D

john ross

Get better man.


Hang in there and don’t worry about us, you can’t do anything for anybody else if you aren’t well yourself. Best wishes your way.


Thank you for All the lovely comments! ✌🏼✨ this unexpected break has had one upside, it’s allowed me some time to kind of recharge/rest mind and body.


Vinland Saga season 2 just got announced! Great timing👌


Hey buddy, hope things are coming along and that you get what you need.


Hi Im, it's Nessa ! I hope that you are feeling well, we miss you <3