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This is "VS1x4EA.mp4" by FILMBuFF on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Such a great episode, so important.


The episode that changes everything

Jawaun Reid

watching filmbuff is nice way to end off the friday


The way the characters pronounce askeladd is the correct way (ashenlad)

Karheem bamboo

really enjoyed hearing your thoughts on this episode!

Locus Coeruleus

great reaction as always! is there a certain episode that you plan to react to the op after? or are you gonna skip the op for the entire season?

石原 悟

My ultra long comment on previous episode was basically a set up for this one. Here I don't agree with translation. When Thorfinn is watching Thors duel Askeladd he shouts "Father! Kill him!" in translation. I disagree. He shouted "Father! Beat him!" there. The verb "yattsukeru" means beat, vanquish, crush, trounce and such. It definitely does not mean "kill". Not even as a slang. So Thorfinn starts off quite innocent. Shouting for his dad to beat the bad guy. At the end of episode though, we hear him shout "I'll kill you!" repeatedly. Here is also a part I disagree with. In translation Thorfinn just keeps shouting "I'll kill you" but in fact he slips in a line which could be translated as "I'll fckn murder you!" as well. Obviously the F word part wouldn't look good in subs, but at least keep the murder or something. Thorfinn used strong language, I think it deserves to be acknowledged. The difference between "Dad! Take him down!" and "I'll fckn murder you!!" is quite a large one me thinks. @Shiro Regarding your previous question on some tips for learning Japanese... I honestly have no idea lol. I could tell you how I learned English as reference for a method though. If you're interested. And add some general advice with regards to learning kanji.


Iconic episode and even if the outcome was pretty obvious, it still hits all the emotional beats for me. I like the comparisons you made with Thors/Ned and Thorfinn/Arya, there's certainly a lot of fun parallels there. And yes the manga is absolutely stunning, some of the most detailed and beautiful art in a manga I've read.


This is in my top 5 best episodes of all anime


A true warrior, doesn't need a sword. My favorite episode. And you probably heard about the news of our Sensei Kentaro Miura, may he rest in peace <3



Sarah S

Look I’m just speaking for myself on Vinland S1 here. There’s some anime that I like more than it for sure and there’s a few stretches this season where I tune out a bit. BUT it just has some episodes of this quality that are absolute bangers. As you said - an all-timer. I cried watching this one for the first time. Some incredible stand out episodes to come as well. Some of my favorite anime episodes ever in just this one season


Wait, did you mention FMA:B? When are you watching that?

john ross

He's going to start next Monday on YouTube I believe, I think he's going to drop the first episode this Monday on Patreon tho.


Whew lads, I am over the moon. Vinland and FMA:B at the same time? Ill be resubbed all year.


Guys, why u want this poor man to suffer through garbage that fma/b is...

石原 悟

I wouldn't call it a "garbage". It was interesting. Didn't make me into a diehard fan of Fullmetal, but I don't see why Filmbuff wouldn't enjoy it. Some steampunk, some fantasy, some human drama, action, bit of epic stuff, bit of comedy, memorable characters, bit of philosophy/psychology, so why not? On the other hand, I consider Code Geass to be a "garbage" show lol You with Fullmetal, me with Code Geass, we might be in minority in regards to some popular shows)))

Theo Traumato

I am part of the small community that prefers the old FMA anime over Brotherhood


Main problem with Brotherhood is that its obviously made for ppl who watched FMA. U can really feel there is pieces missing from begining till the start of last season.


FMA:B is amazing, I watched it first and didn't miss anything. Sure, they introduce lots of characters at once. That's fine with me! I like the original too, but it seems to be less well written and more filler.

石原 悟

I dunno. I was reading Fullmetal when it just started coming out, dropped it relatively early on and never watched animated adaptation. After a decade I got curious and asked my friend who loved it how it ends. Didn't really understand his explanation lol. After another 7~8 years decided to watch animated adaptation with my wife cuz why not. Had no idea there were two versions, and just started watching the Brotherhood one. Never felt like things were really missing, probably cuz didn't have much knowledge on how things went in first adaptation. So I genuinely don't understand what's so obvious about Brotherhood being made for people who watched the first adaptation. It might be obvious to those who have in fact watched the first one, but for everyone else? Bit of an exaggeration you got there I think. I'm also not aware of Fullmetal having seasons, especially in Brotherhood. Wasn't it just done the old-school style as well? Before these "seasons" became a thing even in animated adaptations?


Some streaming services like Netflix split long shows into seasons, and that was the case with FMAB. I think that what he meant.