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Hello everyone, unfortunately I made quite an embarrassing mistake, my microphone was muted during the discussion portion 🤦🏻‍♂️ I just saw this recently during the editing process. All the footage was there but there was no Audio for the discussion portion, incredibly frustrating oversight. So unfortunately it will be just the reaction portion for this one for now.

I plan on recording a post episode portion again before I watch episode 28 in a few days. I’ll try my best to discuss all the things I mentioned in my initial discussion. It will feel a bit strange to do it like that, but I would like to have my thoughts on this episode out there, a lot of interesting things and setup came out of it.

I apologize about the slip up, plugging the microphone in and out defaults it to muted, and it has to be unmuted, completely slipped my mind.



We only learn from mistakes


Happens to the best of us. Nothing to worry about imo.


No worries man! Can imagine the frustration, having to re-upload your thoughts, but the fact that you do it means a lot. Fortunately most of us are very patient and understanding. You're da goat.