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Hello everyone.

So it was brought to my attention that FMAB episode 1 is not in the manga at all (filler). That It felt specifically made more as a reintroduction for people who had already watched FMA years ago because the episode reintroduces a huge amount of characters (some you don't get introduced to until a little later in the story under a different context after episode 1) and the events of the episode also take place in the middle of the story's timeline.

Sephizen (many of you know him from the Shigeki comment sections) recommends that I skip episode 1 if I actually want a blind reaction to the source material, but he doesn't feel comfortable making that call just by himself. So we'll put it through a poll to reach a decision. If the decision is to skip it, then I would revisit Episode 1 when it does make more sense.

The majority of you know how I approach a story, please take that into consideration when voting.

Also a reminder, It will be the Sub.

Let's keep it spoiler free in the comments, I would like to see what people have to say.

Thank you. 



That guy is crazy lmao you have to watch ep 1


I know there's been discussion about this topic on the internet (about how starting with episode 1 of FMAB is confusing for people who are non-manga readers or people who never watched the original FMA). I also know it's not in the manga and that I personally, in hindsight, wished I didn't watch episode 1 when I binged FMAB a few years ago (I had not read the manga or watched FMA). I'm not the most knowledgeable in Fullmetal Alchemist's optimal viewing experience beyond that so I didn't want to leave that decision to only me, feel free to give your own takes on it.

Mahni Alizadeh

I like ep 1. Are you gonna watch sub? I’ve only seen the dub and every reactor does the dub so I’m kinda excited to see what the sub is like


I see no reason to skip it, it doesn't really spoil anything.


I’d say you have to watch it, yeah


Fuck yeah fma!


Considering how easily you get spoiled it might be better for you to skip it


True that the first episode doesn’t really spoil anything I still think you should skip it to be as blind as possible.


I consider Episode 1 to be relevant to the plot.

Thanos D. Alexioy

Episode one is fine as an episode, but it adds nothing to the story and it might give you info that you are not supposed to have this early (I know you can put 2+2 together very easily) It will certainly give away some plot points that it would be better if you step into them properly as the story progresses. This is my opinion, having watched the whole thing and looking back at it. The 1st episode created some expectations for me that made me theorize and predict things very early and that would not be the case otherwise. While it doesn't "spoil" anything, it does give some VERY (and i repeat VERY ) strong hints that they may as well count as spoilers. Sephizen has deleted comments way more subtle than the hints you get from episode 1.


Skip for sure. It has some hints you could do without.


"The majority of you know how I approach a story." This is why he should skip ep1 and watch it later.


I didnt got any hints when i watched it Years ago, but if theres someone who will, thats you haha. Therefore, i think you should skip it

Leaky Peach

I halfway agree. Yes, it alludes to plot points that appear later down the line, introduces the wide cast of characters fairly well, and introduces the villains too. However, it all feels a little bloated and, while the foreshadowing of certain plot reveals might not get caught by most viewers initially, Im is notoriously perceptive and will likely catch on really quickly. If this were any other person, I'd be all for them watching the first episode.


You would pick up too many things you shouldn't know until later.


I dont think there is a good reason to skip episode one. It‘s just not a good episode and that‘s why some people recommend starting with episode two. When I first wanted to watch FMAB I actually dropped it after the first episode because I really didn’t enjoy it. Some time later I gave it another shot and was instantly hooked after episode 2


Agree on the skip. While I don't think it straight up spoils anything, it's a bit on the nose with the hinting. And someone like FilmBuff would definitely get too much out of it. I am pretty sure he will agree if he watches it later.


I'm making a decision based not on my desires but on your style of reviewing. "The majority of you know how I approach a story." I hope everyone else realizes that the first episode gives the audience way too much way too early, and because of the excellent analysis, I would suggest skipping it.

Will Watches

Ok so I’ve just rewatched ep 2 too see how it’d feel starting there, I’ll try and be as vague as I can, I feel as if starting with episode two you have to do some catching up tho, elements are specifically set up in the first episode, The first episode is better at naturally leading the audience into the rules of alchemy and building up the tension of Al’s armour for the reveal later in the episode (which is kinda just mentioned in a sentence in ep2). but there’s definitely some things Im could pick up on, like Bradley or Issac’s motivation give hints. You don’t really get a natural introduction to alchemy and only the preroll exposition.


I can definitely see a case for skipping it, but I don’t know. I don’t the think the things it shows really spoil anything (in the literal sense of spoil: making your viewing experience worse) and I think it does a decent job of introducing you to the world while leaving you with questions. (Edit: when I say “decent” I mean better than episode 2) Also, episode 1 exists as part of this show, and this isn’t the manga; it’s the anime. I’ve heard you talk a couple times about experiencing the story as it is presented, whether that be with your preference to sub over dub or with your assertion that classic Doctor Who knowledge should not be a requirement for modern watchers. But maybe you value the mangaka’s original vision over all that. Personally i think if that’s the case you might as well just read the manga, but ehh, now I’m getting opinionated.


This might not be relevant but FMAB has one of, if not THE, best dub in anime.


Off topic but do you have a time frame for when you’ll start Vinland Saga? Perhaps after you finish S4 of Shingeki since there’s gonna be some type of break after the “final” episode.

Will Watches

My question is if you skip when to actually watch episode one? Cos there’s some stuff it foreshadows that would mean not watching it till potentially your into the late 30s


Oof, not a fan of the sub version of FMAB compared to dub.

Will Watches

I just think from a story telling perspective Episode 1 is a better introduction than episode 2 as it wasn’t really designed for that lots of things are just talked about because they were mentioned in episode 1


I didn't even think of that (or ever heard of anyone doing it !) I'm hyped for this show !


Would episode 1 of FMAB (2009) be anime original content if FMA (2003) was never an anime though? I feel like episode 1 of FMAB would just start like the manga kinda like in episode 2. My thing is that it feels like Bones specifically made episode 1 of FMAB with returning viewers of FMA in mind back in the day. Since Im never watched FMA, just sticking with the source material of episodes 2-64 seems like a more natural coherent route, to me anyway. Edit : forgot to add that it's Im, he'll dissect whatever episode is in front of him in detail and I'm confident episode 1 will give him way, way too much compared to the average viewer who watched episode 1 and then just moved on immediately to the next one. That's the main reason I suggested it in the first place.


yup, I really like the first episode (I'm seeing some people slandering it here, not on my watch!) but knowing Im, nah


I know,, but Ed being voiced by the same VA as Hanji in the VO is a must !


I still say watch dub but can't go wrong with Romi Park, I guess.

Muhd Zulhilmi

Literally started FMAB a few days ago and didn’t know about the first episode thing


Personally I think the dub is way better than the sub in FMAB


That's great, but this poll has nothing to do with Im watching sub vs dub.


Violet Evergarden which is on your list only has 12 episodes, I think you should watch this first over everything it is so good

Владислав Черниенко

I think its better to watch it. Because ep 2 will throw flashback at you right in the beggining. Imo that flashback has more weight to it if you watch ep1


I thought episode 1 was a great way to introduce some of the characters. Oh and I know many have said this already but please consider watching the dub


Lol, why should you skip Episode 1. It introduces the characters to you. If you start with episode 2 it will have no meaning afterwards


And not every anime original isn't always equal to filler if it still contributes to the overall themes/story/character


A few points after reading through the messages. - Some of the newer Patrons might not know this but FMAB was picked a while ago. - Please refer to the Intro for my Death Note episode 1 reaction for my take on Sub vs Dub, and why my first experience with almost every Anime will always be Sub. - Seeing a lot of interesting takes about FMAB episode 1, for and against. Let’s see how it plays out for a couple of days.


there is NO point in skipping episode 1. It's like skipping the first episode of Attack on Titan or Death Note. Why would you do that? I swear, some people with their unnecessary complicated suggestions...


I didn't read the manga or anything, but it felt to me like the first episode is kinda there to introduce the viewer to the universe in general, but I do agree that it is mostly a filler. Knowing you, you'll probably figure out how everything works regardless.


Off topic, but I think FMA did a really good job for adapting the manga for the first 10? episodes. unpopular opinion, for the episodes with the same content, I think FMA definitely outdid FMAB. I also prefer its art style than FMAB.


Having read the manga, I can confirm that it's fillerish and am totally fine with you skipping it. I'd prefer you enjoying the story fresh rather than getting filler that hints at stuff.

Stephen husuc

Aw man I'm sure I'm the last to know and you have heard it about ten thousand times already.... But the dub is better in every sense... The only dub to out do there japanese counter parts in my opinion... But eh such is life... Love the channel Ill still be excited to see what ya think of the show... its a masterpiece for me.... Who knows maybe ill appreciate the sub more than the last time I watched it


Episode 1 is anime only. Its a reintroduction that's intended for people already familiar with FMA. Not anything like AoT or Deathnote's first episodes.


Saying the dub is better in every sense is quite dramatic. The biggest argument for subbed over dubbed is that the dubbed is just an interpretation of the subbed. However with every interpretation details are lost or changed. These are usually minor details, but what makes a show great besides the small nuances.


Mad excited for FMAB Lets goooooo


I don't care for episode 1, it has some extra hints/foreshadowing which were a good call for the show in general but might not be necessary for you. apart from that it's not a particularly good episode and has some things that are then redundant in the next episodes. I think it's clearly there just to separate the beginning for the show from the old one, which is not needed if you never watched it. the 2nd and 3rd episodes are how the story is supposed to start /edit: I mean are the 2nd and 3rd episodes completely seamless and perfect as opening episodes? no but they give the same info as was originally meant to not extra info that when taken seriously could be pretty blatant.


People saying "dont skip lol" either don't know how you like to consume media or they don't care.


To the people asking Im to watch the dub: Since the FMAB dub is way better than most anime dubs I kinda get why so many people here like it. Saying that it's better than the sub is just wrong. While the main cast in the dub is done well, the voice acting for a lot of minor characters is really awkward in the dub, something that you rarely see in anime sub. A lot of people, including Im, myself and many others prefer to watch everything in the original language. "Rejecting" any medium that is not in your native language is a phenomenon most prevalent in the english speaking parts of the world. Almost everything the heart of a "normie" desires is originally in english. Therfore a lot of native english speakers see any media they want to consume being in english as a matter of course. A big intellectual problem if you ask me. 'Once you overcome the one-inch tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films' - Bong Joon-Ho


Had to repost the comment since my profile picture was from the SNK manga (wasn't a spoiler since my pfp was Bertolt from S3P2)

David yao

because FMAB doesn’t have everything the manga does, episode 1 probably has some useful context stuff


I never thought about it but yesh, might be better to skip, actually. Btw I'm so happy you're watching the sub! All the reactions I've seen have been to the english dub and ngl it's a great dub but like you I always prefer to watch stuff in it's original language :D


FILMBuFF and Sephizen. What a duo


Makes absolutely no sense skipping the first episode. You're watching the anime, even if it's filler who cares. It won't do you any harm. Besides, starting with episode 2 seems kinda awkward as that episode wasn't made in such a way as to serve as the first viewing for a new fan.


we dont want another season 3 post credit scene type situation playing out, i say skip the first one


when are you starting it? After death note?


and by not necessary for you I mean for most people it was some fun hinting about stuff that comes back later but I think it's likely you'd be spoiled A LOT it would definitely be a SNK s3 post credit scene situation if not worse.


how much you bet it's gonna happen anyways lmao but yeah

Theo Traumato

It is ridiculous that there are serious people who say "episode 1 of the anime spoils the anime". That is just stupid. If you want a truly "blind reaction to the source material" you should read the manga. Episodes 2-10 are made for people who read the manga or watched the old anime anyway, the pacing is way too fast. But I think it is ok to watch episode 1-10 just as a normal part of this anime. This is not Attack on Titan, where everything is a big mystery and watching this episode would ruin it all. Its written way more simple and the true strength lies in the characters and not in the plot.