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Hey everyone, had to go with audio paired with frames for this one. The video footage was too corrupt and out of sync too often. PC has been a bit unpredictable after a recent update and has been causing some problems with the long recordings. 



This is "AoT4x11EA.mp4" by FILMBuFF on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Sorry to hear about the computer issues, hope you’re able to fix it! This discussion was basically a podcast which I think is very fitting for your style, very enjoyable. Keep up the awesome work :) Also, THANK YOU for understanding and even explaining Gabi’s perspective perfectly. I think you and Semblance of Sanity are the only reactors that are 100% understanding of her character.


Filmbuff is connected to paths via Isayama. Its confirmed.


Absolutely loved your interpretation of Mikasa and Louise. Also something that is intresting is that the scouts salute almost looks like as if its a stab through the heart, and the next scene is Eren stabbing someone to death. Intresting parallel imo nonetheless.

Thanos D. Alexioy

I like the fact that Sashas death was not just for effect. It ripples out into the story. Now that is a good way to kill someone off the series. I also love that Isayama taps into the idea known as "Thrownness". You are just happened to be born in a specific place, in a specific time in history, by some people. You were basically "thrown" into this world and you have to make do, with your ancestors history and mistakes and all the rest.


I love the adventures of Ben and Mia! It feels so real and raw to see Gabi at her lowest point so far and just have her interact with the world she finds herself in now. She's extremely lost and has already accepted that she's dead. It makes for some very interesting moments for sure. I also love that, in a show that is usually dominated by red/orange colors, we get a lot of green and blue. The change of environment was a breath of fresh air and helps the episode stand out imo.

Sarah S

I think it’s important to note that Gabi lashed out when Sasha’s mom touched her shoulder, but she doesn’t some time later when Kaya is trying to level with her and talk about her mom. Kaya grabs Gabi’s shoulders and asks questions, but instead of flipping out like earlier, she just stands in place in stunned silence. That could be progress! Or just a continuity error, but I think the difference in reaction is intended. I’m a manga reader and didn’t catch this until I watched the anime!


I do think it's very much intentional. Before arriving at the farm she says she'd never have a meal with the devils but then 10 minutes later she has one anyway. She does it begrudgingly, but she does it. The way her putting that first spoon in her mouth was shot shows how big of a step that was for her character, whether she recognizes that or not.


Isayama mentioned in an interview that Louise doing the salute and Eren stabbing the kidnapper in the heart was supposed to be a comparison/parallel. Can't find the interview right atm, otherwise I'd link it here.


2:41 I think onii-chan just means big brother and Kaya says onee-san which should mean big sister. You got the right meaning out of the actual spoken sentence but you repeat the wrong word. Hope I could deepen your knowledge with this :)


I'm so soooo glad that you do understand Gabi's struggle in this moment of the story. I'm so tired of everyone just hating on her solely for killing a beloved character and not trying to understand her point of view at all. I'll admit, she is a difficult one to like - there are moments even in this episode when it's hard to not roll eyes at her stubbornness, but you explain her reasoning perfectly and just... *chefs kiss* As expected of Im!


Other reactors be like "I understand her, I really do..........BUT"


was going to comment this as well, onii is brother, onee (said like onay) is sister


The fact that you did the call back for Sannes’ words to Hange before they do in the episode while other reactors didn’t even recognise that scene or character... I think this is a simple answer to why Im is my best reactor


How work intensive is adding those still frames? Wouldn't mind having those always on top of normal footage.


I heavily agree with you in regards to Floch. While I'm not a fan of him as a person, I am extremely impressed with what Isayama has done with his character. He's very well utilised. Great discussion!


talking about that episode of mikasa’s backstory, it reminded me of the fact that it was taken down from youtube, will you ever try to re upload it again ?


A week ago I was rewatching his AoT reactions from the very beginning and then I saw that episode 6 was taken down. It made me sad. I wonder if he could do something to reupload it again.


"I want to point out an earlier scene out of nowhere and tell you to keep it in mind for future episodes because it'll be relevant" is a spoiler. He was already not going to read the comments because there's a 4x12 spoiler in here, but your comment would've been enough of a reason also. He's uploading 4x11? Pretend you've only watched until 4x11 and know literally nothing beyond 4x11 when you type your comment. Very simple spoiler etiquette.


Why can't you resist the urge to put spoiler hints in the comments?


Something I haven't seen discussed by reactors or in the comments (though Im has done a great job of pretty much describing exactly this) is that Gabi is not just stubborn but indoctrinated. She was brought up in a society where she is a second-rate citizen, under a doctrine that her race is evil and lesser, that the sins of her ancestors was so great they are inherited, and that the only way to atone is through selfless service to Marley to pay off this "debt". And yet despite that (or because of it) she's passionate, courageous, has a strong sense of justice and honour, and extraordinary willpower and drive which has served her well to become a very capable warrior candidate. In the Liberio assault she managed several incredible feats, especially for a child. These are some great parallels to Eren (seasons 1 - 3, anyways), which enabled him to overcome insurmountable odds. Gabi has built her identity on becoming the best warrior to protect her family, reclaim pride in her race, and to champion her people. Being a “good” Eldian for Marley is foundational to her identity (hence her violent reaction to Falco trying to take off her armband which she wears as a badge of honour). We can see the gradual breakdown of this foundational belief as she finds herself living amongst the very enemies she’s sworn to kill. Her beliefs are being challenged as she is exposed to the reality that these island devils are just people, who can show compassion, empathy and kindness. Kaya even directly questions why the sins of their forebearers should hold present-day Eldian’s responsible, especially when this memory was wiped from the minds of the Paradisians. Now Gabi is starting to question her deeply held beliefs and experience cognitive dissonance. It makes perfect sense that her natural reaction when faced with this distasteful reality is to deny, project and withdraw back into the safety of "all island devils are evil." Her very identity and her years spent training are now under attack. Can we not show some sympathy for such a difficult process, especially in today’s world? The last four years of US politics has highlighted how incredibly easy it is for people to have distorted views of realities, to believe propaganda and to bury their head in the sand when faced with the difficult challenge of reflecting on your understanding of reality. This show reflects the moral complexity in our world. Characters (main or secondary) all have some extraordinary depth or growth, and the beauty of this show is it doesn’t shy away from digging into the unsavoury ways humans handle life. That’s a big reason that sets it apart from other shows – characters are not just two-dimensional tropes. Look at Sannes, Marlo and Floch – all great examples of secondary characters people often discount or dislike but who have poetic developments that bring greater meaning to the story. Hell, look at our main boy Eren and the drastic turn his character has taken compared to season one! I think if people can slow down and approach this show with some patience and emotional maturity, you are rewarded with appreciating the depth of human experiences, even those you may initially find discomforting. (As a side note I think this also extends to viewers’ impatience regarding “slow” episodes. When those “slow” episodes do come around, where not much seems to happen and it’s mostly set-ups and dialogue, instead of grumbling, enjoy the moment as it makes those exciting, fast and action-packed twists all the more memorable and beautiful.) For us all here on Im’s Patreon, we subscribe and love his work because of the scrutiny in his analysis. He looks at each character and knows there’s something great to extract from their tale, whether it be happy or tragic. I’d be interested for any Gabi haters out there to let me know if this changes your opinion of her at all. I’m definitely going to be posting this comment (essay!) to the YouTube video when it drops.


Such great analysis, this is exactly what was going through my mind as well. I seriously cannot understand the hate on Gabi given she represents such an important viewpoint in the story. We are witnessing the breaking and remaking of someone's identity, that too of a child. I feel sympathy for her given the circumstances she was born and raised in, at the same time some admiration for her tenacity as well.

石原 悟

Just one thing I wanted to point out. This is related to my earlier comment on how Eldians on Paradis always said "humanity" meaning "people inside the walls". When Floch says "so be it", subs make him say "if it's for the sake of humanity, so be it" (not an exact quote, going off memory). In reality he says "if it's for the sake of humanity inside the walls, so be it". There is a distinction. Just like people outside of Paradis separate humans and Eldians, Eldians on Paradis separate themselves and everyone else. At least these radicals do.


Your discussion made me think about a few elements of the story that I hadn't thought of before. Amongst the Marleyan Eldians, the Braun family (Reiner and Gabi) seem to be particularly more staunch believers of the Marleyan doctrine than the others. We know that Karina was abandoned by Reiner's father. I can see why she has major abandonment issues since she felt abandoned twice, once by her own race and a second time in her own private life. The parallels between Kaya and Louise are interesting...I can see why each chose their own respective path. Louise sees Mikasa as this symbol of warrior when she first meets her, a god swooping in and taking down a titan (something that people inside the walls do not see often). To her, in order to defeat a monster, one needs strength, and she sees that in Mikasa, raw brute strength, and wants to emulate that in order to save the masses, just as Mikasa did. Kaya, on the other hand, sees a different picture. Sasha does not save the masses, her intervention is at a very personal level for Kaya. Kaya was in fact abandoned by the masses along with her mother, so in Sasha she sees a saviour who saves individuals, not masses and she wants to reach out to those abandoned by others and help them, just like her idol Sasha. Hange and Floch are at odds with each other philosophically. For Floch, the end justifies the means whereas for Hange, the means justify the end. What a dilemma! And of course, Gabi. A scary yet pitiful child, facing an existential crisis...what she learns through her experience will be interesting to see.


I'm just so glad we got extra content this week from you, especially with the delay of today´s episode, good work! loved the reaction and discussion.


Oof, that's such a good point about Karina.

Rory Borcherding

Anyone else come here so they could watch Im's reaction again to fill the SNK shaped hole in our hearts left by today's delay.


I know there are ppl from diverse countries here, so i want to know what other ppl think. Im from Asia, and this episode was quite controversial in my country. My country suffered from invasions and colonization during WW2 era, so Kaya's line about "ancestors sins don't have anything to do with us" triggered political arguments. Some ppl were saying this line justified war crimes, others were saying it was an important line about getting along. I'm siding with the latter bc of Magath's line later in the manga. But still Im not sure what to think of it. If there are anyone interested in this issue, plz tell me your opinion about it!


The way I see it, the whole SNK storyline resolves about the cycle of hate. Also, I am adopted from a white family and I'm black. It would be dumb for me to see every white person around me as "responsable" for the slavery their ancestors commited. I don't understand how this sentence could justify war crimes ? Our ancestors sins have actually something to do with us, we have to learn about the terrible mistakes they made to never have to go through it again (which as a specy we don't do at all lmao), I don't know if my answer helped ?

Muhd Zulhilmi

Ah yes I agree. Maybe display them when certain scenes or moments are mentioned to help recall which ones are being talked about

Muhd Zulhilmi

You really should have a segment here just for clarification/explanation of some translations

Muhd Zulhilmi

I love how you acknowledge then immediately dismissed comparisons between Gabi and Falco’s mindset. Not only is Gabi’s family fully indoctrinated, Falco’s has a history of going against the regime. They are literally opposites in terms of upbringing and anyone who says things like “they both grew up together, why can’t she think like Falco” has completely disregarded the significance of how a household can affect your character. Also, I already expected you to acknowledge Floch’s development, but I really loved the appreciation you showed for it as well. I don’t like Floch and I personally don’t have any significant trauma, but I feel for him for some reason, when I think about how he is what he is now because of what happened in Shiganshina. Like (and this is still just my headcanon) how the reason he’s choosing Eren now is cos he’s the strongest and he won’t make himself feel as powerless as he did in the fields outside Shiganshina again. And (also my headcanon), he still wants to atone for being the only one who survived by bringing back the devil, as he said. He failed then with Erwin, but now he sees the devil in Eren. And I have to be honest, I’m really glad about the lack of Gabi hate in these comments. I’ve accepted that even people who understand where she’s coming from, will still harbor dislike for her simlly because it’s what people feel. Sometimes you can’t choose what you feel and it is understandable with Gabi’s personality how people might dislike her. But man, I cannot relate whatsoever to the hate. And it irks me even more seeing unironic calls for her (brutal) death being nonchalantly thrown around.


i’ve never realized people hate Gabi until i read youtube comments lol


A minor thing, but I’m quite glad you noticed the change in Galliard’s demeanor towards Reiner. I personally haven’t seen anyone else do (notice) that. Great discussion, as always.


Same absolutely love his character in the story, he brings such an interesting dynamic, even though I would punch him in real life.


Interesting take on the whole mikasa headaches and louise parallels. I do agree with you on how the headaches were probably her finally seeing that situation for what it was which was eren acting abnormally for a kid his age at the time. i don't think mikasa was obsessed with eren throughout the series, it's a rlly strong word and a lot of ppl can misinterpret that sentence. Mikasa, although not shown much in the anime, has developed from her s1 self throughout the series. She's come to accept that eren does act on his own and doesn't blindly follow him like louise does for yeagerists. I feel like louise is a reflection of the part of mikasa that DID at one point join the scouts for eren and did what she did for eren which she seems to dislike about herself. Mikasa throughout the series created attachments to characters that aren't just eren and has grown to be a prideful soldier who does care for humanity and doesn't hold a simplistic view of 'good guys vs bad guys'. mikasa has grown to see multiple perspectives and understand war (why she doesn't agree with eren's actions at liberio and why she never hates reiner or gabi or any 'traitors'). i'd say mikasa is severly attached to eren due to her trauma and views him as her home as everyone else from her childhood has left her and naturally she's protective and feels indebted to him. it's not the 'yandere' obsessive girl this fandom makes her out to be.  also i love how u pointed out the struggles hange is facing, she goes through so much this season i feel bad for her. The hange we've seen that loves to study titans is slowly fading before our very eyes. highly recommend reading the lost girls manga or watching the anime version although the manga has a lot more details but yeah great reaction