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This is "AoT4x8EA.mp4" by FILMBuFF on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Wow, the analogy with Zeke's glasses is so interesting, I love it

Mati D.

Gonna miss you Potato girl :(


People actually sent death threats to Gabi’s VA over this episode. Isn’t that ridiculous? Not only did they miss the entire point of Gabi as character and the situation she was in, but they chose to take their anger out on someone that has done nothing but voice her beautifully. It’s a real shame some people can be so childish. Anyway, amazing discussion as always, you nailed everything once again. I’m very interested to see how you’ll interpret future events as well. Looking forward to this Sunday :)


Glad you understood Eren's laughter and didn't just think he found Sashas death funny like some other people.


People really thought that? Damn. That was such an easy thing to understand just by paying a little attention.


He not only understood Eren's laughter, but also catched that other scouts didn't know the meaning of it. His reaction is certainly on another level.


I still stand by my opinion. The people that want Gabi dead are the people who would have done exactly what Gabi did this episode if they were in that situation. The people that hate Gabi enough to wish for the death of a 12 year old are the type of people that would kill a "Sasha" like person infront of them given the chance.

石原 悟

A small thing to give more perspective on. Since it was brought up in discussion. When Eren says "At this point, I can't exactly kill Reiner," literal translation is "It's likely not possible to kill Reiner at this point." As the shot shows close up of Reiner's face, it gives off the feeling that indeed, Reiner wouldn't go down no matter what. Even in that battered state. So the first impression for a native speaker is that it would take too much time and energy to take out Reiner considering the blimp is already overhead and moving out. Especially with Eren mentioning lack of strength to continue fighting. And that look on Reiner's face. It still keeps open the possibility of Eren meaning something else apart from simply stating it's a task too difficult for the circumstances, but... That's not the impression one gets from original statement. I'm still baffled sometimes by the constant need of translators to specify the subject even when literal translation seems to be clear enough. Our language does have this obnoxious characteristic of tending to omit the subject (and many more "obvious" things) when communicating, so some lines do need to be specified in translation. On a side note, I've seen hilariously mistaken translations where translators themselves misunderstood the subject and the end result makes no sense. In this case, since there are only two characters on the battlefield who would potentially want to take out Reiner, we feel no need to specify who's gonna be doing the killing. There are only Eren and Mikasa. Who else? No one. So why bother stating "I", "you, Mikasa", or even "we"? It's "obvious" who Eren might be referring to as subject. Especially since when you do specify the subject the wording becomes so specific it opens up different interpretations. "I don't think you (Mikasa) can kill Reiner at this point." "I don't think I can kill Reiner at this point." "I don't think we can kill Reiner at this point." They all sound slightly different, don't they? First one sounds like Eren's gonna let Mikasa do the job while he... while he does what? Chill?)) Second one is the official route translation took. You saw more than one interpretation in the discussion. Third one is more mellow and closer to original. Innocent enough at first glance, but implying Eren fully expects Mikasa to help him fight Reiner. Reiterating his "trust" in that she'll do the fighting when he wants her to. As she did against War Hammer and Jaw. Slightly different nuances in each case. Unless translator is in touch with Isayama, there's no way to know which one is correct. Which one is more in line with future events. So personally, I would've went with literal translation here. Since all of the above are implied and not specified in original dialogue. I'd rather keep it vague and true to what we get out of it on first hearing, rather than insert my own interpretation when literal translation should be clear enough to communicate the main idea. That's just my style of translating.


He's seen episode 9, but don't type comments alluding to future episodes. He's not ahead in recording enough for you to just casually talk about the next episode at all times and there's some people who watch along with him.

D.j. Lachmandas

Your discussion about Eren is Godtier Jesus. As a manga reader u are teaching me stuff


Just purchased your patreon


Loved what you said about Zeke's glasses. While I was kind of excited to find out Zeke was a sleeper agent himself after having my own suspicions earlier this season, he's still a mystery to me. Kind of scares me a little. What is his end goal exactly? Can't wait to find out! Unfortunately, I was spoiled for this episode but it still brought tears to my eyes. Love Sasha so much.


Thank you so much to our in-house translator (sorry, I cannot read your username!), your inputs really enhance my overall experience of the story. As someone who loves languages, it is very very interesting to see the subtle changes that arise due to different translations and their interpretations. Actually, that line that you mentioned Eren say ("I cannot kill Reiner") was weird when I saw it in the anime...it was translated differently in the manga (the way you wrote it). It gave the impression that Eren was out of time and couldn't defeat Reiner then, I don't know why they chose to translate it this way in the anime. Thanks again, looking forward to reading about more hidden nuggets from you! :)


I would say after the mystery of the basement, Zeke is the most mysterious character of AoT :) I find him so fascinating as well!


can you believe that there is people that do hour long analisis per episode and didnt see at all the clues about zeke. not filmbuff tho, you are the best man


Once again another brilliant reaction! 1) "Floch is necessary, and his perspective is necessary." Damn Im, that was a beautiful way of putting it. A lot of people hate him and Gabi, and I see none of that hatred in you, which makes me feel like you're a really compassionate person IRL too. 2) "You totally understand Gabi's perspective, as much as it hurts." I love your take on this, because at no point in the episode did you ever get angry at Gabi (unlike other reactors), since you see where she's coming from, and yet at no point did you condone her actions. I think you really understand Isayama's call to understand characters from all sides of the story, even if it's not convenient with your own feelings. It's even more impressive because you clearly love all these characters, yet you're able to appraise them with an objective eye too. 3) Your thoughts on Falco and Gabi's conversation and the weight of it really make me look forward to you discussing their interactions going forward. 4) I never realized Eren could be seeing the future when those shocked expressions emerged. I always just thought they were moments that brought out emotion in him. Now I have a new theory thanks to you!


I feel like at this point you're gonna spoil me with your theories - and I'm caught up with the manga lol You're just THAT good


I would like to hear your thought about what would Erwin do if he was still alive. Do you think he would understand Eren? After all, someone who can't abandon his humanity, can't change anything. Even Armin said this to Eren when he was about to start fighting Annie.


She said Niku and in the manga the kanji is used, so there's no double meaning. And pleeease don't reference stuff Im hasn't seen yet, he doesn't want to be given any expectations (although we know he's seen Ep9)

Mahni Alizadeh

the soundtrack at the end was the one they played after everyone joined the scouts and got their capes, and Eren saw Marco as part of the group with his own cape. I just noticed it recently on a different reaction, and I actually think it's extremely fitting.


I think he would’ve understood his actions. Agreeing with them is a different story tho.

Владислав Черниенко

A ton of interesting takes. Once again, you are proving yourself being absolute goat at this. You instantly got Eren's laugh situation, Gabi's motivation and importance of it ("have you see it?"), Floch's nessesary pov, Armin's take on things, Zeke's mistery (also awesome take on glasses, never thought of it), Yelena's and Onyankopon's involvement. Among these things reactor's usually miss a majority, but you got all of them, it's truly amazing how invested you are. A cool little thing that you didn't mention is Jean instantly don't hesitate to shoot Gabi right there. But once she is harmless, he is being realistic responsible higher-up, as he should be.

Владислав Черниенко

Also I'm not sure are you considering it a spoiler, but I give it a try. Sasha was actually ment to die back in season 2, when she saved that girl in the village. But I believe manga editor was so heartbroken (to tears) that Isayama changed the scene and made her getting out of that.

Sarah S

Yo this was a really fantastic discussion. I just want to share that this was an absolute BOMBSHELL of a chapter when it dropped. This was actually one of my favorite chapters of the manga. Gabi was even more controversial to the manga community because readers had basically waited nearly a year to see the Paradis crew since the start of the first Marley chapter - not six episodes haha! I remember a lot of early feedback on Gabi BEFORE this moment was people being annoyed at what they thought was a replacement Walmart Eren 😂 and then finally seeing the crew after a year since the chapters release monthly, then she kills a fan favorite. The anime community has reacted strongly to this episode, but not quite as strong as how I remember the manga readers’ reactions. Also Zeke’s foggy glasses are definitely a visual motif that I feel Isayama used in the manga, there’s a few standout panels of Zeke in early Marley arc pre-Declaration of War that I’m remembering. I’m glad to see it carry over Not much else I can actually say. Really good discussion. Dude if you catch up? You might be able to join Shingeki Sundays soon! No rush on the great content!


If you go back to some episodes, you can actually see that Sasha and Mikasa had a special bond. Mikasa fed her back in season 1, or when the scouts got their freedom back in season 3, everyone cheered but Mikasa and Sasha hugged. It makes her reaction here even more sad


And the "Sasha farted" joke near the start of the series.


Im: “Even though it led to the death of one of our OG favorites, you can totally understand Gabi’s point of view.” Entire internet: “That’s where you’re wrong, kiddo.”


On Reddit most people still understand her. Doesnt change that shes hated for it tho

Cameron Mason

Tbf the author intends for everybody to hate Gabi, it's obvious. That will change.


Moreover, the 4 years time skip definitely made the 104th members closer together. So we should expect a deeper connection between them all than that we had in the past three seasons


most hate her bec Gabi is an unlikable bitch who thinks she's hot shit and that everyone else is trash.

石原 悟

Netero, you sure that's not just your own impressions? I liked Gabi since day 1, so that unlikable part is already objectively false, and thus not applicable to everyone. She does think high of herself, but what's wrong with that? She backs her talk. Top grades, successful mission in battle to take out an armoured train, even in battle for Liberio she's responsible for 1/4 of casualties sustained by Scouts. Almost MVP in terms of effectiveness, second only to Pieck. And I don't recall her thinking everyone else is trash. On the contrary, she respects quite a few of her superiors. And family members. Or perhaps you're taking her speech to Magath literally and assume she must think of others as trash to say that? Dunno man. I've seen plenty of Gabi haters over the years, ever since the Sasha incident. No one spoke of her like that till she took out Sasha. Though people were annoyed with her "protagonist density" and constant desire to slaughter "our team". So in my eyes that rhetoric got added later. To add insults cuz "she killed potato girl" sounds kinda weak for the amount of hatred Gabi started receiving. I guess people subconsciously understand the absurdity of their claims and also subconsciously try to add ore reasons to justify their attitude.


To be fair, I like Gabi too...she is quite entertaining. I don't think Isayama intended his audience to like/dislike her, I remember him saying in an interview that how the audience views a character is up to them, an author cannot control a reader's interpretation of a story/character. I find the hatred to be very immature to be honest. She is correctly portrayed as an indoctrinated child soldier who is very proficient in her skills. Since we, the audience, have been exposed to both the sides and can feel sympathy for both the sides, the maturity should lie with the audience, not with the characters of the story. Besides, if everyone was a great guy like Jean and Falco, the story would be boring. We need characters like Gabi and Floch to portray the different facets of humanity and how different people approach the same problem.


The one complaint I've ever had with WIT studios is how they basically made Mikasa a machine. Her only care was Ereh and making sure he was safe, but in the manga she actually is shown to have a good relationship with her squamates, especially Sasha.


I don't know if you read the comments as to avoid potential spoilers, but if you do I just want to let you know you're probably the best creator on here atm. The most quality shit I've ever seen in my life honestly, the thought process is insane, and you call things I'd never think to connect.


The most under rated line of this season, and honestly I think the show, is Gabi's line of "Did you see it? Neither did I" To me it seemed like a parallel to the viewer. Not so much Filmbuff, as he reacts to these things in a unique way. Most people reacted to Gabi killing Sasha with a hatred of her character. Even going as far as attacking the VA. She killed one of the most beloved characters of the show. The common reaction I saw of reactors around YouTube, and through the discussion boards of episodes, or little clips on TikTok is "wow Gabi is just stupid and ignorant." While it's ignorant, I wouldn't necessarily call it stupid. What I really love about that line is the parallel it has with the viewer. For three seasons you grew with the scouts, but when it comes to the Marley, you've only seen these characters for eight episodes. The viewer has less of a reaction to Pieck, Galliard, or the citizens being murdered in cold blood because they haven't seen them. Take the gate guards that stopped Gabi. I love this example because Gabi is obviously supposed to represent Eren, and the gate guards can represent Hannes. When Hannes dies it's a really sad, influential moment to the season. So influential it's still being brought up, even in this season. But when the gate guards die, its usually an exciting moment because "yay Sasha is back." We don't care about this death because we haven't seen them. The gates being broke down by Marley, and the 2000 year history of Marley, and the attack on Liberio are one in the same. Both are using the power of the titans to murder and devastate cultures and races. We hold Marley accountable, and hate them for it because we've seen what has happened for three seasons straight. But when it comes to the scouts actions, we don't have any predisposition hated for them. We don't care that the 100 years ago eldians had the world enslaved, and we don't care that the citizens of Liberio are being trampled for simply existing because "did you see it? Neither did I"


You think the Scouts beating up Falco and Gabi is sickening? The internet would disagree with you, cause they took that scene and looped it and made 1 hour long video of just scouts beating up a -checks notes- 12 year old kid. That video has almost half a million views...


You may notice one interesting detail about Zeke’s glasses if you rewatch season 4 episode 3.


Fun Fact: Lobov was a member of the Garrison before he joined the Survey Corps. He first appeared back in season 1 at the battle of Trost. He was the one who overheard a trainee soldier threatening to flee and confronted him. When the trainee reiterates his intentions to leave, Lobov was ready to draw his swords, threatening to execute him if he leaves!

石原 悟

Definitely. It's always like that. Abstract atrocities you only heard about and things that happened up close and personal have different weight for people. It's not logical but emotional thing. And people operate on emotions.

石原 悟

Not to mention a blog titled "Gabi Braun must die" that's been out there for years, and is fairly well known. Some people are savages.


Also something i wanted to point out, the Scouts that are charging at Gabi and Falco to beat the living shit out of them, if you look at their faces right as they're charging at them they almost look like mindless titans, they got that mindless titan facial expression to a T


There’s 10 hr versions as well with relaxing music in the background and people in the comments saying its still not enough. People really don’t like Gabi.


Are you talking about the scene after Pixis' speech? That wasn't Lobov, that was Kitz Weilman. Lobov was the commander from S3 that attacked Erwin for suggesting that they should use civilians as bait for Rod's titan.

石原 悟

Yeah, English wiki has Lobov as the one ready to cut down deserters for some reason, but that's not true. Japanese community isn't sure if we have seen Lobov before, but some do point out the resemblance to Orubudo District Garrison Regiment Commander, which was the one complaining to Erwin in Season 3.


I think you are all 3 mistaken, it is neither Kitz or the guy from Orvud District. I think the confusion comes since he appears in the same scene where Kitz draws his swords, but its not Kitz himself. Slightly prior that scene -before it gets very escalated- you see Lobov expressing surprise at what Pyxis is saying, and then later he tries to grab Daz when he freaks out and turns away. Here's a few frames https://imgur.com/a/Ar1tTPB


@Kevin Karlsson yes, I was referring to that guy! He was ready to draw his sword in the manga (chapter 12), I never said he drew his sword, just that he was ready to, and I'm pretty sure they used the same scene in the anime (season 1 episode 11).


Sasuga Filmbuff! Yet another perfect game.


Hey Sephizen, are you there? Could you read the comments above and tell me if there are spoilers please? I would like to read them and you're the only one I trust haha. Thank you very much!


Ah yes you are absolutely right! I accidentally skimmed past that part when I was rechecking, I thought it was only Kitz that threatened to execute people, but indeed Lobov does it as well even earlier. Thanks for clearing that up.


I'm pretty sure Sephizen manually deletes comments that aren't acceptable. So as long as you don't go into the comment section before Sephizen then you should be fine.


I can't delete comments on Patreon unfortunately, there's no moderation features on this website.


oh? What do you do if someone is being a jerk about something? Do you just tell Filmbuff to avoid the comment section? I knew you are the trusted Mod. But what do you do if someone refuses to be reasonable?


@Sephizen Thank you so much! :) Sorry for bothering you with spoilers all the time..


@john Thank you friend! I know that Sephizen can't delete comments on Patreon (only Im can) so that's why I asked him if the comments under this video were safe :) which is a bummer... But it seems like Im's patreons are being fair haha


I tell him to avoid a post's comment section. I'm not awake 24/7 and sitting here refreshing Patreon like this was my job or something though so it's obviously not ideal. Just gotta hope people follow basic courtesy ultimately.


In that case I think the anime version is better. She seems more like a broken person in the anime, less healthy etc. Reminds me of myself to be honest, as I think of myself as fairly robotic partly for circumstances I had no control over. This means a greater possible growth arc. Too early to really call it yet, but I'm pointing out possibility, and also projecting myself quite a lot.


I like Floch, he's someone who wouldn't underestimate children and people like Jean and Sasha need to learn from him.

石原 悟

You can't deduce that from his actions. Currently he got a very simple modus operandi. Anyone not from Paradis is an enemy, regardless of sex and age. We don't know how he would react to a kid from Paradis pulling gun on him. He very well might hesitate. Or not. Too little info to discern that.


No he wouldn’t hesitate. The suicide charge has changed him. He would have thrown Gabi and Falco off the blimp if he was in charge.