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This is "DN1x17EA.mp4" by FILMBuFF on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



I love how Light's face (particularly his eyes) looks completely different when he is not under the influence of the death note. It's a small touch that really sells "good' Light for me.


I loved your discussion between Light with no memory of the Death Note vs Light as Kira; it really is interesting to think between the two different personalities that are held within each. Seeing you compare and debate this topic was very interesting to hear. I look forward to seeing what this current Light’s inner monologues will be if we get any, this would be good insight into how exactly he thinks!

Mati D.

It's really interesting what you said about Light (w/o death note) and Kira (w/ Death Note). Kira would do anything in his power to accomplish his wishes, make the world a better place, kill the rotten people, etc etc. But Light, without the influence of the Death Note, acting like a "normal person" would never do such things like take advantage for someone else feeling to catch the bad people. The first thing Kira did after meeting Misa, was threating her life, just because she didn't want him to go in a date with other girls. And that's because that situation put him in danger and make the job to delete the rotten people harder. Now he needs to take care of hers, and starts using her as an object (cuz her eyes) more like an ally. The first thing LIGHT does after get released is telling L that he would NEVER take advantage of someone else feelings. I always loved that we can see this part of Light.

石原 悟

Interesting translation choice we got this episode. When Light answers "That goes against my honor" to L prompting him to manipulate Misa. He didn't appeal to honor. In literal translation he said "That's against humanitarianism". Here he used the word 人道, which is an old concept we had way before west invented the notion of humanitarianism, so it's not exactly the same. It literally means "the way of human/s" and implies that there are different paths. Humans should live as humans, and as such some acts are deemed vile and as something that pushes one off the path and renders them to be not-human. Which then implies that human laws and morals don't apply to such individuals, and that society has every right to do what it wants with them. To the point of killing by torture, of course. They lost the right to be called humans, after all. At least that's the ancient concept we had before hearing about western philosophy of humanitarianism. They're similar enough so we use same word. Just still a slightly different nuance, nothing major. And obviously modern society doesn't use it as excuse to really harm anyone. Though in conversation one can hear "don't you go off the human path bro, that scheme of you conning old people out of their money isn't the human path" and such. Would be weird to substitute the word "humanitarian" there, wouldn't it? So I would've translated it as "That's inhumane" for that line. That's why we see L flinching at Light's words there. Light not only shut down any further possibilities of L arguing top-down for Light to take the actions, he also jabs at L. Saying he's prompting an inhumane act, an act that just goes against any and all morality. The man whom L believes to be the Kira, or at least being the Kira for some time, the man who used inmates and made them write symbols on walls with their own blood, the same man scorns at L saying "bruh, that's inhumane yo". That didn't sit well with L))) Because if Light had said "That's against my honor" L could've kept arguing that with multiple lives at stake one's honor isn't something to hinder the investigation. That Light is just selfish wanting to protect his pride and doesn't care enough about bringing justice, or something. Can't use those arguments if the deed in question is immoral, can you? So yeah. Again we see that Light Yagami has a very strong sense of justice, of what is right and wrong, of having the moral high ground. The same qualities that got twisted in his "Kira" form. In that sense nothing about Light's personality has changed. He believes in greater good. I call this version of him "original Light", as opposed to "corrupted Light". If only the Death Note never came around to him, who knows what kind of hero of justice he could've turned into? It's a shame, really. But then we wouldn't have had an intriguing story)))


yeah it makes me think that light actually isn't a psychopath

石原 悟

I'd say it depends on the "version" of Light we look at. Light with Death Note? Psychopath. Light in episode 1 prior to using Death Note? Pretty normal, average, even. His stance is a very common one within certain demographic, especially at that age. "Society is rotten, I'm surrounded by societal garbage, someone should do something about it" That's almost "run of the mill, typical talented teenager from a good family" level. I personally know more than a couple of people who have had that exact outlook around same age, and who still got very similar outlook on life decades after. It makes perfect sense for Light to be like that. Talented, hardworking, disciplined son of career government official. It would be surprising for him to be just like majority of the people he went to school with. And judging from what little we seen of his school and prep-school, he must've been quite lonely, maybe even the only child from a "good" family in that area. He lamented that he barely got anyone able to hold a conversation on interesting level even at top university he got in to. Imagine how lonely he must have been in high school.