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Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. One of the most riveting, well directed, densely packed and skillfully crafted episodes of the Anime. An all timer. Shingeki's very own "Light of the Seven" moment.

Some of the topics I covered in the Discussion portion (expanding on a handful of these in that Part 2 recording)

  • Parallels and callbacks Galore! 
  • Brilliant storytelling structure
  • Ticking time bomb
  • Voice acting
  • Stunning imagery
  • Eren/Reiner
  • Eren/Falco
  • Reiner/Falco
  • The fascinating Willy Tybur
  • Eldian Empire
  • Warhammer Titan waiting on the sidelines ? (Tall guard and Cute Maid)
  • Revisiting aspects of 3x10 "Friends"
  • Uri/Kenny
  • Uri/King Fritz
  • "In the not too distant future, the world will crumble"
  • King Fritz
  • Wall Titans
  • Zeke's Perfect Game
  • Mysterious new female figure
  • Comrades/Scouts
  • Armin/Mikasa/Eren
  • Eren/Scouts relationship continued
  • Lady Kiyomi's involvement
  • Potential Attack Titan Rampage/Imminent major deaths ?
  • The Warrior's Immediate family 
  • Opening and Ending lyrics
  • Thoughts on the differences in translation



This is "AoT4x5OP.mp4" by FILMBuFF on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Yooooooooooo legend, I can’t wait man


Wait it’s out I’m dumb


Oh shit, can't wait for this discussion


Can not wait for the discussion. And we’re being treated to double episode upload? Amazing

Sarah S

One of the best episodes! Ever! The director of this episode hand drew that mf pencil on paper shot of Karl Fritz btw


Not a lot of people caught on to the “I was born into this world” which is something very important to Erens character, it’s been brought up a few times now. Eren transforming in front of everybody after Willy declaring war on Paradis is easily one of the rawest things to ever happen in this story lol


Such a great episode. Eagerly waiting the discussion portion. This season has a cinematic feel to it. Season 3B is my favorite as a whole at the moment, but I think season 2 and this (at least so far) have the most eye-catching shots and best directing.

Candy Z

This is going to motivate me to study for this damn exam so I can watch this in all its glory before I sleep. Your review seems hella enthusiastic and insightful so far, so hyped


I love how you and Eren had the same reaction to Willy saying "because I was born into this world" lmao.


I have watched this episodes so many times yet I'm always shaking when watching it. This arc is top aot


This was chapter 100 of the manga. Erens transformation here is a really iconic scene that people waited years to see. You noted the music there, did you like it? You are probably not aware but the community is behaving like absolute garbage this season. There were tons of moronic "fans" that went on to harass and send death threats to the director of the episode over that music choice because they expected specific tracks being played there.


I cannot wait, I look at that list of topics like a kid on christmas




By far one of the best episodes of AoT


small detail but in the actual anime subs they call it the earthshaking i think, but even in the manga they call it the rumbling

Muhd Zulhilmi

Thinking of going to the doctor’s later for my ingrown toenail. May need a minor surgery and I’m scared of the pain. But I have to keep moving forward...


Yeah, just ripping his way through an entire residential housing block full of civilians. Raw AF. I'm really glad FB noticed the "born into this world" as well. I figured he would because of how much he loves the episode "Bystander".


As an anime only I thought it was perfectly fine. I'm sure they expected YSBG or something like that but it would not have fit, at all.


He's watching it with official subs and Willy calls it rumbling here too, what subs are you referring to?


Don't look at the title of episode 8


Told him last week to skip the titles of 4x6 and 4x8, we're good.


Is the next reaction coming out next week?


Hey sorry I'm new here but is the discussion only available if you have access to the full length $10 tier? Im confused


I CANNOT wait for this discussion


Yet people were furious about the soundtrack choice at the end. Many even go to the staff's twitter and attack them personally. If only fans are all like FB.


I'm a manga reader, I’m ready to be spoiled


NOT A SPOILER: the quote “Because I was born into this word” stroke that expression in Eren’s face because it is the same sentence Carla told Commandant Keith when he ranted about her life “I don’t care if this kid is not special, because he was born into this word” something like that, i don’t remember the quote exactly lol


Hearing ət'æk 0N Tάɪtn play while Eren was regrowing his leg is the more titanic equivalent of hearing the Rains of Castamere play when the Freys shut the door. Perhaps not many share this opinion, but I thought this episode is the best of the season so far - even more so than the three that followed after it. In fact, this is probably the most elegantly constructed, narratively poised episode in the entire series, and it is adapted page for page from the manga. The directors of the episode needn't add anything extra, such was the strength of the writing this chapter.


At 5:38 I was hype to see the same shot framed on your wall lol beautiful moment


Am i the only one who thinks Willy just knew Eren? Like really knew him? Thats why he used that phrase, to convey some sort of message. Because otherwise yeah sure its been repeated a couple of times, just having it mentioned here without a reason is pretty weak

石原 悟

Is it weak?? Surely it ain't a phrase only Eren could use... Especially since Willie is painfully aware that he was born an Eldian, born a Tybur, and just because of that he had to face some dark stuff. Surely he thought about it before. Like, why was I born, should I even be allowed to live, what if I was born in different family, is there nothing that can be done, etc. And eventually reached the conclusion that no matter what, he gotta be true to his self, true to his desire to live even though he's an Eldian. Hence reaching the reasoning "Since I'm already born, might as well keep living, I wanna live," and that just leads to the phrase. It ain't an outrageous phrase. Carla used it too. Pretty normal concept, I'd say. So I don't really get where you're coming from saying "it didn't have a reason to be mentioned unless Willie had Eren in mind". Because that phrase is simply explaining Willie's reasoning as to why he wants to live even though he's an Eldian. Even though his family is noting but a "lowly thief" as he said it (which was translated as traitors). It just so happened to be the same phrasing Eren used twice before. And only once in front of other people. Of which 2 are dead and 1 is alive. 9 years ago. The other time was inside his mind during battle of Trost. Edit: Oh, and it isn't exact same phrase. Eren said it with determination, as a fact. Willie said it as something that's regretful but happened anyway. There's that nuanced difference which doesn't really exist in English language. You just can't say "because I was born in this world" with different nuances without altering the wording, including adding words. So translator made a decision to keep it simple and make it into exact same phrase Eren used before.

Oppai Master

It might be a stretch but in the opening for s3 part1 you can see a hand with the same cut eren has in this episode I haven't actually see anyone point it out yet


Eren said it himself in Trost as well when Armin was trying to wake him up after he had attacked Mikasa in his titan form.

Aras Paty

What an episode and your reaction and the way you make all the connections is brilliant to see. So the two parts discussion is coming Sunday right?


Yeah because the action direction and animation is no where near as good as previous seasons this episode is the best of the season so far for me too.


I knew you'd love the Kenny/Uri moment in this episode, always nice to have callbacks to these two.


Just to clarify, it would be multiple Early access AoT vids in one week. So at some point in February, there will be the usual Friday early access video, and then another one a few days after that, and then back to Friday 🙂👌🏼


Oh yeh I know 👌🏼✌🏼 Bystander is one of my fave episodes of Shingeki. The struggle for Trost Arc is one of my most vivid memories of the Anime as well, it was around the time I came back to YT after a Hiatus. The Armin/Eren scene is one of my most vivid memories of that time as well. Couldn’t really start going into those during the episode 😄 especially since it was starting to work towards the conclusion of the episode. That kind of stuff is covered in the post episode segment.


The action is just as good if not better, please take a look at the season 3 Eren vs Reiner or the scout scenes there whenever they are against Reiner. It was super stiff and wonky. Not to mention the Colossal titan. For some reason people remembered Season 3 with the 2 godly animated Levi scenes that are done by freelance animators and they think we've always had some 10/10 animation. That was never the case and it still isnt.


This might just be my interpretation, but every time Eren says 'I'm the same as you', he means it in a different fashion.

石原 悟

Well, he's not really saying "I'm the same as you" all the time. He said it once, right before the transformation. Other two times he said "Same as you". It was translator who interpreted it to be "I'm the same as you" all three times. "Why did you come?" "Same as you" "Huh?" "Don't you get it? Same reason you did" "I slept under same roof with my enemty, ate same food. Same as you"

Mr. Toastman

Keeping in mind the correction from the comment above mine, I tend to agree with your interpretation insofar as it relates to Eren expressing that sentiment, regardless of the exact words he used. In my mind, each time he makes reference to being the same as Reiner, he's talking about different moments in Reiner's life. He's the same as Reiner in that he's there to save the world (or rather, his world). He's the same as Reiner in that he came to realize that the people across the sea are not all evil. And finally he's the same as Reiner in that he keeps moving forward, fulfilling his duty until the bitter end, until all his enemies are gone.

石原 悟

That's what it is. Having the wording be "I'm the same as you" each time just creates needless confusion in my opinion. "Why did you come here?" "Same as you (had the same reason to go over to enemy territory)" "Slept under same roof, ate same food with enemy. Same as you (did back in the day, same actions)" and by implication came to same understanding. "Just like I thought, we really are the same (in that after coming to understand the enemy and even share bonds with them, after coming over to wreak havoc and destruction, we both make the same choice, to move forward)" He is talking about different aspects. The wording "I'm the same" just needlessly limits the implications to some people, and thus I'm not a fan of this particular stylistic choice. But pointing out every instance of liberties taken, or showing how translation differs from what's being said, why could it be different, what could be instead, etc., will be me translating the whole episode over))) So I keep quiet for most part. Unless I see a major deviation which gives people wrong ideas and understanding.

石原 悟

Thanks, but it's just a professional deformation as a translator))) I don't know if you're familiar with how things are in our line of work, but man, we can be at each other's throats with fierceness over disagreement about translations. And I have never met, or heard of, a translator who would 100% agree with a translation done by someone else. Even with masterpieces, which can be studied as prime examples of pinnacle of our craft. So you gotta take what we say with a pinch of salt. Though we're always sure that we're right, and can present essays on any passages we translated telling why we got it right. That said, I have a strong feeling these subs were done by a translator who's not native in Japanese. I am. And thus feel my arguments are stronger. Though I can very well be mistaken interpreting the nuances of English phrases. It's my third language, after all))


Very weightless and soulless adaptation of the single most consequential moment in the series from MAPPA, and all the finger-wagging on social media about "toxic fans" is far too reminiscent of TLJ for any serious adult to care about or take any of those complaints seriously. It all seems like a very easy opportunity for certain kinds of people to go around tone-policing fans. People pay for these products and care about the art, if they can clearly see that it's being mishandled with terrible direction that goes beyond CGI and music, yelling at them for being mean in voicing their dissatisfaction isn't going to help anyone. Fandoms should not have these unpaid HR departments running around like middle-managers moderating them at every turn. Companies that do a shoddy job should have their feet held to the fire and if someone working there can't handle social media, there's ways to block or limit interaction on all platforms that they can use. It's the people rushing to attack fans that are doing this series a disservice, not the ones pointing out all the corners MAPPA is cutting. "Stop being mean to company, enjoy product" is getting to be an unbelievably condescending and patronizing mantra that needs to go away.


I gotta totally disagree with you. The amount of fans attacking MAPPA was so bad one of the heads quit twitter of the death threats


I completely agree with you R A, amazing episode and adaptation.


Would it be possible to explain the faults you see without comparisons to the manga? I'm genuinely asking.


other than like 5 lines of dialogue that are cut from the episode its a perfect adaptation. I'm assuming this guy had some otherworldly expectations and assumed we should get the most epic music possible throughout the scenes and thought Willy would be voice acting his soul out during the speech. Cant think of anything else.


I think you underestimate how many people have episode 5 (or chapter 100 in manga) as their favourite of AoT. It was a masterful payoff to the four episodes of carefully constructed buildup. The quote "I just keep moving forward until my enemies are destroyed" will never leave my mind for a long time.

Jay Craig

Waaaaaaaah they never played youseebiggirl, waaaaah everyone thinks im an asshole because im an asshole, waaaaaaah

