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Attack on Titan Reaction & Review 3x20 - "That Day"



been waiting for this 🤩🤩

石原 悟

Haha, called it. Hour 49. Was off by 4 minutes😂 Well, we been waiting for this.

Sarah S



question, when you recorded these videos, were you watching it live along with us per week, or did you do it all in one go?

Mati D.

Jesus Christ almost 2 hours, lets get the popcorns!!!!

Muhd Zulhilmi

Not everyday you see Im get mindblown so many times


Every single time I watch this episode, I swear it gets better. Every single time. My first watch I was truly dumbfounded by all the information it gave that I barely retained anything. Even now, knowing a lot more, it still hits me like a truck how much is revealed in this episode. Can't get over it. Glad you enjoyed it Im!


“Dad why is my sister called Rose?“ “It‘s because your mom loves roses.“ “Thanks Dad“ “No problem Attack on Titan Reaction & Review 3x20 “That Day“ by FilmBuff“


Absolutely Monumental.


absolutely gorgeous review


Finally, this day has come when Im reacts to That Day!! Definitely worth the wait :) Isayama planned everything since day 1 and no one expects it to unfold like this. Mad respect. I also love that we get to see Im's notes stash...he's human after all :D


You probably figured it out in the next 2 episodes, but The Founding Titan and Eren's Titan were the 2 unaccounted for from Marley's 7/9. If the Owl, an Eldian who somehow snuck into their own military as an officer had it, it wasn't theirs, they didn't know where it was or who had it, was a mystery that it was with these underground resistance groups.




It's really nice "discussing" and hearing your thoughts. I just have to say this series is just made for people like you. There is too much to appreciate, can't wait for it all :)


I just can tell you that it's such an entertainment listening to you and your ideas. Cannot wait for you to start watching season 4. Please don't watch de trailer.

Sarah S

By the way! You were spot-on with the Gross analysis. Not only did Isayama give a note to the anime team to portray him looking at the viewers/camera, he also paneled those scenes in the manga with the same type of direction, with Gross “making eye contact” with the audience. Among other things, Gross’ comments are totally a twisted little meta commentary on us, too lol


just a further explanation to the Eren waking up scene.In Japanese,he says 'watashi' meaning 'i',which is usually used by women.Eren usually uses'Boku' or 'Ore' as 'I' when he's awake.


eeh, not really? I think watashi is used formally, or when somebody important is speaking. You can see it when Erwin always refers himself with watashi, but in his final moments with Levi, he uses Ore, which is very informal and used when speaking with someone you know. I don't think it has a major connection with gender.


A lot of new patrons here. That Day impact 😌


Glad to finally be supporting on Patreon! Haven't watched the full reaction yet but some things that I hope you'll have picked up from this episode, which are ignored or missed by most reactors (in no small part due to the ending of the previous episode) are that Eldians colon*sed the world with an imperialistic empire analogous to Eur*pean Chr*stian empires, ensl*ved races around the world, fought a Great War (World War) against other Eldian Nations and, perhaps most importantly, committed a campaign of ethn*c cleans*ng against Marleyans. I believe that this ethn*c cleans*ng against marleyans, the global conquest of the world, and the war between Eldian nations who are then *subverted from within* by marleyans renders Eldians as a parallel to Eur*pean Chr*stians. Grisha and the restorationists, then, are akin to wh*te supr*mac*sts that question accusations of ethn*c cleans*ng leveled against their ancestors and take issue with the powers-that-be demanding that Eldians face the burden of their ancestors' sins, not just against marleyans (who thereby parallel j*ws) but against all races around the world oppressed by their imp*rialist empire. I am neither wh*te nor j*w*sh but I have found it difficult if not impossible to have a sincere good faith discussion about this lore without being called names because of how sensitive westerners are about the implications of Eldians being descendants of European Fasc*sts (esp G*rman ones that were allied with Japan) but I do hope reading this will help Filmbuff arrive at a more holistic and accurate assessment of the series that goes beyond cosmetic aesthetics, even if it comes at the risk of drawing the ire of people online. Attack on Titan has been my favorite piece of media since its early days and I wish to see it discussed and appreciated in its fullest capacity, not merely in the shackles of culturally appropriate western rhetoric, and there is no reviewer I trust more to do this with integrity and mindfulness than filmbuff. Thanks for all you do! Edit: it seems as though I had to edit and censor my own comment in order to post it, and the irony of that just makes my head spin


It's 857 patrons as of right now. Not sure what the ratio of 9.5 to 5 subscribers is, but assuming an average of euro 7,25 per patron = that's more than 6k euros per month. Not too shabby if I may say so. Not that he doesn't deserve it. Top quality content.


Can someone comfirm or not if this comment is spoilery?? Im asking because i want to read it but 2 scared 2


1k in just hours, u breakn records bro!!


Yes you are right about Gross. He was breaking the 4th wall. By talking about "enjoying watching people being eaten by Titans", peace times being boring and people are looking for a thrill that death/war could bring hence why he enjoys watching such scenes : it is basically describing us, watchers of Attack on Titan who are watching people getting eaten. This also applies to most of the popular shows where violence plays a very appealing factor, because we live in society where peace has made our lives "boring" and 'lacking thrill"


My favorite part about the scene it pretty much calls out the audience, because not five minutes later his speech is forgotten and everyone's cheering on his death. The audience is called out and exposed in only a couple minutes.


Wishing a pos to die =/ innocent. He fed an innocent little kid to dogs because its "interesting" cmon bro


Great discussion as always...I wish you were a manga reader, the discussion would be interesting. I guess we have to wait as the story unfolds...cannot wait for 3x21!


Question (i keep asking too many questions lol). Is departed one of your favourite movies? Cause of the double agent thing lol


Alright folks, it’s been brought to my attention that this comment section has now gone into S4 spoilers. Not only is it risky for me, there are a lot of other Anime only viewers in this comment section as well. Please go ahead and delete any of your comments which have potential S4 spoilers in them. Otherwise I will have to start deleting chains of comments myself. let’s keep it friendly and spoiler free, thank you.


I think what's going on is that two people in the replies to my fully non-spoiler post became incredibly disrespectful, and although I was able to resist the urge to engage in name-calling and mockery in my responses to their frankly bad-faith jeers, they rushed to you to complain about spoilers as a way to have my post taken down the second I mentioned the name of a character yet to be introduced. That name has been edited out and the substance of my post is still the same, and there is no information in any of my comments that hasn't been shared in the anime (in fact, you have discussed all of the plot points I mention in my post in your videos). This is exactly the kind of knee-jerk negativity I mentioned having seen directed towards people that dare make a lore-based connection between Eldians and Eur*pean Chr*stians. I myself am a Muslim Arab, but it irks me that people would cause this kind of a row simply to remove comments that consider lore in a different light and offer up a more measured viewpoint than what is deemed acceptable (especially in Attack on Titan of all series). Unlike them, I'm not going to look for some flimsy excuse to have you purge commenters with whom I disagree on the lore (I've been following your content too long to have that mindset) but my posts have no season 4 spoilers in them whatsoever. Thank you.


You wrote a name in this comment that hasn't been mentioned yet, can you delete that? The rest of the comment is fine. Filmbuff will end up not being able to read a single comment on Patreon if you just casually type names that haven't been introduced yet, even last names. He doesn't want to know until the anime tells him. Maybe you personally don't consider it a spoiler, but he does so respecting that is cool stuff.

Sarah S

I’m so sorry it’s hard for you to interact on here man! Honestly just keep in a total bubble until you catch up on S4 at your own pace, which sucks not being able to read even in your own comment section but it’s for the best 😣 Honestly the entire internet is going stupid rn about this stuff and I hope you can remain spoiler-free!

Muhd Zulhilmi

Come on guys we’re all here to enjoy a show and discuss theories. Stay respectful and be mindful of others’. We all know this show is not black and white so opinions are gonna differ. Your values and ideals may not align with others’ and at times you just have to agree to disagree


I'm still holding out for the next episode drop (on xmas I think too!) Can't wait binge your AoT reactions!