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Here everyone, the YouTube early access vid should be up by 10 pm today. It’s a long one, lol not quite as long as “That Day” next week, but some crazy things came out of this episode as well. Excited to share with you guys ✌🏼



can’t wait!


Looking forward to it!


Clicked so fast ! Thought it was up :( lol can’t wait !


I've been waiting since May 2017 for you to get to the god damn basement and it's actually happening.

Sarah S

Next week can’t be here close enough omfg! Can’t wait for tonight’s discussion 👀


will full length be up at the normal time, or at 10pm as well?


What timezone?


Mate you have no idea how waiting for you to get to this point is just about as painful as the wait between seasons 1 and 2, and the wait for the anime to reach the basement after the manga reveal. Didn't think you'd make it for a bit, but you did! Looking forward to this as much as the actual new AOT episode :)


I'm suffering the wait at the same level as if i was waiting for my favorite show. Speaks for the quality you produce!


looking forward to ep 20 & 21 the most

Muhd Zulhilmi

Lol at this point it’s a given that a Filmbuff SnK vid will not be brief

石原 悟

Haha, seems everyone was nervous and worried and kept checking updates in case Im announces problem with upload😂 Including me.


This is one of the weaker basement episode though. It is mostly filler.


Sorry to keep ya’ll waiting, I’ll post it the moment it finishes processing ✌🏼


Whew, I've been waiting for your reaction to "That Day". Next week can't come sooner enough!