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YouTube - https://youtu.be/3TAprwhVP_s 

Daily Motion - https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7xvpuy 

Password - Rest

I recommend the Daily Motion link, less compression. 



This is the heaviest episode of anything I've ever watched. You can feel the weight of every second pressing down, it's hard to watch from start to finish. The lack of music makes every moment feel intense. My heart is pounding the entire time, even after having seen it many times. Oddly enough it was the preview to this episode (on the previous episode) that made me forever stop watching the episode previews at the end - the preview actually spoiled that Erwin was carried to the roof with them, and it actually showed a brief clip of Levi about to inject him. Logically, we know they wouldn't spoil a moment like that in a preview - so naturally, it felt like obvious misdirection, and that's when it became pretty clear that Armin would be the one to get injected. Even having that ruined by the preview didn't diminish this episode for me one bit. This is, in my opinion, HANDS-DOWN the best episode, and it's not even close. I have no idea where the story goes after season 3, but I can only hope they can get even remotely close to this. It truly feels like the apex of the series.


When I first saw this ep, I didn't realize until after the fact that there was virtually no music in it. Subsequent rewatches really highlight how well this choice adds to the building tension throughout the episode and allows the phenomenal voice acting to shine (especially that of Eren, Mikasa, and Hange's VAs). Such a beautiful, heart-wrenching episode.


You may think that now but it gets better ;) (imo)