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Hello everyone! Some important updates for you guys. 

I've recently had the chance to put in some solid time with my backlog of videos (3 GoT vids, 6 AoT vids and 2 Doctor Who vids) I'm along far enough to say that these remaining vids should probably drop in July, which will be the last month my Patreon will be active. I will be pausing my Patreon campaign after that, unfortunately I do have to step away from YouTube again. I've been running the possibilities through my head, and a late 2019 return is possible. This means that I will be signing off with the videos I mentioned above, I am not in a position to start recording new stuff, because I would end up leaving them incomplete again, which just isn't the best thing to do. I know many of you will be disappointed with this news, but unfortunately it is not something I can avoid at this moment. 

A huge thank you to you guys, A lot of you have made the choice to stick around as Patrons, even when there might not have been patron exclusive content, that is just incredible. I am blown away with the support I have, and that my content means so much to you guys. I will never give up on this, I have grand plans and will put them into motion someday, just need to take care of some real life responsibilities first. When I return, I will make some changes with how I release videos, and it's possible I might be recording in a new space.    

Please take all of that into consideration with your pledges for June and July. Please feel free to ask any questions you might have. Drop a private message if you do forget to delete in the next few days and it charges you, I'll refund the pledge ASAP :)

I will be active on Twitter, we can always chat there while I'm away from YouTube after July :)

Thank you.





😭😭 Very sad.


Good luck with your real life stuff. Hope everything gonna be okay.


Thank you, Im! We'll be waiting for you.


Nooo please at least just react to AoT3b


It's a pity but one's personal life always comes first in this matters - I'm sure, those who truly love and enjoy your content understand just how much effort , time and soul you put into every video and reaction. Many thanks for honesty and consideration for your patrons and fans. As for me, I'll be waiting patiently for those future videos and your eventual return. Good luck and all the best, Im!


It's so unfortunate that one of my two favourite youtubers doesn't have time for youtube 😭 gonna reply to you later sweetie 💖


What a man you are, Im! All of us are only wishing the best for you. Take your time off. We'll be here for your return!


Very sad, but of course, Life always comes first. Hopefully you're able to hit your stride with all this stuff in the future when you come back. Most of all though, Hope everything goes well for you irl while you're away. Edit: just watched the final episode. And at the very end (After the credits), the "Final Season" of attack on Titan was announced for Fall 2020. Make of that what you will, I'm just the delivery boy.


I kind of expected it, but I'm still looking forward to the AoT/GoT vids that'll come soon. You take care of your stuff and we'll hopefully see you return come winter time!


Also Im, I know you were curious, S4 of AoT was just announced to air in Fall 2020. It's gonna be the final season and before you ask we currently have no news on who will make it.


Im an anime only. i though there would aleast be two more seasons. Do you manga reader think they can wrap up the story in this final season?

Rory Borcherding

Aw! It’s too bad the best reactor to this show is so busy :( I’ll still be here when you come back though Im. Just make sure you don’t get spoiled in the meantime!!!


Good luck with everything, hopefully all goes well and you can return sooner rather than later. I did want to mention, while I have no idea how much time you'll have when you return, it might be a good idea to look into what is popular at the moment and do some reactions to that. I know that quite a few reactors use currently airing anime to draw in people who are currently caught up in the hype of it. Of course there is no telling what would be popular but if there is anything near what My Hero Academia Season 2 was, then I feel it would be a very good idea. I saw so many reactors watch My hero and instantly get so many more viewers, it was crazy. My Hero wouldn't bring such a effect nowadays, as most people have watched it so many times through reactors but I'm certain there be some popular show at that point, Sorry about the long post, in the end whatever you do will be fine. I'm sure that no matter what, eventually you'll be able to go full time but it would be nice if you can get there by the end of the year. Right now, people probably struggle to find you because you've watched so little shows, so Death Note will definitely help in that regard, I'm just worried not many people will be actively searching for it given how old it is. Anyway, hope everything goes well and I'm excited for your return!


today was the final episod of AOT 😭💔. we still whaiting for you to come back ♥️🙏 plz be safe


Ah, fuck. I've been looking forward to those reactions. At least it looks like we might get 3A done still.


Sweet as then see you when you get back.


WHAT FALL 2020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It seems so far away... :'( God, I'm going to miss the show... Im, that's okay, I was sad reading your post but I completely understand your decision, you have more than a year to catch up with the end of season 3, so I guess you'll be able to start season 4 with us ! :D Take care ! <3

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

Im really sad but I understand that this is something that you have to do. I’ll stick around for this month. I hope you can get through your real life responsibilities. Thanks for the amazing content and you will be missed until your return! <3


Hey Im, nice that your warn us before signing off, will be there once you comeback, wishing the best for you in the meantime 👋 excited for those mentioned vids to come out


I know you're busy af but Vinland Saga premiered this week with 3 episodes :D There is not much to theorize about, maybe you find the time to do a small video in the future.

Rory Borcherding

I have a question for Im or anyone else that has an answer. When Im pauses his patreon, will it automatically re-subscribe me when he comes back or will I have to come back myself and re-subsribe manually?


Hey man, I believe it will just pick up where I pause it. So if you don't delete your pledge after July, you will remain a Patron when I come back. It pretty much freezes things as they are.


Oh yeh, I've been quite excited for it. I will be watching off screen, because otherwise I will not be able to watch till early 2020 (If I do reaction videos for it)


Im are you uploading something? July is almost out