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Hello everyone, good time for a channel update. As a lot of you might already know, I will be stepping away from YouTube for a bit, need to take care of some stuff. I don't want to go into too much personal stuff, but duty calls and I'm needed. If I don't do this now, I run the risk of not being around for April, and that would be a huge regret. So I will be gone for most of February and all of March for sure. I will keep my Patreon campaign running, because people find the channel and videos at different times and could be interested in Full Length reactions while I'm away. So please remember to delete your pledge by the end of February, if you don't want to be charged for February and March.

Attack on Titan 3x12 Full Length will be the last Patreon exclusive content before I step away. That will be going up on Saturday. I really didn't want to upload all these episodes without the previous episode discussions, but it was the only way to make sure I get some content up on Patreon. 

I will then move my attention to the edited YouTube versions, Doctor Who 2x12/2x13 and Attack on Titan 3x7-3x12, I hope to get all of those up before stepping away, but it's not something I can guarantee at this point.

As always, thank you you so much for the support! please drop a comment if you have any questions :)





Do what you need to do brother, we understand 👌🏻


Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2 and Game of Thrones Final are waiting. Hope you will take the opportunity. :)


Hey man, I really appreciate the transparency and honesty. I’ll be keeping my pledge through Feb and March with the hopes that you’ll be back in April in time for AoT. Obviously I understand if that isn’t possible, but either way, I hope you get everything done that you need to get done :)


Hey IM, if you're not gonna really be active on patreon I don't think I'll renew my pledge for February and March, but do you think it'll charge us before before you upload full length of episode 12? If so could I request a refund if that happens?


Will the episode 12 preview reaction/break down be included in the episode 12 reaction?


I deleted my comment on YouTube that you pinned since that update's outdated. Feel free to paste this update and pin it on your most recent AoT/DW videos.


It's cool. I highly doubt you'll get 3x10+ discussions out (just based on your previous estimates, no diss :D) and 3x7-3x9 are kinda boring anyways so no stress. That being said, I wouldn't mind seeing 3x12 FL soon. No need to think about editing the post cred or anything, just the raw 3x12 when you can and worry about the rest later. I hope everything is cool and you'll be back for the season 3 part 2 :) No need to think you owe something just because we pay you since everyone who has pledged should know you do this thing when you have time and interest for it. Your discussions and analysis are suberb and definitely worth waiting so don't worry about this thing too much.


"Attack on Titan 3x12 Full Length will be the last Patreon exclusive content before I step away. That will be going up on Saturday."


No, it will not charge you for February, that would be at the end of the month.


The episode 12 Full length will have my thoughts on that post credit scene and the frame by frame I did for it :)


I'll post different version of the Update with AoT 3x7 and DW 2x12 YouTube vids ( this one is more of a Patreon specific update) though I still made this a public post here on Patreon.


Appreciate the update


It's really great of you to give us this update. Can't wait to see your 3x12 vid, but it'll be even better once April comes around and the show can start once more.


Thank you for the update and this means that discussions will go on YouTube and patreon (simultaneously) same as you have been doing thus far, so there are patreon only discussions yeah?


man, i really hope to god that you'll be able to post the discussions before you go for good.


Thank you for the update! I hope everything is alright in your private life. Take the time you need, we hardcore patreons will always be here :')


anyone,is patreon having some problem regarding payments right now? its in pending state for me for like an hour.


I just wanted say something that's been on my mind for a long time. I still don't understand why you haven't hired an editor yet. I know it is a difficult decision to make, since up until now you've been doing everything by yourself. But considering you have your other job and your personal life, it's nearly impossible to be consistent with your uploads. Editing takes you way more time than just watching an episode. You earn around 1400-1600$ each month, you could easily take a small chunk of that to get an editor. It would make your life easier and your viewers happier, plus you could finally achieve the goal of being consistent with your uploads. But nontheless, I will always enjoy your content. <3

Muhd Zulhilmi

Take your time Im. Appreciate the honesty. Looking forward to any upcoming AOT videos... no matter how long xD


FUKIN S3 PART 2 TRAILER IS OUT !!!!! and its GOD quality!!!!!!!


[MIRROR 3] S3 P2 TRAILER [ENG-S]: <a href="https://youtu.be/v_pGVDvtO1Y" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/v_pGVDvtO1Y</a> (BEST QUALITY I COULD FIND AFTER THE ORIGINAL TAKEN DOWN)


Got chills at that opening part with the Commander and WC and then did you guys see Levi on top of his horse?!?!?!


Made some quick subs for the trailer, for those who want to know what's being said in it : <a href="https://justpaste.it/1tvez" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://justpaste.it/1tvez</a> I also uploaded it on my channel with the subs : <a href="https://youtu.be/7ySAYr-96mw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/7ySAYr-96mw</a>


Oh shit the trailer for S3B of AoT dropped. HYPE Will you do a reaction after you watched S3A?


Thank you Im for the videos! Always a pleasure to watch your reactions. :)


Almost did a reaction vid for it this morning, but then I found out it has no subtitles. Waiting for the subtitled version on Sunday :)


Hello Im. Right now I'm trying to pledge and it seems something weird is happening and it is not working. In patreon it says that I'm your patron for 5$, but I can't actually watch the videos that are listed for 5$ reward. When I try to pledge again it says You already have a purchase in progress. Please try again later. Can you tell me if it's because of my card or something? Or is the problem in patreon. Sorry for the trouble.


And now I get this error.. "An unrecoverable internal server error has occurred." Dammit I really wanna watch these reactions. :D


Fingers crossed we can get 3x12 before he disappears lol

Rory Borcherding

I think he said he was releasing the full length today. Unless the Patreon malfunction delayed that.


No problem, but when will you start reacting to death note tho? AOT begins in april so will you do 2 animes or…


The plan has changed a bit since I have to step away for a bit, April will probably only have GoT and AoT vids, those have to be the priority.


Thanks for the amazing content. I really hope you find a way to make these in-depth analysis of creative content a more steady type of career/ job/ hobby. For now I will stop my patreon, but will start again around April- may. Again thanks and will keep following your updates. Cheers!


Thank you so much! I really appreciate the kind words and support :)