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This is my favorite episode in AoT, because it adapted one of my top 3 chapters in the story. I could write an entire essay on Kenny and Uri's relationship and what it means for the series. Also what Kenny says about everyone being a slave to something still rings with me to this day. I always have that thought in mind when I analyze characters and it just makes it click. And don't even get me started on Kenny's dream. Perfect characterization. I also love that they there was no soundtrack for Kenny and Levi's talk, it just makes it much more sad for me, especially because you have two great VA doing their thing.


Easily my favorite episode!


Godness I'm hoping you'll discuss the parallels of Kennys and Uri relationship to others we have seen. This one is of my favotites! So excited for discussion!!!


AoT has a knack for taking characters you know nothing about/just got introduced to and making you tear up for them a couple of episodes later.


Man love Im ❤️


for some strange reason I thought I'd already seen this, mmm, I must be going a little crazy


Rewatching this episode after being caught up with the manga has a whole new perspective to it. Such a great episode


Do you mean caught up all the way to chapter 114? or chapter 70 something? (Can't remember chapter #)


This first half of season 3 ends at chapter 72. His comment implies having read up to 113 I assume.


Right, which is why I'm asking because the implications if he is all caught up...wow and even for me (not completely caught up but know the overall gist of what is currently happening in SNK manga) going back to watch everything given what's happening...its alot to process mentally and emotionally. Well once he's done with everything and has posted discussions I will go back to re-reading manga and re-watching episodes. I don't even know what number this will be LOL. Hopefully he is done before new chapter gets published...😶

Muhd Zulhilmi

This episode contains a line that affected me like no other line in fiction has. Kenny's "Everybody's drunk on something" speech really made me think about me and others' life and what they have to go through daily. In the end, everyone is just trying to make it out in one piece. So much credit to the writers for fleshing out Kenny in one episode and invoking so much emotion for it. I can see why Im loves flashbacks.


lol I don't know why you find it necessary to say european names with a japanese accent, just because the actors have an accent.

우 새

This is the best episode of season 3 part 1 Cinematography and music is just so beautiful


please update the link