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So I wanted to do a quick poll to see what your thoughts are on the post credit scene in episode 12, it's something I have been very excited for, there's so much hype around it. A lot of people want me to watch it, some don't, and some don't want me to go through it frame by frame (apparently it's too spoilery ? but it's part of the episode, they made a choice to add it in) 

Now my plan was to go through it thoroughly (like I did with the S2 end credits) open it up in Premiere Pro if needed, go through it frame by frame and do live commentary and screen cap the whole process, and then make it part of the Full Length video (can't add anymore than 10 mins of footage in the YouTube version)

So I wanted to do a quick poll to see what your thoughts are on the post credit scene.



I'm in the camp that yes, it gives hints to future events but it's still part of the episode. It's intended to be a teaser for what's to come. DO IT!


It’s meant to be watched either way, do it brother ❤️


Dissect that son of a bitch.


i think its a good idea to go through it frame by frame.The director and Isayama,the mangaka,chose to put it there,so its not ''spoiler'' or something like that,more like a teaser.


Yes please watch it and go through it :D It gives hints but honestly without context theres no way you'll be able to guess exactly what happened up to this point. So you won't be spoiled that much. :)

Sarah S

I would LOVE to see you break down the end credits - it’s not technically a “spoiler” but I do think figuring it out ahead of time might take away some of the pure shock value of the next season reveals. As a fan of the show to another fan - that’s why I’d recommend not going frame by frame.


I'm sooo torn on this, because you might watch this episode not too long before the show returns and at that point I'd skip it. But I love a good analysis as well. Isayama is a fucking devil for suggesting to tease 3B like this and he knows it.

Darth Danker

Would definitely love seeing you go through it frame by frame!


It is something that would be so interesting to see you analyze frame by frame.


You are too perceptive. If you watch it, you will spoil yourself some major shit.


I wish people weren't mentioning ending scene so much. I'm kinda dissapointed that people were keep constantly hyping that scene to you. It little bit ruined your reaction already since now you wait and expect something BIG to see in that scene instead of looking at it completely blind :(

Katarina Kurko

People who are saying to not watch it just shut up please. It is a part of the episode and it gives you hints for a reason. He won't guess it no matter how many times he thinks about it ,also ,we will have something more to discuss about so it will be more interesting for him.


That's bound to happen. Hell, look at the week before episode 12 aired. It was already leaked that there was going to be some sort of teaser and everyone started speculating and hyping themselves up. The only people who will watch that blind are the ones who watch it day one and aren't active in the community.


It "spoils" if you've read the manga and know exactly what's going on. For someone like me who hasn't read any spoilers yet for the next part of season 3, I found the end credit incredibly cool and I loved going frame by frame trying to dissect what's going to happen!


Like others, I'm on the fence about this, considering how perceptive you've tended to be when it comes to this show. Although, to be fair, I feel that Isayama's decision to include it could be enough to justify an analysis. I'd never say no to more of your content, so I vote to go ahead.


Most reveals, and a very important plot point, will be spoiled to someone as perceptive as you, however studies show that shows, movies, etc are still just as entertaining when they've been spoiled, so I don't think it will ruin the season by any means. Also I think people are forgetting that their has never been a big reveal that caught Im off guard, (Episodes 1/23, 2/4, 2/6, 3/6 come immediately to mind) but it still results in top-tier reactions and an entertaining viewing experiance for Im. Since I'm sure Im will see everything coming anyway, I want to see it all come together from the tiny hints left behind. I could be wrong too. Maybe he will see nothing coming and be genuinely floored be the season. That would be good too.


I’d say because it’s you, and you’re so good at analysis of shows, this one in particular, it may ruin some of the shock values of next season. There’s nothing directly spoiled but you can definitely infer a LOT from what they give you and tbh I’d rather you go into 3B without those seeds already planted in your mind. Up to you though; despite my comment I would still love to see how much you’re able to get from it by going frame by frame.


Glad to see that the majority voted for the first option! They'll never put anything in the episode that'll spoil you and ruin the experience for you, if something is in the episode then it deserves to be analysed.


I was always of the opinion that if something appears on an episode, it's because they wanted the audience to see it. Like Levi says, you've gotta choose 😂


I'd kind of be against watching it. It's not something cryptic like the s2 outro. It's more along the lines of the next episode previews they have after the credits of each episode. They just wanted to put in a hook so that people would stay engaged during the break. The breaks almost over now though.


Its not about watching it or not watching it. Its about watching it like normal or frame by frame in detail.


They provided enough information in the last episodes to figure out what is going on in the end credit scene. Since Im has pretty decent detective skills I’m against him watching it. On the other side I want to see his reaction to it as soon as possible lol

Sebastiano Barreca

Watch it like this O.O frame by frame, just DO IT! :D


You are very smart but this show is so... Crazy at some points that even a guy like you cannot predict everything. I've seen the credit scene and yes you can get some stuff (if you look very close) but it's done in a way that you still don't understand everything. Most of the people who think it's too spoilery know what will happen, but for people like us who have no clue, it's just not that spoilery, because they used the usual method: giving you information, making you think that you understand and that you get answers, but you only get more questions instead and more confused. It's AoT, let's not forget that. :) So yes, watch it and analyse it frame by frame, that's what a lot of us tried to do. Then again, we are not Im, but still, he needs to go through the same experience as we did, and the fact that everyone spoiled him that there was an ending scene (I'm pretty sure he would've watched it anyway without you guys telling him that there was one), he already got a part of the experience ruined.


I really don't think going frame by frame is worth it. It just seems so much like a marketing decision to hold people over for the unexpected gap, not a narrative one. The team also chooses to put "Next time on" things in every episode, but Im doesn't even watch those. The story is better without all those expectations given to the viewer. If episode 13 had aired the week after 12, it would have no reason to be there, and people would just move on without knowing what to expect like always. There's no way for you to not watch it after all this build up of course, but once with the episode for the reaction should be enough. I'm just worried you'll realize something that the normal course of the narrative wouldn't let on that you can never unlearn even if you wanted to going into 3B.


Like Grisha told Carla in episode 1, a human's curiosity isn't something that can be talked down. Though I'd prefer that curiosity to be kept at just watching the scene without going over it frame by frame, the season's so close already. The cons outweigh the pros for me when it comes to the whole reviewing frames thing, the manga had none of this teaser stuff and it made the experience way more blind. Watching the scene without analyzing it frame by frame pleases all parties involved at least a little rather than some getting shafted. The people who wanted you to analyze everything at least have you watching the scene itself and the people who didn't want you to watch the scene at least don't have you analyzing it frame by frame.


Why not both?


Do what you're naturally inclined to do after watching it.


I would be for anylizing if it was for a next season but in this case its just spoiling yourself for the next part of the season which i think is not worth it. Im not a manga reader and ive seen an analisis frame by frame and honestly i was able to spoil myself and i kind of regret it. As always its up to you but 3B will probably be so close once you catch up to episode 12. Think about it.. spoiler free is always better for a show like this.

Rory Borcherding

I chose the second option. I agree to watch it, but a frame by frame analysis with your god-tier perception skills could spoil a lot..


I really wish you wouldn't watch it.. if it just hinted at some stuff then yeah but it pretty much just spoils a big thing for the next arc.


Yeah, if it was up to me I'd watch it after 3B airs to see what it was. That immediate satisfaction of seeing him react to it ASAP isn't worth the pros of going into 3B 100% blind. That's why I think watching it but only once and not in depth is the best of both worlds, because a lot of people wanna see his reaction and his take on it.


Watch it and go through it frame by frame. <a href="https://gph.is/29alkwD" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gph.is/29alkwD</a>


Do what you want.


I don't read the manga, so I gotta vote no, but damn am I torn on this... I guess you could always make the decision yourself after watching the scene normally. Because if you watch it, and you're curious enough, no amount of votes should stop you from analysing the shit out of that segment.


They put it in, I think u should watch it and go through it. It’s all part of the fun seeing you analyse what the anime has given! I’m so excited ngl


I've read somewhere that Isayama was against putting a preview in 3x12 but WIT insisted. They still let him chose what scene though.


To be fair, they also put in "Next time on..." scenes after every episode, and Im clearly chooses not to watch those because he'd rather not know when he'll find out by just watching the show. This thing is a really extreme version of that, I don't think it's worth it.


Isayama personally requested how the after credit scenes should be,and the director said ''wow this is gonna be hard to nail''. So even if he had no choice but choose what to do in the after credits(There is no source for that though),he still chose to make the after credit scene the way it is personally.


I disagree completely. It’s not part of the manga and adds nothing to the story or narrative. It’s not even a teaser. It just takes a random, shocking scene out of the of the next arc and spoils it. I’d prefer going in blind to that.


wsdragons Thanks for telling us when the fucking scene happens!


Don't worry, there are a lot of climaxes in the next arc. I could name a bunch which are more shocking than the preview from 3x12.


Well, that's exciting, especially since I know what actually happens in that scene...I think (fucking spoilers!). But guys, just keep it vague please, for FILMBuFF's and other anime-onlies' that hang around here sake. I hope that the above spoiler will be edited out soon...


This thread's already not entirely safe to read Im.


I don't really think that counted as a spoiler but if you say so ill change it. I'm not trying to spoil anyone.


Sorry dude but that was definitely a spoiler, a big one imo. Thanks for removing it.


do you think you'll be able to finish and upload all of season 3 by the end of February IM?


Patrons expression while waiting for videos : <a href="https://i.redd.it/88z1ixn9kw2z.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.redd.it/88z1ixn9kw2z.gif</a>


By the end of February? <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StMgcpx1khM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StMgcpx1khM</a>


Uploads? You're expecting too much. If we're lucky, we're gonna get another poll by the end of February.


I'd insert a different reaction for waiting, but it's manga spoilers.


I think I remember seeing a comment where he said that videos will definitely drop in January, so it'll probably be tomorrow or after tomorrow.


im not gonna anticipate anything, getting a date of release from filmbuff is as valuable as getting an alliance with walder frey as a stark


<a href="https://imgur.com/SQU6199" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/SQU6199</a>


Hoping it tuns into this very soon. (GoT Spoiler) <a href="https://media3.giphy.com/media/l0IyhFw4VCu0prWEM/giphy.gif?cid=3640f6095c50a3f25a7a2f5945d34d48" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://media3.giphy.com/media/l0IyhFw4VCu0prWEM/giphy.gif?cid=3640f6095c50a3f25a7a2f5945d34d48</a>

Miss Mewiththat

More like <a href="https://data.whicdn.com/images/288968426/original.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://data.whicdn.com/images/288968426/original.gif</a>


Oh it has to be long before the end of February, I actually Have to make sure and catch up very soon, It's a Good News &amp; Bad News type of thing. That being said, I will be caught up in the next two days, I think I'll watch 3x10 &amp; 3x11 back to back and then 3x12 the next day. It's not ideal to do it this way, loads of footage piling up to edit, but trust me, I have to make sure to catch up now.


I'm excited for you to watch them! We might not get to hear your thoughts, but at least you'll be caught up. Also what are you gonna do about 3x12 now? It looks like the majority wants you to go through it frame by frame.


Im i'm not sure i'm gonna be able to support you in february(i'm sure i'll by march) due to some personnal problems,so will you be able to release anything before this month ends?Just asking out of curiosity.


Hey man, thank you for the support 🙌🏼 So as far as Patron exclusive content goes, I will be uploading 3x10-3x12 Full Length before the month is out. I watched 10/11 last night....2 fkn amazing episodes! the grand finale tonight, lol well mid season finale. It’s not ideal to do it this way, but I’m in a situation where this is the way I have to do it and make sure I’m caught up now, before I step away again (unfortunately I will not be around for most of February and March, I'll explain it further in an update post) The edited versions will follow :)


Watching 3x12 tonight! yeh it looks like frame by frame it is eh, really keen to finally get to this infamous post credit scene, I think watching it will be the best way to judge how to move forward with it, I'll instantly know what I want to do next after watching it.


Yeah it's kinda hard to explain the reasoning behind either side without going into spoiler territory, so I think you should watch it and then just decide on your own.


When Grisha shows up OUTSIDE the wall - <a href="https://media3.giphy.com/media/fDzM81OYrNjJC/giphy.gif?cid=3640f6095c51c61145395530635c4b9f" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://media3.giphy.com/media/fDzM81OYrNjJC/giphy.gif?cid=3640f6095c51c61145395530635c4b9f</a>


One view will spoil what’s worth hiding. The frame-by-frame would add interesting discussion to the rest of the content.


Are we getting full lengths today?? 🙄


Top 10 questions that neither science nor religion can answer


Anybody else refreshing the patreon page like a madman?


10 &amp; 11 are processing on Google Drive at the moment, 12 will be later (need to put the footage together and upload, when I get home)


I was going to my grandmas funeral. Now I won't.


Still Processing - <a href="https://imgur.com/a/medOgHd" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/medOgHd</a>


<a href="https://media.giphy.com/media/vSkXRfZ9mjNQY/giphy.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://media.giphy.com/media/vSkXRfZ9mjNQY/giphy.gif</a>


So It's almost 1 AM here where I live. Should I go to sleep or just wait a little bit longer?


Nah, mate. It's 2:43 where I live. Not going anywhere))) Gonna stay here until it comes.


I remember when i had to wait for hours for my video to process on googledrive, hope it won't take that long for your videos


unfortunately it's still Processing, even uploaded alternative versions. while we wait, where can I stream the S3 OST ?!


Nothing released officially yet AFAIK, since the season's technically not over they'll probably release all the tracks near the end of 3B like previous seasons (Sawano recorded more songs for the 2nd half and tweeted about it 1-2 weeks ago).


You can always listen to Hiroyuki Sawano music in general, not just his AoT OSTs. There's that one 1h20m compilation of his music on youtube that i always listen to whenever i'm doing something at home, i recommend it.


Wow im surprised it takes this long to process a video 😐 thats crazy !!! Why gooooooooglee

Miss Mewiththat

Everyone here waiting for videos like <a href="http://transglobalconstructionconsultants.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/vultures-in-tree-2.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://transglobalconstructionconsultants.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/vultures-in-tree-2.jpg</a>


Google drive is unpredictable like this sometimes, I'm waiting to post the links the moment they process. <a href="https://imgur.com/a/SuUh7iG" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/SuUh7iG</a>


Thanks man, that shot from 3x10 is one of my favorites from the entire Anime. Such a beautiful and powerful shot. Does the Manga go a bit further into Kenny and Uri's relationship ?


The anime and the manga for that corresponding episode/chapter are exactly the same, from dialogue to panels/visuals.


I was gonna say watch it once no frame by frame cuz you are too smart and on top of the guessing game...to late though, super excited though.


Well there is one potential difference. It's when Levi says Kenny's name and Kenny hears Uri instead of Levi speaking to him. There's no way to confirm what Kenny heard in the manga since we don't hear things. And while it's a very minuscule difference, I love that shit so much. It adds so much to that relationship.


True, completely forgot about that detail. I like how they kept it the same as the manga yet somehow managed to add that touch to make it better.


This. Frame by frame is not that big of a deal and people are overhyping it. I'm sure he'll get gist of the so called "big spoiler" from one watch. Especially when it's combined with the rest of the ep12 with all the narrative exposition.