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Yay! Thank you 💜

This is Fine

No you were right with your first conclusion the Ackerman's are immune to the "Scream" memory erasing/alteration


That moment when you see FilmBuff has uploaded, and you don't even have to check the title to know you're in for a couple hours of fun


Thank you so much! I've been waiting for this for a long time. Hope there's more coming soon!


oh good! that's certainly how they set it up, But then Levi, Mikasa and Kenny kinda threw me off.


Have to tell you that you are one of the reasons why am I learning English. Because wanna understand all of your words 😁


Yeah Jessica's correct. Usually I'd do my whole "no hinting!!!" shtick but Kenny's grandfather explicitly confirms it here so it's fair game to point out and correct. Haven't watched your reaction to the episode yet, can't wait.


Same here. Usually I don't watch any English speaking videos without subs, but Im and SoS are exceptions.


Love watching these man, can't get enough.

This is Fine

Yeah I only felt comfortable pointing it out because he came to that conclusion on his own and it was clearly stated in the episode.

This is Fine

Yeah when I watched the episode it would definitely explain why The Ressis were determined to pursue the Ackerman's to such a degree. Can't have people as deadly as them roaming around the walls unchecked with no natural way to stop them.


I became a patron because I couldn't wait to see these reactions!!!


Aye. We're all the same here. Welcome to the club!


Alright, calling it a day, hope YouTube comments stay clean.


oh shit its this episode,i'm hyped.


Was really excited to see your reaction to the Frieda and Kenny flashbacks because you've been so interested in Frieda and Kenny is just one of my favorites.


dis gonna be a good day


Oh man, this is best Sunday ever!


6 more to go!


I don't know if i should celebrate or be depressed because I KNOW we won't see episode 7 reaction for the next 2-3 weeks :I


Nah, he is releasing 1 at a time just so he can increase the frequency. We will get it before december starts...i think!


He said he was preparing for november bomb, hopefully it'd be a big bomb


Out of curiosity where had we seen frieda and her name before? All I can remember is the flashback of eren looking in the mirror.. no mention of her name?


Near the end of episode 5 on the cart. Hange says Rod Reiss had 5 children, including the eldest "Frieda" while showing a shot of her waving without showing her face (it showed her long black hair though). You kinda put 2 and 2 together that she's the same long black haired girl from the intro/outro that was shown having a connection to Historia.


From what he said, i think Im wanted to give us more. Back in 1st season of aot he dropped like 5-7 episodes at once. I guess that was the kind of bomb he talked about. or Im might be give us a better idea of what he meant by that.


Yeh I've been looking forward to getting more info on her! but damn, I did not expect any of the stuff that went down with Grisha in the Chapel!


Won't be that long, lol i know my track record isn't the best but certainly hope to have 3x7 before November is out. Going to get 3x6 edited version up this week as well.

Muhd Zulhilmi

If it wasn’t clear, I’d just like to point out when Kenny said the branch of the Ackermann family that moved south to Shiganshina, it’s most likely the branch Mikasa’s dad is from. However, he didn’t specify how he is related to this branch so it’s hard to tell his relations with him, and by extension, Mikasa.


Oh man, I really wanna watch the discussion for this episode.


It's coming, it's a big one. That was such a juicy, exposition heavy episode, had a fun time tackling it. I'm gunning for a Sunday release, and then watching 3x7 on Monday


so its a long one huh!? yes thats what i thought!! now i am even more excited!!. by sunday you mean today or next sunday!?


he did say that he will try his best to get episode 7 full length in november. so he probbably ment this one


Yep today is my goal, i'd say Monday for sure if it doesn't go up today. Episode 7 full length will most definitely be a November release.


Accurate representation of the post episode analysis <a href="https://imgur.com/a/8XgliCo" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/8XgliCo</a>


Can't wait to see your episode 7 reaction. I remember when I first watched it I was stunned. It's such a crazy episode that there are even things in it that manga reader's were shocked by.

Sebastiano Barreca

So even if the discussion video doesn't go up today, would you still watch 3x7 tonight right?


They say that during pregnancy, the pain is so severe, that a woman can almost imagine what it's like when FilmBuff does not upload on the day he said he would.


There is yet some hope.


Unfortunately I could not finish it up today, I apologize. I'm off on Tuesday, so I plan on finishing it up later tonight, it's possibly my fave AoT post episode analysis, excited and very eager to share it.


Happens. Looking forward to deleting 200 hinting comments on YouTube about it while sipping on my coffee when I wake up.


Legend has it that the basement in shingashina contains FilmBuff's post episode analysis of episode 6.

Rory Borcherding

I have a feeling that Filmbuff is going to end up “spoiling” some anime onlys with his theories on this one.


Like, are you doing this intentionally, saying stuff like "for sure", "definetly" to continue the running gag of delays?! I understand it was funny at first but can you please stop it? Take as much time as you need, why do you have the need to hype people up for nothing? If you just release them out of nothere, its much better

Rory Borcherding

To be fair, lots of people ask him for updates all the time. So he’s gonna respond by saying what day he thinks they’ll be out. Plus the video could have gotten copyright struck.


Indeed I ran into a block, going to re-edit when I get home. Going to upload AoT 3x7 Full Length shortly (was hoping to upload that alongside 3x6 edited but shit happens) just waiting for the Doctor Who Full Length to finish processing on Google Drive.


Yeeey, don't worry man.. We have learned to be patient by now.


Sad that I have to sleep now... Looking forward to watching the vids when I wake up!


Hol' up, by shortly, do you mean like, "before I upload the episode 6 discussion" shortly? because I'd be down with that. Episode 7 is great, and I can't wait to see your reaction. Ps. Are you from Liverpool?