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I have no name

The Monster was created by a kid in a competition


Aww, this episode is just a lot of cringe for me. Honestly, this episode (along with the next) are serious low-points in the show imo.


The funny thing is, I can still go back and watch this episode with almost no problems. The characters in this episode help carry it, and it's a bit different seeing Doctor Who from a normal civilians point of view.

Azmat Mahmood

Seems like you enjoyed this one, I can't be too sure though. I thought you enjoyed The Idiots Lantern, but I was proven wrong. Regardless, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this episode.


I think I was able to enjoy this a bit more than the Idiot's lantern. I mean it has a lot silly stuff but liked that it showed things from a different perspective, how other people interpret the Doctor and his existence.

Alec Campo

I really wish this episode didn’t come out right after “The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit”. They were so well done and it makes this seem so underwhelming in comparison. I like the concept and do still find myself enjoying this one but some parts are just too goofy for me. Every part before the monster reveal I think is actually really good though. Also I do like Jackie’s development in this episode. Compare her to season 1 Jackie and the difference is really neat (:


man this season is a roller coaster of quality