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My hero!!😍😌👌


:O this was unexpected, I'll take it though. Thx for the uploads


Why you gotta drop when I'm stuck at uni for the next few hours? At least I have stuff to do tonight besides studying my ass off.

Thanos D. Alexioy

Why Ned? Why? Why did you have to tell the queen you know about... oh wait... different show...


"And not a word, right?" Armin you cheeky cunt. Also, any scene involving the trio of Scout veterans we're most acquainted with (Erwin, Levi or Hange) turns into a great scene every time. Especially loved the scene in this episode between Nile and Erwin in Erwin's cell. The way they just whisper the entire time with an entire minute of no background music really pulls you in so that when that slow track does start playing along with Erwin's intentions it gives it more impact. I got chills there.


Ayyy i came back just in time!


This is definitely the season of the veterans. Some of the best characters for sure.


So, I thought that I'd comment to let you know a few things that were left out from the manga. First, in the scene where the scouts attack that military Police checkpoint. In the base it was originally a big military police building, guarded by dozens of MPs. Not only that, but rather than simply beating down the MP's, the scouts used their blades to cut open the back of their legs and knees, so that they couldn't walk. This makes the line where the MP captain says "They were just recruits who didn't know anything, you think cutting them down makes you some sort of hero?" have more impact. Second The reporters who helped in the scene where Hanji and Moblit attacked those three MP's. Originally the older one was unwilling to help, saying that if he helps them, his family will be killed. Hanji basically just tells him "Sorry, but the scouts are more important that your family, so we're gonna have to take the risk". once again making the scouts look more morally grey. And Finally, a bit of Erwin's backstory that was left out. In the manga, it was mentioned not only that Erwin and Nile were both recruits wanting to join the Survey Corps, but that they both fell in love with the same woman. Erwin chose his dream over her, while Nile chose her over his dream, hence Nile joined the MP's instead of the scouts, so that he could live safely with his new wife.


that Gold Roger reference lmao!! caught me off guard haha


I'd rather just simply recommend him to check the manga version of this arc by himself after he catches up to the latest episode. So he will see the changes from by the source material itself.


One of the best parts about this episode is that highlight of the Milatary, specifically the central MP. We know that they are corrupt but it was the first time they also showed that alot of the soldiers in the MP are threatened with their lives and probably their families as for not following orders or accomplishing the tasks assigned to them. Its a nice contrast to the Scouts who have a mentality of trust and dependence on their group as a whole and that some lives are worth more than others.

Muhd Zulhilmi

I really love how within the first 2 seconds of Marlowe and Hitch, you go "Oh it's them !" A lot of reactors were struggling to remember them or outright thought they were new characters. But it really shouldn't be a surprise that you remember them tbh


Lol I wonder if that’s what he was going for, dude looked just like him


To be fair, a lot of reactors hadn't seen those guys for 5 years.