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Hello everyone! good time for an update. I've been getting comment notifications from my "New Twitter account" post, but I've been avoiding going into that comment section because it was brought to my attention that there is some AoT S3 hinting in there. I've mentioned this in a few replies but the hold up with the releases has been Black Sails. Starz has blocked it over and over, after multiple re-edits. It's annoying because it's not consistent across all channels, one of the bigger channels has all their Black Sails vids up, while another channel I know has all of S1 blocked. 

This is a hold up is because I really wanted to upload new vids for the all the shows at the same time. Please remember that I set everything aside for two months, so I could catch up with AoT S2, so I am trying to focus on my other shows as well now. I am trying another re-edit on Black Sails 1x1 and if this gets blocked, I'll just go ahead and post the two AoT vids and two Doctor Who vids in the next few days (The two AoT vids will go up together on YouTube and one DW vid on YouTube and the other on Patreon Early Access)

I will probably change my recording and uploading method going forward. Instead of recording multiple episodes for each show in one sitting, I might just watch one of each (perhaps two for Anime as each episode is only 20-22 mins). So on a recording day I would watch an episode of Black Sails, Doctor Who and Attack on Titan and then edit/upload all three together. I think it would be a faster turn around, instead of having 5-6 vids to edit. I think this change might help me get decent upload cycle going. My uploading goal is to have 3 new vids up together on Patreon every 4-5 days, I think this new method could help with that.



AOT S3 is going on break until April 2019 so you got plenty of time there lol


Good idea, don’t sacrifice your other shows’ upload schedule to catch up with AOT, you have plenty of time. Was just announced today that Season 3 is going on break and episode 13 won’t be airing until April.


Omg April ?! holy shit, damn that's a bummer, I thought January was the return date.


It's been 2000 years


Yeah recording fewer episodes might be the best choice. I know that you want to bring out other content than AoT but if you run into copyright problems, I still think it's better to upload what you have.I watch your other stuff as well, but I think it's better if the videos are uploaded as soon as they're ready. If AoT was blocked I'd still upload Black Sails or Doctor Who just to show activity on YT. But I get your point as well. It's a difficult situation if you have so many problems with copyright.


You do you dude your contents great I don't care how long i have to wait lol


The shows like Black Sails which get copyright issues should be exclusive for Patreon. This is a good way to speed up the process and increase revenue as well. I'm sure more people will become patreon if you have exclusive shows like this


Hey! You must not skip the ending of episode 12 of Attack on Titan!

Rory Borcherding

Hey Filmbuff, so, I know it's early to let you know, but they inserted a little teaser for the next arc during the ending song of episode 12 of AoT season 3. I'll leave it up to you whether you want to check it out or not.


Hey Im. Don't skip s3 ep 12 ending!!


lol, I think people will remind him 100 more times by the time he gets there.


Now I really want Filmbuff to watch the ending of episode 12!


Who else almost had a heart attack at the ed of ep 12 ?


Btw can we watch the last part of lost girls now? or does it still contain some spoilers ?


yeah you can watch the last part since episode 11, it wasnt a major spoiler anyway


Delete your comment plaese. You are hinting too much imo


U should apply to WAIT STUDIO


This Torture


Damn eh, the hype for this 3x12 ending if off the charts, i'm so curious now! lol I've had private messages through IG, Twitter, comments here on Patreon, comments on YT, friends have texted me about watching it. Excited to get to that episode and dig into what ever they showed!

Muhd Zulhilmi

Might as well call the second half season 4


F*ck, I skipped the ending because I was scared to get spoiled since sometimes they tell you what happens next episode. I have to watch it now before I get spoiled!! :o How did you know there was an ending though? I never watch the credits (I watched it twice or three times, that's it)


BTW, are you gonna do the rest of the OVAs? I know you've mentioned about Lost Girls, but I'm talking about the two season 1 OVAs which you've left out. They're not as important, but they give you some more portrayals about the characters. Since you got plenty of time till 2019 April, I would love to see your reaction and thoughts on those two. (In S3 ep.12, there's also an insignificant reference to one of those two OVAs, not relevant though)


You have 5 months to FINALLY catch up, you can do this, i believe ;')


Wow, I hate Starz more than Joffrey and Ramsay combined...


Just please..we waited for so long ;(


I think he's ded


Just like when Eren died. He'll be back even stronger.


Guys just learned that Isayamas editor tweeted there will be 3 big surprised regarding the manga during this 6 month break....part of me is hoping one of them is a veterans arc spin-off and another something I can't say. I know we wont really be able to discuss this due to no spoilers but it's super exciting!!!😆😊


I am so sure Isayama has a bomb prepared for us manga readers, something similar to what happened in chapter 87.

Sebastiano Barreca

I am 51% sure the videos will drop before Monday, so I'm gonna bet 2 dollars this time


Ahhh... I'm dying


The crazy thing about me is that I actually don't watch his discussions cuz this man is too smart and I don't wanna get spoiled by his theories So I'm here just for his full reactions lmao


I haven't had the time to really comment about this news so I'll just do it now. I really think that it's counterproductive to hold the AoT videos because the Black Sails ones are getting blocked. Especially when the 2 remaining AoT videos are edited and ready to go. If you really want to upload the Black Sails videos before the AoT that badly then what you can do is maybe only upload your discussion on Youtube and the reaction on google drive and then you just put the link in the description, this is how a lot of reactors are doing when they get their videos blocked. Have you thought about trying this method?


Yes man i mean 1 video edited in 3 weeks isnt worth the money