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Trying out the Full Length with the episode included, honestly I just find it much easier to do the full lengths this way. Now obviously this is only possible because I am sharing it privately, something like this definitely would not happen out in the open. So it is very important that these links stay private and for your use only. As long as these links stay between us, there should be no problems :)

Go to any specific moment or watch the whole thing, entirely up to you, super happy to provide this option.




Alec Campo

Honestly, my favorite two parter of the entire show so glad you enjoyed it!! The music, emotions, acting, atmosphere, all superb. I totally cry like a baby when watching certain scenes of this episode lol. Anyway this AMAZING two parter should get you ready for two less than stellar episodes ahead.


It was quite fantastic indeed! excited to have the edited versions up for you guys, so you can hear my thoughts on it.

Azmat Mahmood

Love and Monsters is an interesting concept that works pretty well, until it goes off the rail in the last 10 minutes. It's still a lot better than it's reputation imo. Fear Her is truly dreadful though. Oh well, the finales after that!


I absolutely love this two-parter and am so glad you enjoyed it too! Keen to hear your thoughts regarding these as they were such great eps. I'm going to have to go back and watch your other DW vids to catch up! Loving it Im!