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Hello everyone! I think it's a good time for an update. Many of you already know this but at the moment I am attending The Toronto International Film Festival, for the next 7 days I will not be at home much. The 13th is my final day with screenings and I will be back at it recording and editing on the 14th. 

As of this point I have Doctor Who 2x7- 2x9 recorded, also instead of timer based Full length, I will be testing out Uncut Full lengths with the episode video included. I also recorded 2 episodes of a show which will be new to my lineup (This has been on my list for a long time and I have mentioned doing this for quite some time now. Also I started my First ever PS4 Let's Play content as well, So lots of content brewing up.

As I mentioned in my last update, my work schedule changed and I am able to focus a lot more on the YouTube stuff, give it a proper go, Just some unfortunate timing with the Film Festival at the moment. 2nd half of September (14th and on) will be very active. I was finally able to get all the AoT S2 vids out and I set the other content aside for a bit so I could catch up on S2. It is time to bring my other content back into the mix again, AoT S3 will be recorded and edited alongside everything else.

Doctor Who Patrons, you have been very patient and a lot of you have stuck around even though the focus was on another show for a while. I know all of you have continued being Patrons by your own choice, I will still do a refund for you if you would like to opt out, send me a Private message and it will completed asap

Maybe 7 days of inactivity is too much for some of you and enough to delete your pledge, fair enough. As always, it is in your own hands and all of this is optional. Deleting it now and deleting it on September 30th is the exact same thing, at Least by the 30th you'll be able to judge and see if the content from the 2nd half of September is worth it.

Next order of Business...The Next Anime! I am actually quite excited to have this picked out and ready to jump in when the time comes (after I fully catch up with S3) So originally I was planning on having only 4 in the first poll (FMAB, Death Note, One Punch Man, Cowboy Bebop) I will be extending the poll and adding two more options  

  • Steins;Gate
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

I will not be adding any of the super long ones at this point (Naruto, My Hero Acadamia, Hunter X Hunter) I would like to do the shorter ones first and then tackle one of the longer ones eventually. I will be setting up the poll very soon. Copyright problems will have to be taken into consideration as well of course, from what I hear some Anime is quite susceptible to blocks and maybe even strikes. I believe my Original four options are quite safe to do, I know a few other channels did those with no problems. Not sure if Steins;Gate and JoJo have problems with copyright. I do know a lot of channels are having problems with MHA.

More than happy to answer any questions you might have :)



The Last of Us gameplay😍 Not sure what the show is🤔 Maybe Avatar? Black Sails?


*gasp* JOJO 🙂


Although I would LOVE a JoJo reaction, would you only be doing the first season in that case? You said you would rather wait to tackle the longer ones but MHA is only 63 episodes between all three seasons whereas all the seasons of JoJo together are like 110 ish episodes (not including the new season starting this Fall)


JoJo's is amazing, I can't even put into words how incredible it is. Its pacing is really great and it's easily one of my favorites ever.


My hero academia isnt a superlong anime, atleast not at the moment. By the end of the 3rd season which is airing now it will have about the same ammount of eps out as aot, when that s3 wraps up


Steins;Gate is super amazing for your Armin-level of analysis. It has a slow start but entirely worth getting through and you don't get many reactors (good ones at that) watching it.


Jojo is longer than MHA tho


Steins;Gate is a fantastic anime, I'm glad you'll be including it on the poll, for a bunch of different reasons 1. It's a short anime with only 24 episodes, so you can finish it relatively quicker than other shows on the list 2. It's a got a lot of mindfucks, mysteries and plot twists, perfect for theorising 3. it's very unique, which is funny since it's a time travel anime, but it's not talking about people travelling hundreds or thousands of years in the past, it's rather focusing of how small changes to the past can affect future 4. It has very few characters, but they are all VERY important to the story. At the begining it feels like some are side characters, but each one of them gets a lot of attention in the later episodes. Sorry for the long post, I'm just so exited that you added it to the poll :)

Sebastiano Barreca

God so many good animes in the poll, it's actually a a tough choice. Gotta think about S;G or FMAB, really don't know who pick up


I can just imagine the blast you'd have with JoJo. There's really nothing like it. An anthem to creativity. Can't wait tho, good luck with thr Film Festival Im! ;)


So hyped for the full length with footage!


Would love to see Re:zero but I'm definitely okay with your choices. I agree with the decision to keep it to shorter shows first, though FMAB and JoJo's are both longer than MHA. Honestly I would avoid all three due to their length but I do like them so ultimately that is up to you. Love your content, hyped to see more, and hope one day you can do this full time :)


Wow, I love all 6 animes on your list. Don't know which one you will pick first, but all of them are worth watching.


Side question - How’s TIFF so far? It’s on my bucket list lol

zeid c

the 6 animes in your poll along with MHA,HXH,Naruto are all pretty legendary shows so im fine with whichever wins but preferably you start with the shorter series first


Omg, so many good shows. I'd vote for Death Note, FMAB or Jojo, though.


Death Note and JoJo's are right up your alley. Death Note would be an amazing choice for you since you love to analyze and dissect the episode; you'll have a great time watching DN for sure. JoJo's is just hilarious and badass, and the manliest anime there is.

Mikkel Jensen

Can’t wait for your upcoming content Im!! I’m so excited and happy for you, that you were able to achieve your first real milestone on YT! Congrats on 20.000 subs! You deserve it more than anyone dude😊 I truly hope your channel will grow and get the recognition it deserves, so you can do what you love🙏 I’m definitely here to support you and your content 110%👊


While I am interested in MHA, it's not something near the top of my list at this point, definitely more interest in some of the others ones. I definitely want to check it out at some point for sure, another thing to keep in mind is that it's an ongoing show and from what I hear a long one as well, meaning it will become a permanent show in my line up once I start it. At this point I would like the Anime slot to be more of a revolving door, as one finishes I can pick the next one through a poll. I definitely should have made that clear in the post, lol made it 5am so a few things slipped my mind.


Damn eh, I completely overlooked JoJo's length, lol probably because i'm so intrigued by it, I heard about it recently and damn does is sound fascinating and well, Bizarre XD


Quick Question, are they doing a mid season Break for AoT S3 ? or will it run for 24 consecutive weeks ?

Rory Borcherding

Hey, Im. I'm just wondering have you looked at the AoT manga you got yet?


So far so good, my first day was yesterday, It was a low key day because there was only one screening (Beautiful Boy) Starting tomorrow I get into the 3 screenings a day Territory, excited for that. Its always an amazing Film Festival, definitely recommend attending it.


Pretty sure there's no breaks. But hey if anybody knows otherwise, feel free to correct me

Rory Borcherding

That's cool. You probably wont for a while. But when you do you should let us know what you think about the differences :)


We'll probably have official confirmation on that in the first or second week of october.


Oh yeh for sure, I'll totally do that, should be interesting to see how they differ.


Comments about reactors secretly reading the manga happen a decent amount but only on the same few channels every time. I used to feel the need to explain how and why it's silly to think that but I stopped replying. What happens is they go into a video with manga knowledge, listen to the reaction/discussion and filter out everything you said that was false and hone in on whatever you said that is true because it stands out to them no matter how much of a portion it took up in the video. At least those comments keep it vague as they could be referring to anything within the range of a passing comment you made on what you hope you'll see in the future or the entire video and there'd be no way of knowing. I might just delete comments like that in the future though, it just creates a thread for potential hinting.


Woooooo!!! If going by the fact that he removed Last of us recently from his list then it fill fo soure be that! CAAN'T WAIT!!


I'm surprised Code Geass isn't on the anime list, I'm sure it would have been suggested plenty of times by people. It's length is neatly in between Death Note and FMA: Brotherhood at exactly 50 episodes. Feels like Im would really like trying to work out Lelouch's thinking and whats going on behind the scenes.


Loving that u added Steins;Gate ♡




So after all that talk in the update, we still get nothing


Did you even read it? He said he will be gone for a week to attend film festival


I've read it. And I've also read that he has prerecorded some gameplays and other episodes from other shows for this specific event. That's why it took him so long to release the remaining S2 episodes to begin with!!! He was always talking about how he focussed on other stuff, recorded more than a few things but when the time comes, we only get silence...


He specifically says, in the very first paragraph, that he will hardly be home at all during the week of the Festival, the 8th to the 14th. This content that has been recorded is what he will be working on editing and getting out in the second half of September, after the Festival is over, it says that exactly. Any other interpretation of the info is incorrect.


Since you always had problems with remembering "Mr. B", you should check out this short video, it's comparing all the spelling of his name from both seasons <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSxs-vj_VYg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSxs-vj_VYg</a> Edit: It's a joke video, watch until the end


Hey, he had the pronunciation great these last reactions, this'll just confuse him!


Yep it has been suggested a lot, I looked into it (synopsis, animation style) and honestly speaking, nothing about it really interested me.


So waking up on Sat morning to see that nothing has changed yet, still no gameplay, still no Doctor Who ( Doctor who fans are waiting almost 2 months!!! But ofc AoT is so much better that he doesn't give a damn about the other content, thanks for making it that obvious). Just for the record, the excuse for it was, to catch up to AoT asap, but in the end it was all for naught, wasn't it? Because you are still 9 ep behind! He said he is going to upload AoT faster since he droped Doctor Who, but in the end the uploads haven't inceased at all. If I was here for DW, I would have gone already and wouldnt have wasted a dime.


Okay let's address this, first of all, you need to worry about yourself, you do not speak for anyone else, simple as that. Everyone else knows they can simply delete their pledge anytime if they're not happy with it, plenty of people delete pledges and plenty of them choose to stick around, it's entirely optional. why exactly do you think there is supposed to be Gameplay content posted ? I've clearly already stated that I want to finish the full game before I upload the parts, I want to guarantee the full play through and avoid spoilers that way. I'm going to go ahead and refund your last pledge and it's probably for the best if you delete your pledge if you are so unhappy with it.


First off, I am totally fine with my pledge. There is no need to refund it Trust me, I have enough money to spend 5 little dollars a month. What I am unhappy about are you promises about how fast you gonna upload stuff but in the end its all just talk. Countless times, you couldnt keep a deadline in the past. If you wouldn't have said anything, you can take even 1 year to upload one video, and I wouldn't complained...


listen man, I appreciate the support, you've been a Patron for a long time, but if you decide to stay then I need to remind you that it is a very open "take it or leave it" type set up, always has been. Yes my track record with release dates is not very good, but it's not as if I'm trying to sabotage myself, of course I want to release stuff fast like other YouTubers. I am back from the Film Festival and the second half of September will be much more active as I mentioned before leaving, in a few days a new upload cycle will begin and I hope to keep that going and build on that.


We all know


Hang in there Regulus, we'll get our content if we wait long enough :) I get your frustration, but don't forget that as a viewer, you don't get the best perspective of the situation. I would say that any time Im has given us any kind of deadline, he had every intention of keeping it. But near enough every time he's uploaded stuff, he got hit with strikes, and I'm sure it's easy to underestimate the length of time it takes to edit everything - especially when you've got that perfectionist kind of approach.


Dont you find it weird how youre the only piping in about this? Shouldnt that tell you something? P.S There are way better ways to communicate with a human being. Internet doesnt change that.


Cannot wait

Thanos D. Alexioy

Every time he gave us a deadline he also gave a warning that there are chances he wont stick to it. Strikes, work and life in general can get in the way of our plans sometimes. My suggestion is that everytime you see a deadline just get it as a best case cenario and dont expect anything. If you are not worried about the tiny amount of 5 dollars as you say, sit back watch other youtubers and drop by when he uploads a video.


Ok got it. Still can't help but get hyped every time I see that something is coming. Maybe a suprise drop out of the blue is better sometimes