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AoT2x12 - Full Length.mp4



oh boy will I have a lot to watch today! thank you :D


Thank you Im! Hope you managd to enjoy your getaway and not get stressed out by our drug addict nature xD

Muhd Zulhilmi

The way I watch FilmBUFF’s AoT videos is how Im looks at Jack Gleeson.


I like the mini game of spot the flowers that goes on in these reactions.


Me when Filmbuff understands and loves Ymir's character: amazing, talented, incredible, brilliant, showstopping, spectacular.

Sebastiano Barreca

I just wanna say, it's so awsome to have you finally caught up. Hell, I remember last summer when I got hyped about your YT upload of S1 ep 6, and now you've watched all AoT episodes so far (excluding S3 of course). To think that at that time you didn't even remember or care about Bertholdt, and I remember you saying "Yeah I don't remember his name" and I was like: "Oh yeah just remember him with this name, Colossal Titan" lol. I appreciate all your work, (I also use your discussions to improve my english and I really enjoy all your videos) so can't wait for the discussions for the rest of S2 and S3 :D

Muhd Zulhilmi

Woah Im do you have photographic memory or something ? How could you remember a split second scene from Eren's dream from EPISODE ONE ? Come to think of it, you remembered Annie's speech and also that Ymir's devotee. I'm on to you, Im xD Anyway this episode was a finale in every sense of the word. I remembered when Hannes got eaten, my chest was heavy man. My mind was numb, everything went quiet. Then Eren's breakdown. Have to give credits to the voice actor man. I felt his pain there. And when he said "You're still as useless as ever" That hit home and I shed my first tear in a long time hearing his raw and desperate cry. 11/10. Great reactions Im. Looking forward for your discussion and S3 reactions

Sebastiano Barreca

It's actually amazing that it has been done before the voice acting for that scene, and than later the animation, just to be as loyal as possible with the acting. Just brillant


I'd like to know your top 10 characters before season 3.


It’s so nice to see a reactor that was like me and super pumped when Ymir saved Reiner and Bertholdt. I hate it when people say stuff like “I wish they had died” like they’re just the incarnations of pure evil and I just get so confused and wonder if they’re watching the same show. The warrior trio have such interesting build up for their potential character arcs idk how someone could not be excited to see them in the future.


People that are highly loyal to the main cast. Personally I just felt what the main protagonist felt. Like in real life, that's how I would be. Like you're the enemy, you gotta die. It sucks, it's sad, and you wish things were different, but the enemy's gotta die. When you're caught up in the moment that's how you feel. But obviously once you come-to objectively you realize that actually, no, you prefer it the way it is because it's more interesting.


There is a bunch of full length episode not working :/


Hello, just checked, all of therm are up. does it say "Playback limite reached" when you try to watch ?