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Hey everyone, unfortunately it has been a busy time at work recently, I have been squeezing in editing throughout the week. Finally close enough to say the new vids will be up on Sunday at some point :) thank you for being so patient, hopefully the vids will be worth the wait.

After the Sunday vids, I have a couple of updates about the Patreon page.



Thanks! for the update man really means a lot :)




Looking forward to it :)


Thanks, the wait is always worth it 😊

adam john peters

Sweet can't wait for attack on titan speaking of witch I don't know if your knew but attack on titan season 3 is premiering in American theaters I'm not sure if it is in Canada though if it is you should try to get tickets just thought I would let you know


Kinda difficult to record a reaction inside a theater...

adam john peters

Well he could do a review you can't miss out on experience like that it would only be one episode


I'm pretty sure it will be a recap movie telling the parts of season 1 & 2 along with the first episode of season 3 I rather he just wait for officials release of first episode of season 3 july 22nd

adam john peters

I got my tickets and if they are correct it's just a recap of season 2 movie and the first episode of season 3 and I agree wanting to see his reaction but man seeing attack on titan in theaters is just way to cool. He probably can't even go in Canada


Indeed I did hear about that, my friend was telling me about it the other day. That's actually quite exciting, to have the Sub Version premiere at a Theatre, and Its playing at my local spot as well. Originally I thought it would be in theatre at the same time as the actual Air date, so I was planning on watching it normally at home, doing the reaction vid, and then watch it the theatre right after. Then my friend told me the World premiere at the theatre is actually around 10 days before the the normal air date, so unfortunately I'll have to skip the Theatre screening, because a Reaction video to the first episode has the potential to be massive for the channel and growth, it is not something I can pass up on.

adam john peters

Darn that's to bad your gonna miss it I will make sure to wright back and let you know how it was also on a positive note i heard season 3 is gonna be 24 episodes definitely gonna be a a crazy season. Glad your enjoying the ride so far man keep up the great work

Rory Borcherding

Thanks for the update! Can't wait. I hope your announcements afterwards aren't bad news or anything :/


Probably concerns charge up front changes to Patreon so people can't vanish before the 1st of the month without paying if I had to guess.


Good shit.


You read it here folks, Im still plans on being done with season 2 before July 22nd, set sail to hype island.


'delighted squealing' I mean, uh, that's fantastic!


As a manga reader and a guy who knows almost everything about the manga, I need to inform you about some stuff in order to guide you into the right direction. I will also include some own speculation and predictions baded on the latest chapters. So in episode... Naaah just trolling while you are all waiting xd

React 4 You

I need the new vids!!!


My body is ready


As if I'm sat here at 1am still waiting despite the fact it's now Monday LMAO


hey im have u been watching e3? Scratch that ik you've been busy editing. But next year if u have a chance you should record that shit ;)


I saw him like some E3 tweets on my Twitter feed so I'm sure he's been keeping up.


I saw the Microsoft and Bethesda ones today, excited for Elder Scrolls 6. Jump Force is interesting, wondering how big the cast will be.


Me too. Really hope Dekus there! Super excited for Cyberpunk


Im just gonna drown myself in chocolate milk and rewatch the first 5 seasons of Supernatural as I wait for this. Its slightly less sad than refreshing xD