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Hey everyone, woke up to another message letting me know that some comments are starting to get a bit spoilery now. I've become a bit hesitant in terms of reading the comments now, which sucks because I was hoping spoilers were not going to be a problem on the Patreon page. It is a bit problematic if I am not able to read Patron comments out of fear of being spoiled by something and Patreon does not have the possibility of mods.  

Once again I request that you please refrain from posting anything which would hint at something from upcoming episodes, which includes confirming or debunking stuff. Personally I consider small hints and any sort of guiding a spoiler as well, I know none of you are trying to spoil anything on purpose and I know it might feel like subtle hints might not be a spoiler but believe me I will connect the dots if I'm given something. I'm bound to get some things right and I'm bound to get some things wrong, that's all part of the first time viewing experience.



Weird, I read the comments on the last 4 or so videos and I failed to see the people who spoiled something. Did the comments get removed?


Mods can delete YouTube comments, not Patreon comments.


I'm sorry to hear this, so to accept it as a follower, I suggest you close the comments until you finish watching all the episodes


I'm glad you posted this. I don't understand why it's so hard for people to simply not comment things that can spoil the show for others. It's honestly not that hard but for some reason there are people who just seem compelled to do so. It's so frustrating and annoying. Cmon people. I could see this kind of stuff being an issue in the YouTube comment section but let's not bring it into the patreon comments. Please.


You should get a moderator to delete them for you


Really people? You even support him with money to see his sincere reaction, then spoil him? What kind of own goal is that.


I didnt see any spoils in your previous posts as well. Maybe a false alarm. I mean, any psychorigid person can come to you and tell there are spoils watch out while it is not the case. The most reliable person it is still you. So I suggest you, by respect to your followers, to keep reading and answering their comments if you can. However, I propose to slightly open your eyes when reading and read slowly. And if you feel it might be spoil to you, then skip it. I know it might sounds funny but it works. Someone who pays to come spoil is retard


Unfortunately Patreon does not have assigned Moderator functionality


Personally I consider small hints and any sort of guiding a spoiler as well, I am that way with any show I watch, that's just my preference.


Yeah it's a bit of a shame when people get into debates on when to watch the OVAs for example and it just spirals out of control and people are trying to talk around spoilers and it just ends up being a whole thing. Honestly at the end of the day you should just ask your moderators for any type of advice for the shows you watch. It's really a shame that Patreon doesn't have mod functionality, it would solve a lot of unnecessary drama.


In a previous comment I kind of elimnated one of your theory regarding Female titan. According to your expectations, my comment was thus out of specifications. My aim was more to give an example of a "non rational" theory you came up with than spoiling, in order to make you sensitive to keep thinking on rational possibilities as much as possible and as you brillantly did so far. I apologize for that


This stuff's bound to happen as any channel gets bigger, more voices pile in and the probability of a rotten tomato showing up gets higher even if unintentional. Safest way is probably getting any sort of feedback from mods and YouTube comments only at this point, just any form of filter. Spoilers in AoT show up as much as GoT (though no one's been malicious in this channel so far).


Guys, there is only one way around this and that way is by keeping our fellow patrons in check by callng them out. Since everyone here is paying, im sure its accidental or by excitement. So when you see someone sortve hint at something, reply to them and tell them to either delete or edit it. Its the only way, since there are no mods and stuff...We all may be guilty of this, hell I think I mightve said something spoily when talking about OVA orders. Just be more mindful folks if you want him to keep being able to read comments.


Every time you comment you say some cool shit, I like you.


Sadly with season 3 out soon and the manga being so far along... its impossible to not get spoiled if you read comment sections. Its ten fold for a show like AoT that keep most of its secrets so far along in the story. Id advise not to read comment sections for AoT sadly most of your patreons will understand and probably hope you do not get spoiled.


by December/January, the anime will catch up a great deal... the problem is avoiding the spoilers till then, I read the manga and believe me the trolls will want nothing but to spoil anyone (considering s03 has some great reveals), I hope Im gets a MOD or a friend to patrol Patreon.


That is not cool!!

Sebastiano Barreca

We all already agreed that it is not spoiler for Season 2, and Im already planned to watch it. So take it easy man


Just wanted to leave a comment that you do the best reactions on youtube, seriously


Just wanted to say i am really looking forward to any kind of updates!? :p


Hey man, ended up being bit of a busy week, I have one more vid left to edit, the new vids should be up on Saturday 👌🏼


if not today definitely tomorrow, if not tomorrow definitively after tomorrow

Rory Borcherding

"Okay this is the last time I'm refreshing, I need to sleep" .....30 minutes later...."ok...one more time, but this is the last time"


I can feel the internal crying in your "LOL"!! lol.