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Hey guys, so looks like YouTube is kicking my ass again, Just got the block from Black Mirror “nosedive” lifted after putting in a dispute....then they go ahead and block “playtest” disputing that one now

Very Surprisingly I’ve had my first two AoT blocked videos as well (thankfully no strikes) they decided to block Ep 18 and 21 😩 so I’m going to re-edit those two and try again with the uploads, I’m going to try lowering the show volume for those two episodes. Sigh the super frustrating side of YouTube vids, blocks and copyright claims

So for now I’m going to go ahead and post the Doctor Who early access (no blocks on that one) and 18-22 full length AoT videos so you guys have something while I get this sorted, about to watch a massive soccer game for my team, I’ll make the posts right after it ends



That's sad to hear, having to redo the editing, hope it all goes well

Mikkel Jensen

Just take the time you need man... We all know how much time and effort you put into every single one of your reactions, and we are all so thankful to be able to watch your vids! Let’s just focus on The Reds winning today’s match and earning their spot in the finale👊


And yeah LFC take our energy. Hope they don't get the same treatment as FCB :(


I can already feel the surge of tweets coming from u😂😂. Especially for this match. don't worry about the videos right now! enjoy the match!!.

Sebastiano Barreca

No need to worry man, take your time and now just enjoy the match!


That 1st goal by Roma was so unfortunate holy shit.

Joe Mags

Sorry you have so much extra work man. Good luck with the other vids


How Long do you think until the early access videos will be up?


I'm sure he'll get back to you after he's done drinking the tears of his football fan opposition on Twitter, a must do ritual for anyone looking for instant satisfying entertainment after your team wins.


For AoT make sure to lower the volume during the music scenes (specially when people aren't talking) and you should be fine


Music is usually a problem in AoT. Just make sure to lower the volume!


Hey man, do you have a moderator for Youtube? On the latest AoT vid there are so many douchebags spoiling and hinting stuff in the comments, holy shit!


AAAAAHHH I'm a $3 Patreon, but I can't see the AoT videos for some reason :(


When you pledge you have the option of choosing rewards, make sure you actually chose the reward corresponding with 3$ and didn't just choose the 3$ pledge with no reward. Check your pledge settings in the top right.


I was sleeping, removed them now. Anything lightly spoiling 18-22 in the YouTube video about 17 is fine since he watched those episodes already.