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Hey Everyone, What's the better option ? Which translation feels more authentic (Not there yet but would like to get your thoughts) 

Is there any difference in the Animation quality, re-done for the blu-ray ?


adam john peters

Are you close to finishing season 1 ?


Speaking of season 2, I don't know if anyone has told you yet but I'd really avoid watching the season 2 opening. Or reading the first episodes title.


As long as its 1080p the better subs with HS are worth it


There's three animation fixes in the blu ray off the top of my head but they're pretty negligible.


Yep Very close, had a full day YouTube recording session for all the different shows I do, had the chance to Watch 18-22 today!

adam john peters

Those are some great episode definitely had some jaw dropping moment hope you had a killer time watching them man. More crazy things in the coming episodes keep up the great work


Blu-Ray fixes a few animation fuck ups but not that many. There's a notable one but it lasts for half a second and you'd probably miss it anyway. I just downloaded and skimmed through a few of the HorribleSubs episodes and the subs are really good, so take what you want out of that. Also, I vouch for what Wicker said, skipping the first episodes title if possible and the opening (me or someone else can let you know when you can watch it, saying when now defeats the purpose) is best. The ending's very different than what you're used to but you can watch it and tell people what you think.


Yeah I'd stick with HS they're really good. The fixes in the Blu-ray are nice, but are not as necessary as in episode 13 for example. Also I'm sure you've been told this before, but there's a post credit scene after episode 25. So make sure you watch that!


Hey Im, since you're pretty close to finishing season 1, just a heads-up. There's a post-credits scene in the last episode of season 1, you don't want to miss it. And also consider watching Illse's Notebook OVA before season 2. That particular OVA ties into the plot of season 2 and is referenced in it early on, so I think it's much better to watch it before S02.


I like the fixes in the blu Ray if I'm honest


Don't know if it was mentioned but ep 25 has a small aftercredit scene


Before starting to watch S2 it would be cool and informative to watch the OVAs. Squidlords comment is spot on, listen to him :) also, Levi has an epic OVA that is for sure worth watching. Also, S2 opening song has no spoiler so no worry there. I would recommend to either watch a translated version (this one is brilliant: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro5orRsIMS0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro5orRsIMS0</a> ) or read the english lyrics if it isnt translated on the episode itself, because the lyrics makes the song AMAZING! P.S The outro MUST NOT BE MISSED!! You have to watch the outro for S2 episodes.


^ The season 2 opening does have spoilers to the show though, you're wrong. It shows a character that hasn't been introduced and a plot point that will happen during the season. If you then expect an event to happen in a season you morph your expectations based on how many episodes are left, where the plot is while you're watching, etc. He should watch it a little later on.


No one got spoiled by the intro for the season. Events happen in intros for AoT that doesnt happen in the show at all, no one can tell what will and not happen. The show runners intended people to watch the opening and everybody did and everyone loved it. Nothing gets SPOILED by it, in fact the intro made at least me more pumped for the season.


It doesn't matter how you felt or if you assume others weren't spoiled. Objectively, the images in the opening has a couple of spoilers to the season, that's a fact. If you wanna argue it's minor and some of it is veiled in a way you can't tell if it's all real or not, that's fair and I agree. I don't think it's that big a deal if he watches it. But in a perfect world where he watches these episodes 100% unspoiled he doesn't check the opening until a little later on, that's all I'm saying. It's the same reason people ask to not look at the Greed Island arc intro of Hunter x Hunter until episode 69, it gave away "sides". In that instance the show runners intended people to watch the opening, that doesn't mean anyone even slightly paying attention wouldn't be able to tell who the different antagonists would be by the end of the arc. It's the same scenario here, just milder. Ultimately, he'll choose whatever he wants and will have watched the opening before the earth explodes in 5 billion years so it doesn't really matter.


Not true 51TGM71, it does contain certain spoilers, though obviously I can't list them here. The show runners intending people to watch it doesn't mean much, there was no such opening in the manga obviously, which is the original way the story was intended to be viewed.


Super hype! Also if you've seen up to episode 22 I believe you are safe to watch the OVA's whenever you feel like it.


You can watch the opening after the first episode. Also good news for when youre all finished with the OVA and seasons, the season 3 trailer just went up today! Hype hype!


Showing something from the season isnt itself a spoiler, it ahve to be a major thing that spoils the story. Go back and rewatch the intros for season 1 and you will see some sick shit that doesnt happen in the show and some things that do happen. Non of it spoiled the story or the experience. In this case I know what you are talking about and you are making waaaaaay too much of a big deal over it. Chill. Let the dude just watch it.


Well, pretty much what the others said. There's really not a whole lot of difference between the two in terms of animation, so I say go with HorribleSubs, if only for their name.


Yeah, but Im has said before that he prefers to avoid even the very minor spoilers. And he'll be editing it out anyway, so might as well skip it until he gets a bit further into the season.


I'm chill, it just looks like I'm making a big deal about it because of all the replies back and forth that's been going on. Anyway, "showing something from the season isnt itself a spoiler, it have to be a major thing that spoils the story" doesn't make sense. It doesn't have to be major to spoil the story in any way. There are different levels of spoilers. The fact is if you go Opening --&gt; Episode 1 your reaction will be different/lessened on a specific part than doing Episode 1 ---&gt; Opening -----&gt; Episode X. I understand your point about how some things in intros happen and some things don't happen all the time, but when you see that element in this one you 100% know it's real (can't get specific but you know what I'm saying). It's not like I recommended him to travel to China and walk along the Great Wall before doing 2500 pushups, fly back to Canada and then skip the intro. It's a couple of mouse clicks.


here man: <a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=18GpZpdzIb_a82p_-RlBnx6ti1_AZMTqi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/open?id=18GpZpdzIb_a82p_-RlBnx6ti1_AZMTqi</a> these are just the subs ("HorribleSubs") now you can use them with the bluray version and have best of both sides. there is no sync problem with the bluray. tested it myself. I hope you see this comment.


have you watched season 3 trailer my god!!!! today is the best day of my life!!!!!!!. First got to watch Infinity War then on top of that this. and then again on top of that its 24 episodes.


Yeah I have, I've been living on Twitter/Reddit/YouTube comments and reactions to it for several hours now with my trusted coffee mug.


No.. showing something from the season itself is a spoiler.


dude go with the blu ray theres a couple scenes that needed fixing in season 2 and they fixed it on the blu ray version plus the animation quality is better


plus watch the OVA's either before you watch season 2 or after you finish season 2


Thank you!!! Also in last episode there is a huge text that tells a story during the pause. Would be pretty cool if you can read it and react to it. Not a lot of people get to notice it which is sad


Yes! I'd love to see what Im thinks about that story, it's really interesting.


The only OVAs that should be watched after S02 are Lost Girls OVAs, since they contain S02 spoilers.


Youre right I hope not. Most people dont read it 😑.... but its actually really intriguing. Looking forward to his reaction on it


They can be watched AFTER season 2, there's no problem with that.


My dude! Just today was dropped the season 3 trailer and the hype is REAL! I'm glad you're reaching it!


^ These past 36 hours have been incredible as an AoT fan. Hundreds of YouTubers who reacted to season 1/2 came back after a year break to react to the season 3 trailer, we got the news chapter 105 of the manga is finished and we'll get leaks of it probably monday, we got news season 3 would be 24 episodes when the majority had their hopes lowered thinking it would be 12 like season 2 was. Finally you got Filmbuff who I can firmly state is the best reactor this show's ever had up until now (which is saying a lot considering the heavy competition in the field and that I've seen so many of them I can't count) releasing a bunch of reactions soon. It's been very fun.


I was on the AoT subreddit and they mentioned the SOS bros as the best reactors and then alot of people started mentioning Filmbuff. .....Proud to be a day 1'er. Im is great.


Thank you so much for all the fantastic input and tips my friends!! I really appreciate it. I apologize for the inactivity in the comments, just been working away on the next batch of vids, but I see and read every single comment, thank you again everyone!


Hell yeh! exciting times for Shingeki fans eh!! I'm excited to be caught up and watch S3 with all of you! and thanks so much man! that's high praise indeed!


Film Buff just a heads up that season 3 of attack on titan will premiere July 22nd


I was blessed with watching Infinity War today. Will IM bless me as well?


Nice! i'm about to go watch it as well! successfully avoided spoilers all weekend. back to editing once I get back,


Awesome! Tell me what you think unless you decide to do a vid on it please!


Lived up to all the hype 😵👌🏼🙌🏼 They pulled it off, the scale of this movie was absolutely immense. They effectively worked in this Massive roster without it feeling like a cluster fuck and let them all have their moment as well, it’s baffling really, most impressive. Thanos....wow, did not think I would walk out so impressed, fantastic character.