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Alright guys I have to take action now, I've noticed a few of you keep pulling the Hit & Run. pledge to watch the early access stuff and then delete the pledge. That is not fair or respectful to my longtime Patrons at all, they've stuck with me all this time while a few of you keep pulling the same thing. lol its right in the open, I see you, I will be blocking from now on.


Vax Merstappen

LOL it's your fault... Your content is too good. The youtube boys have no other option :)


Cant believe people are this cheap

adam john peters

Good for u man there deserve to be blocked

This is Fine

Wow that's really crummy of people to do that. Especially since the content you create is not only of high caliber but so affordable. Speaking as someone who is a college student and is on a extremely strict budget it doesn't make any sense that these people really can't commit to a three dollar donation each month. Which is less than a Starbucks drink or breakfast sandwiches.


Welp, I just got here and Im here to stay :D

Nick R

Honestly, I don't think this is reasonable. These people are paying customers. They can do with their funds as they see fit. We don't know their circumstances. They get to decide if they want to pay $5 of their own money for three videos but not a continuous sub. If I went to a store but they wouldn't serve me unless I agreed to become a lifetime member of that store, I'd go elsewhere. You can't strong arm people in to being longtime subs.


No they are not paying customers my friend, you misunderstood what I was saying, the ones i'm talking about pull this every time early access stuff goes up, same few every time. I see the pledge go up every time and then deleted within 25-30 mins, lol basically after watching it. Patreon charges Patrons at the end of the month if the pledge is still active, so these pledge and delete hit and runs don't count, the system is a bit flawed and allows for this unfortunately.


Oh thank you so much! so incredibly sweet of you to say, I really appreciate it!


I totally recognize you from the comments! you've been around a long time, welcome and thank you for becoming a Patron


I would never do that to u everyone needs his pay! and im a just man and i really enjoy your content :)


This channels too awesome to not be paying three measley dollars

Joe Mags

Sucks that people do that man. Is there a way to set up your page so that the charge is immediate and permanent upon deciding to be a Patreon? I wanna say there was a different creator I supported a while back that had it set up in such a way... can't remember. Anyways, stay frosty bro. Keep up the great work.


Joe my Dude! how's it going man?! I looked into the possibility of an immediate charge, apparently they have something like this but its in Beta at the moment. Its possible that creator had it set up to charge Patrons per creation


Sigh! Unfortunately there are always some idiots out there who want to game the system! I mean for God's sake we are basically talking the cost of a coffee once per month! Anyway keep up the good work. Some of us know how to hang in there and appreciate your content.


Hey man I'm sorry this might apply to me but I had some issues with my card after I pleaded and will be adding my new card info as soon as possible just been going through a lot of stuff recently. I just don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of your amazing content

Joe Mags

Doing alright here man. Understandable though with the charge thing. Hope it turns out better for ya

Shawn Lester

I'm pretty sure my pledge went through. It's ridiculous that Patreon even lets that happen.