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Hello! hope everyone had a fantastic weekend, just got back home myself, it was a long weekend here in Canada and I was away for a family gathering in another City. Happy to be back home and excited to jump right back into the vids, super motivated and want to make the most of this chance I have to keep doing vids for a few weeks! really want to make April my most active month in a long time, really want to make up for March. Once again please feel free to request refunds on pledges, I know March was not the most active month, Blocked videos really slowed down the process. It is your money and if you need it back, i'll refund in an instant, shoot me a private message :) 



Super excited for AoT this month !!


You have me all hyped now expecting 3+ videos a week with "really want to make April my most active month in a long time", I've been hurt before though so I'll simmer down expectations :P


lol yep always best to simmer down expectations when it involves FILMBuFF XD but the goal is most definitely to pump out as many as possible! still doing the batch uploads so there's something for all the different subs at the same. question for you, is there a definitive pick for the best subs for AoT ? with One Piece it was some of the fan sub groups which were the best (Yibis, Kaizoku) even more so than official funimation subs. are the Blu-ray subs the most accurate for AoT ?

Mikkel Jensen

When it comes to AoT I would say that the blu-ray subs are the best and most accurate

Sebastiano Barreca

The subs you're using for AoT right now are quite great, I suggest you to keep using this subs. Also because you're with the Blue-ray version. Super excited for the new eps :D


Just stick with the subs that you're currently rolling with. If there's any major translation errors, I'm sure we'll point it out to you!


Yes!! I'm excited to watch your vids!