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Hello my friends! I have some fantastic news, I have some time off and I want to take this opportunity to make a return to YouTube for a few weeks!! I have missed this so much, super excited to come back for a bit

So while this is a limited return, I would like to do this in a very structured manner, lol ironically more so than when i was super active. I am in the process of Recording videos for all the shows I was doing on my channel, I want to have a lot of videos in the bank before i start releasing them (I will start to upload in about a weeks time)

Limited Return Plans

- Black Mirror Season 3

- Finish Doctor Who Season 1

- Continue Attack on Titan (the goal is to do as many episodes as possible, possibly even finish season 1, lets see how it goes)

- Vikings 4B reactions (I feel that 4x11 to 4x15 would be a solid run to upload alongside 4x20 and 5x10) i continued to watch Vikings after i left but i did record reactions, unfortunately due to time constraints I was only able to record reactions, no pre or post episode discussions. I did give some quick thoughts for some of the episodes.  I was not able to record reactions for Season 5 (except the finale, was able to record that) 

I have updated the Tiers and rewards so please have a look and see what you like :D I want to have enough videos recorded so i can provide early access to upcoming episodes to all 4 shows and full episode Reactions for AoT. Please remember It is all optional and totally your call if you would like to partake and check out the videos much earlier than the YT release or just wait for them as they come out over the span of February and into March 

Once again I am always open to refund a pledge if the chosen tier did not deliver as promised.

Alright my friends! Super excited to be back for a bit and have a blast with you guys, in the process of recording and building up a library so I can have enough vids for you over the next month. 

New Vids start dropping in about a weeks time :D



AWESOME! I really missed your attack on titan reactions. Do you think you'll have time to re-watch the episodes you've already seen quickly? It's been a while, so I'm afraid you'll have forgotten some things.


Great news, man. Can't wait to see what you think of Doctor Who going forward.


You just made my day. Seriously this makes me sooooo happy. Missed you! Oh..and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! ♥♥♥ Hope you have a great day!!

Shawn Lester

YES!!! Welcome back, man! Even it it is for a limited time, hopefully someday it can be more permanent. I look forward to your Doctor Who reactions!

Joe Mags

Welcome back man. Looking forward to some reactions.


You know that mini heart attack you get when you miss a step on the stairs. Thats what happened to me when I saw this!!! Welcome back man!


Looking forward to some new Doctor Who content - you are one of the best DW reactors out there and I've missed your reactions and analysis.


Yes!! Welcome back, I'm so excited to be able to see you again!


Hey man, glad to see you back even if it's just for a while. Really looking forward to Black Mirror and AoT :)

adam john peters

hey glad to see your back sounds like you got alot of reactions on your hand if you ever need any help editing a few videos i would be glad to help even though you probably wont even read this either way so glad to have you back i am super exited for attack on titan reaction sub for life


Glad to see you! Even if it is for a few weeks :)


Woohoo! It's nice to see you still have the passion to make videos after being gone for so long!