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Hello everyone!! i would like to thank everyone for all the support and kindness! my YouTube videos have really slowed down due to some changes in my life. I had to go back to a full time marketing job again for the time being out of necessity, unfortunately chasing the film making dream just was not paying the bills and rent at the moment. This has been the reason i have not been able to record and edit Monday to Friday, and a lot of times i need to bring work home on the weekends as well. I absolutely love making YouTube vids and will continue to do so! they have slowed down a lot but i will keep it going! 

Once again i would like to offer Refunds to anyone that would like their pledge refunded, i know my content has slowed down a lot so i want to make sure that i make this refund option available. Please feel free to send me a message and i'll refund any pledge right away, i still haven't withdrawn the pledges from last month either so i can refund last month's pledges as well, once again thank you so much for your continued support my friends.



That moment when you start skimming through the text because you've already heard it a hundred times😅 No matter how you put it Im, my pledge will never go away!😊


Christian my dude! lol yeh i probably sound like a broken record at this point, thank so much for all the support man!


no refund needed, take your time!! editing videos already takes enough time (which is why i slowed down on the video posting as well) so when you have a busy life too...yikes


keep at it, Im - I'm sure things will sort themselves out before long - you've still got my money

Jimmy Jones

Canceling my pledge as I had hoped for slightly more Doctor Who content. Remember money isn't everything. Do what you enjoy. You will always be able to adjust your life to your income. Keep my previous pledges.


I'm always staying Im. I just wanna support you whether you 're able to upload reactions at the moment or not :) so ...you're stuck with me haha :D But I can understand the frustration you must probably have. :( You think the schedule is gonna change anytime soon or is it going to stay like this?


No refunds needed. Just want to support you all the way!


I have regarded you as personal friend from the past social media outlets, so no I will not remove myself out of my first patreon lol!! :) I'm also just like you juggling work and my newborn who's just arrived a month ago! In all honesty it's good to keep yourself up to date with your patreons here whatever their reasons of supporting you. In my case, like I have said way earlier, you are a very focused individual with very good assessment of your shows. Shows aside, when everything on my end improves, you will see more of me again.. so keep the faith mate! ^5


Your refund is no good here! Get out of here and keep my money! 😉 I get it dude, your being honest, authentic and just showing transparency in your motives. But I think most will be find just canceling if they are pulling support. I would suggest they would stick it out till the end of the current month and cancel right before the next charge though.


This is the first patreon im supporting. I wont be leaving it just because you have some difficulties. Only a douche boss would do that. (I had some, I know that). But I dont think you have to be worried about any of your supporters, we'll be there to help you out ! Much more that I would be expecting for myself lmao !


Hey! Oh nice! Send me a link to your channel, I would love to check it out


FairPlay mate, I totally understand. Been having problems with my most recent Doctor Who, BBC manually blocked it twice.


Nina!! ❤️🤗 Thank you so much for all the support, you've been around since the beginning and I appreciate it so much, ahaha getting stuck with you is fine by me 😄🤘🏻 Yeh it's incredible frustrating, I enjoy YouTube so much and there are soo many different ids I would like to do but it's just not possible at the moment. After these next few weeks I should be able to return to recording and editing on the weekends, busy time at work right now.


Hello Matthieu! Oh man that so cool, I really appreciate it dude, thanks for becoming a Patron!! Thanks man, I'm very lucky to have supporters like yourself!


Hey Martin!! Dude you've been a Patron for a while! Thanks so much for your continued support!


hey man! ahah thanks dude. yeh i simply have to be transparent, i am in no position to promise things at the moment.


omg hey!!! how are you! we haven't talked in while! i'm so touched to hear that, right back at you! so happy we became friends through social media! omg congrats on the baby, that's brilliant. Yep i really want to make sure i remain transparent and let everyone know what is possible at the moment and what is not. People are so incredibly nice, i know people choose to stay on as Patrons despite my super slow schedule but i do feel so guilty because money is involved.